Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1823: Full of Materials

Su Yun felt that her heart was in sharp pain again, her throat was sweet, and she had difficulty breathing.

Jade Demon Crystal Gold is an ore that can greatly increase the power of spiritual power. It is most suitable for refining long-range attack weapons.

A ring made of jade magic crystal gold can trigger a sword energy equivalent to 80% of the owner's power, and release it to a distance of thousands of feet!

This kind of top-quality ore has always been a super weapon for monks to travel around the world and fight alone.

If you encounter ruins exploration, enemy pursuit, murder and treasure hunting, having such a magic weapon in your possession is almost the best foundation for a final comeback. This is a treasure that countless monks will fight for to get their scalps!

But now, such a treasure was once again devoured by the strange bird like chewing jelly beans. In Su Yun's view, such a scene was tantamount to a huge disaster like the end of the world.

Dead birds, how many can you eat? Why aren't you full yet? !

Su Yun gritted her teeth, but the strange silver bird turned a blind eye to her.

This guy was devouring the ore very quickly, one piece after another without taking a breath or stopping.

Is it really a bird?

After about a cup of tea, the pile of jade magic crystal gold was also eaten by the strange bird.

Several feet of green light shot out from the strange bird's eyes again, scanning the surroundings thiefly.

This terrifying ore destroyer is looking for its next target again!

"Don't eat the spirit-hungry magic steel. Don't eat the spirit-hungry magic steel... There are so many alien golds here, so don't set your sights on the spirit-hungry magic steel..."

At this moment, the heroic girl prayed crazily in her heart.

Never before had Su Yun been so devout to the gods and Buddhas in the sky.

I just hope that the strange bird's eyesight is not too good, I just hope that the strange bird does not pick the most precious and rare ore...

Green eyes scanned the surrounding area, and the silver strange bird flapped its wings and landed on a large pile of ore that was as black as ink and exuded a deep, dark light.

Su Yun's eyes suddenly darkened, as if she had been hit hard on the face by a giant hammer weighing ten thousand pounds, and her whole body felt dizzy. His chest felt tight, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

You might as well eat me!

With this thought in mind, the girl fainted.

Chu Chen felt that this girl was just angry and had a temporary lack of energy and blood, but had no other problems, and he immediately felt relieved.

This girl is good at everything, but she is too serious, and she will suffer in the future.

Chu Chen sighed and climbed onto the prey.

He concentrated on eating the pile of soul-loving magic steel into his stomach.

After eating, the girl was still unconscious, so Chu Chen thought it was good to prevent her from being stimulated again.

While thinking about it, Chu Chen glanced around again, but he was a little disappointed.

Although the ores in this treasure house are precious, after swallowing several piles of ores, the tendons, bones, skin, and membranes will all receive corresponding strengthening energy.

But there are more than just these parts of my body!

Is this really the only help this treasure house can provide?

After Chu Chen's mourning hall scanned the treasure house several times, what did it suddenly see?

Its spiritual consciousness finally locked firmly on the exit of the treasure house.

Two huge iron doors that are ten feet high, eight feet wide, and more than three feet thick.

At this time, the servants of the Su family who were guarding the door were ordered to stand far away. They did not know the situation inside the warehouse, but they couldn't help but shudder at this moment.

In fact, by secular standards, this gate is basically equivalent to a section of city wall.

Chu Chen couldn't figure out why such a huge steel door was installed in such a treasure house, but at this time, this giant steel door gave him an unprecedented instinctive impulse.

Hungry again!

It was a strong urge to eat, and this strong attraction was even stronger than rare metals such as the soul-loving magic steel.

What the hell kind of material is this?

Chu Chen fluttered his wings and flew to the giant door and looked around, knocking and pecking but couldn't sense anything special.

This piece of steel gate is no different from ordinary refined steel in terms of hardness, compatibility with spiritual power, and performance in all aspects, etc.?

The only difference is that this piece of steel is covered with fine dark golden fish scale-like lines.

In all of Chu Chen's memories, not even the knowledge gained from the bloodline inheritance in the golden-winged roc cub, there is no record of this kind of dark golden fish scale pattern steel.

Yet there is a fatal attraction to it.


There seemed to be a voice in his mind reminding him that he must eat these two pieces of steel, otherwise, it would be difficult to find such an opportunity again...


With a crisp sound, Chu Chen bit off a piece of steel and swallowed it without hesitation.

The hard steel is as vulnerable as tofu under his indestructible beak.

The servants of the Su family who were watching from a distance were dumbfounded. What was this bird doing?

Are you stupid or crazy, eating the gate! ?

They were shocked, but they didn't dare to make any move. After all, this was a mythical beast invited back by the Su family, and since Miss Yun didn't speak, how could they have the courage to say anything.

Chu Chen is full of doubts?

I didn't feel anything. After taking a bite, I still felt nothing. If I continued to take a bite, it was like drinking cold water. There was no rapid evolution of the physique, and I didn't realize anything.




Am I feeling wrong?

This is just an ordinary piece of steel. It just happened to have a little pattern left during the forging process. It doesn't have any special significance?

Chu Chen hesitated in his heart. Just when he was about to give up chewing the door, the change began.

When the swallowed steel in his body began to be digested, a strange heat suddenly emerged and slowly infiltrated into his organs, flesh and blood, tendons, membranes, and bones.

what's the situation?

Being soaked by this heat, Chu Chen clearly felt that every inch of flesh and blood in his body seemed to be nourished.

This kind of nourishment is not sudden and sudden, but slow and deep-seated, almost starting from the most basic life factors and even the essence of the foundation of life.

In other words, what this heat flow nourishes is the evolutionary potential of his Silver Roc body, which can increase the limit threshold of its future evolution!

Any living organism has a limit realm of evolution, which is the ultimate potential of evolution.

The cultivation of living beings is actually to constantly break the original limit realm and reshape the new limit realm. This is the so-called "breaking and then establishing".

However, heaven and earth are fair. The stronger the bloodline of a creature, the stronger the evolutionary realm in its body is, and the more difficult it is to shake and break through.

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