Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1907 The little fairyland on the tip of the tongue

? And running at the speed of the Linghe level for more than ten hours also made these girls of the Immortal Destroying Formation a little overwhelmed.

When it was getting dark, the leader Dongyue finally gave the order to set up camp and rest for a night before leaving.

Many girls took out various tents, sleeping mats, bedding and other items from the storage space.

A talisman master specially set up defensive formations around the camp, and everything was arranged in an orderly manner.

At this time, even Chunfeng was busy with various matters related to setting up camp.

Chu Chen looked around and saw that the camp was full of girls. As a grown man, it seemed that it was not convenient for him to rush in carelessly. He simply cleared an open space on a giant tree on the edge of the camp and built the simplest one. But a place to stay.

"what you do?"

Seeing Chu Chen clearing away all the branches of the giant tree, Dongyue's eyes became extremely cold.

"From your seat, you can observe the actions of everyone in the entire camp. Are you planning to spy on us?"

"If I wanted to spy on you, I would sneak somewhere where you can't find me, instead of staying here openly."

Chu Chen said calmly, "In this place, I can see you, and you can also see me. I'm doing the sentry for you for free, just to make you feel at ease."

Dongyue was stunned for a moment, then snorted and stopped talking.

Some other girls looked at Chu Chen curiously. His position was indeed visible to everyone, and there was also a hint of protection. Although he was not strong enough, his heart was quite good. It made several girls have a good impression of this Linghe rookie.

The movements of these girls were very quick, and within half an hour, a complete camp was completely established.

Then a group of girls set up the stove, took out some spiritual rice from the storage artifact to make porridge, took out some crystal clear spiritual fruit elixir, and started to cook dinner.

Chu Chen looked around and sighed involuntarily.

There were a dozen girls, and all they ate were spiritual porridge and spiritual fruits. Although this stuff smells delicious, it seems too bland if you eat too much.

After running around for a day, even a monk is tired and hungry. How about some porridge and some fruit?

Chu Chen sighed, looked around, and then jumped into the forest, looking for the sound of the stream, and came to a stream not too far away.

Without spending too much time, Chu Chen caught a dozen fat stinging dace in a blink of an eye.

This stinging dace fish has a venomous stinger on its forehead and is extremely poisonous.

However, if its poisonous sting and poisonous naan are cleaned up, it will be a rare delicacy unparalleled in the world.

He cleaned all the dozen or so stinging dace fish by the river, then returned to the giant tree, set up a bonfire, took out some fine salt, pepper and other seasonings, and Chu Chen started to barbecue enthusiastically.

BBQ in the tree!

The meat of stinging dace is tender and fragrant. In the outside world, it is generally only half a foot long.

But the poisonous stinging dace in this little fairy world actually grow to more than two feet long.

As Chu Chen slowly turned the fish, layers of fine oil oozed from the roasted brown fish meat, and when burned by the flames, an amazing fragrance suddenly emitted.

In just a moment, the smell of grilled fish spread throughout the camp.

Almost all the girls who were drinking porridge and eating fruits involuntarily raised their heads and looked at Chu Chen on the giant tree.

"Why does the fish grilled on this tree taste so delicious?"

"Yes, it smells really good. Is there anything in it?"

"This fish has been living in the fairy world for who knows how many years. No one has caught it, and there are few natural enemies, so every one of them is very delicious. You can tell how fat these fish are by smelling the smell."

"I really want to eat it. Speaking of which, how long has it been since we last eaten meat? Two months? Three months? The last time we ate meat, Master Tong Meng personally entertained us, right?"

"It's not you yet. If you want to eat it, go get it yourself!"

"Oh no, no, no, no, I have to fish and kill fish. I smell like blood all over my body. It's smelly and dirty. It's so disgusting."

"I want to eat but I'm afraid of trouble. You deserve to be hungry."

“It smells so good. Why didn’t I know fish tastes so good when grilled??”

The whispers of many girls spread like a breeze.

Chu Chen grinned, took out a few washed iron skewers and skewered a few stinging dace fish, and shook them at the many girls below.

"I still have a lot of fish here. If you want to eat, come here."

The eyes of many girls suddenly lit up, and some of them rushed to Chu Chen's side just as they were about to give it a try. A beam of cold gaze shone at them, and it was like the sudden fall of winter, leaving a smell of ice slag in the air.

Dongyue's face was as cold as frost, and she glanced at this place coldly, which immediately silenced the few girls who were about to move, and no one dared to say that they were going to eat fish.

Chu Chen didn't care about this, and just rolled the grilled fish in his hands comfortably.

Five grilled fish were placed on the bonfire, and as the flames licked them, the fresh and tender oil of the stinging dace unbridledly exuded a mouth-watering fragrance in the air.

This fragrance has a fatal attraction for people who have lived in the desolate fairy world for a long time.

"It smells really good."

Chunfeng arranged the defensive talisman array around the camp. Smelling the alluring aroma of grilled fish in the void, he immediately chuckled, flew up the tree, and sat down next to Chu Chen.

Chu Chen handed her an iron stick in his hand.

Spring Breeze took over the grilled fish and took a bite from the fattest and tenderest part of the grill. He immediately felt a fresh aroma go straight into his belly.

The meat is so tender that it almost melts. It slides from the mouth all the way into the stomach. You can immediately feel a warm aroma rising up, making the pores all over your body seem to breathe a sigh of relief.

“It’s delicious!”

Chunfeng's eyes widened, and he took several bites in a row, without even having time to wipe the oil stains on the edge of his mouth.

While eating, he kept marveling, "Junior brother Chu, I didn't expect your barbecue skills to be so good. This fish tastes so delicious, and there is no thorn at all?"

"I crushed the fish bones, refined them, and melted them into the fish oil. The stings and poisonous nangs of the poisonous stinging dace are poisonous, and the fish bones happen to contain detoxifying liquid. I crushed the fish bones and melted them into the fish oil. After grilling and coating the meat, it is the best seasoning, which is much better than any other sauce and tastes the best. ”

Chu Chen grilled another fish, bit off half of it in one bite, and introduced it while devouring it.

"I didn't expect you to be able to do this."

Before Chu Chen could finish the fish, another chuckle rang out.

But it was Qiu Xue who led several girls and jumped into the tree lightly, "Come and try Brother Chu's craftsmanship."

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