Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2052 Suppressing the Sea of ​​Blood

Just looking at the big millstone of heaven and earth in the sky that had been eroded by one-fifth, everyone's hearts couldn't help but twitch.

After about dozens of breaths, a huge bloody unicorn jumped out, left the sea of ​​blood, and came to the great millstone of heaven and earth.

"How come there are still blood-colored strange beasts appearing? It's endless! This can't go on like this. Endless blood can transform into endless strange beasts. The great millstone of heaven and earth transformed into the Divine Comedy of the Ancient Music Society cannot just defend blindly, but must actively attack the blood. The sea must even completely wipe out the sea of ​​blood!”

A monk looked at the strange changes in the sky and couldn't help but exclaimed, which immediately attracted the support of everyone around him.

After hearing his words, Ren Canling, the leader of the ancient music club, smiled helplessly.

Why doesn't he want to attack? The key is how to attack?

Gathering the power of seven people to perform the ancient divine song, being able to summon the great millstone of heaven and earth transformed by spiritual energy is already a very good cooperation.

Now that the great millstone of heaven and earth can stand above the sea of ​​blood, the seven people have tried their best.

After all, among these seven people, there are high and low levels of cultivation, and there are shallow and low accumulations.

When playing together, there will always be someone holding back. After all, the music score of this ensemble is equivalent to another formation.

The power of this combined attack formation depends not on the strongest, but on the weakest.

Among the seven people, only three were able to face the impact of the sea of ​​​​blood without moving. Among the other four, one could barely ignore the impact of the sea of ​​​​blood, but the last three people were obviously unable to hold on. This is the shortcoming of the combined attack formation.

Under such circumstances, it is extremely difficult to condense the great millstone of heaven and earth.


Just when Ren Cangling smiled bitterly in his heart and many other monks around him were worried, the blood unicorn that leaped out of the sea of ​​​​blood roared angrily, and with a movement of its figure, another blood unicorn suddenly appeared, changing from one to two.

"No, this alien beast transformed from the sea of ​​blood actually has magical powers similar to those of its external incarnation!"

Ren Cangling's complexion suddenly changed wildly, and many other monks were even more shocked when they saw this scene.

Each time the alien beasts in the blood sea transformed into one, their strength became obviously stronger.

From the original blood dragon,

Moving to the Blood Tiger, then to the Blood Turtle and the Blood Crow, their attack methods become more and more fierce. By this fifth blood unicorn, it was actually able to separate its incarnations.

Moreover, the strength of its incarnation is extremely powerful. It can only sense the aura around its body and actually have nearly 70% of the power of its original body. This is really too powerful.

"Transfer to attack spectrum!"

Among the ensemble music, the sound of the piano played by Chu Chen suddenly became louder.

The harp played by Qingyuan, which was playing in harmony with the harp, also became high-pitched almost at the same time. It was obvious that the two sounds were full of murderous aura.

Among the seven major musical instruments, the harp and piano are the central core, determining the main melody of the entire piece of music.

As soon as the sounds of these two instruments changed, the sounds of the other five instruments also involuntarily became louder, more intense, and full of killing intent!

Along with the sound of the musical instrument, the great millstone of heaven and earth in mid-air also shook violently. Then in the shocked eyes of everyone, the huge great millstone of heaven and earth moved slightly, then overlapped and rotated towards each other and pressed down towards the endless sea of ​​blood below. …

Take the initiative to attack!

Under the guidance of Chu Chen's exquisite piano sound, and in conjunction with the psalm sound that is almost completely integrated with its perfect harmony.

Led by the two sounds of the piano and the se, the whole song exploded with an effect that far exceeded Ren Cangling's expectations. It began to change from passive to active, and actively suppressed the blood unicorn below!

At this time, Ren Cangling was really surprised and happy, and could hardly help but want to shout "good".

He really didn't expect that Chu Chen's musical skills would be so profound, nor did he expect that Qingyuan and Chu Chen's cooperation would be so harmonious and perfect, integrating into one!

It can be said that the Great Millstone of Heaven and Earth was able to turn from defense to offense only because these two people cooperated perfectly with each other. They used their profound musical skills to make up for the shortcomings of the other people, so that the Great Millstone of Heaven and Earth gained all of a sudden. Evolve and leap!


When the big millstone of heaven and earth moved, it was truly earth-shattering, shaking the entire void.

And the blood unicorn seemed to have sensed the crisis, and roared in the sky. The body and the incarnation turned into two dazzling red lights, and hit the big millstone of heaven and earth.

Bang bang! !

There were two dull loud noises, and the two blood unicorns knocked out two groups of miserable blood flowers on the huge millstone of heaven and earth.

The blood light condensed and did not disperse, as if it adhered to the great millstone of heaven and earth like maggots that penetrated the bones, and it worked hard to get in.

The big millstone of heaven and earth rumbled, and the two millstones rotated against each other, immediately wiping out part of the blood.

However, there is still a small part of the blood erosion that entered the millstone.

But it is no longer important now. In the excited mood of everyone in the Ancient Music Club, in the hopeful eyes of Ren Canngling, and in the shocked eyes of many monks who still stick to the walls of the ancient city, the huge millstone of heaven and earth rumbled down, Go straight towards the sea of ​​blood below to suppress it!

This sea of ​​blood is the source of this disaster in Wangtian Ancient City!

As long as this sea of ​​blood is wiped out, even if it is not completely wiped out, as long as the main body of the sea of ​​blood is dispersed, then this disaster can be passed safely!

boom……! !

In the shocked eyes of all the monks, the moment the great millstone of heaven and earth came into contact with the blood of the sea of ​​blood, it immediately stirred up an earth-shattering wave of spiritual energy.

Groups of blood and water flew everywhere, as if a huge ice cube had been thrown into a ball of hot oil. The great millstone of heaven and earth crashed into the sea of ​​blood with almost overwhelming force!

In just an instant, the water volume of the Blood Sea dropped significantly, and everything was wiped out by the terrifying power of annihilation of the Great Millstone of Heaven and Earth.

However, before the faces of the monks showed joy, they saw the huge millstone suddenly stopped, as if it was frozen by something, and it could no longer move down.

Immediately afterwards, with a vast, ancient, and weird roar, the Great Millstone of Heaven and Earth was forcibly pushed out of the sea of ​​blood! ?

The expressions of the seven people in the Gu Le Club all changed, and even Chu Chen’s expression changed drastically.

At this moment, many monks from other forces on the city wall were shocked!

In front of everyone's eyes, a super giant beast suddenly appeared at the bottom of the blood sea... It was indeed a super giant beast. Half of its body was deep inside the blood sea and the edge could not be seen at all. Half of its body was pressed against the big millstone of heaven and earth. The huge millstone was directly pushed out of the boundless sea of ​​blood!

It can be seen from the exposed half of the body that it seems to be a huge blood whale!

The bloody ancient whale emerged from the depths of the blood sea and pushed the great millstone of heaven and earth out of the blood sea with its own strength.

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