Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2214 The sky is outside the sky

Chapter 2196 The sky is outside the sky

But Chu Chen still needs extra protection, at least to ensure that if there is an attack from Yuan Hai while he is in seclusion, someone can blow a whistle to warn him, right? ?

After the training plan was arranged, everyone dispersed. Qingyuan turned around and took two steps, then suddenly turned around and hugged Chu Chen. When he was stunned, he kissed him hard on the lips.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Chen felt a sharp pain in his lips, and there was a smell of blood on his lips.

The next moment, the sight was empty, and Qingyuan's figure had disappeared without a trace.

"Tsk tsk..."

Chu Chen touched the corner of his bitten lip, smiled bitterly and shook his head, a little confused as to what Qingyuan's inexplicable behavior meant.

Soon, he got rid of these messy thoughts from his mind.

The next moment, he took a deep breath and turned into a golden-red stream of light rising into the sky!

That's right, the place where Chu Chen chose to retreat was high in the sky!

It is a place that ordinary creatures will not go to at all, a place that is so high that even king-level ancient beasts cannot fly. It is the depth of the void, hundreds of thousands of miles away from the ground. That's an extraterritorial place!

As long as I fly high enough, the enemy can't catch me.

This sentence is not a joke, but a solid truth.

From very early on, the powerful monks discovered a strange phenomenon.

That is, if you keep flying up and deep into the sky, after reaching a certain height, you will find that as your height increases, the attraction and restraint from the earth will become stronger and stronger.

When the binding force from the earth reaches a certain peak, if you continue to fly upward again and break through with pressure, the binding force will suddenly disappear, and the whole person will become extremely relaxed.

The currently popular theory in the monk world is that the place where the binding force of the earth exists is actually the scope of the human world.

Once beyond this range, the place beyond the control of the earth's binding force is actually out of the human world and belongs to the fairy world in ancient times.

It’s just that the ancient fairy world has long since perished and disappeared.

The connection with the human world is also completely severed.

The place where the ancient fairy world was originally became a place that was more dead and empty than nothingness, and was called the "Land of Silence" by later generations of humans.

The mainstream theory in the human world is that if you break away from the gravity of the earth and still fly upward, you will reach the place of silence sooner or later.

But the Land of Silence is truly a place that is more empty and lonelier than nothingness. Where do the creatures in the human world go when they have nothing to do?

So generally speaking, no one would be bored and take the initiative to go to places outside the human world.

The empty outer void is the most boring existence.

Today, the place where Chu Chen wants to practice in seclusion is actually a place outside the binding force of the earth, separated from the human world, leading to the vast and endless outer void of the land of silence!


One hundred thousand miles, two hundred thousand miles, two hundred and fifty thousand miles...

As Chu Chen got higher and higher from the earth, the terrifying binding force that was everywhere in the surrounding void suddenly gathered from all directions.

At that moment, Chu Chen felt as if dozens of mountains suddenly appeared on his body, pressing him down and controlling him to prevent him from rushing out.

But how terrifying is Chu Chen’s cultivation base at this time?

The ancient desolate element, the power of thunder tribulation, the essence of the ancient giant mountain, the essence of the desolate river, the power of sky fire, the power of the golden-winged roc mythical beast...

Many secret powers were activated together, and the terrifying pressure on the body was instantly offset.

Immediately afterwards, his speed surged, and he instantly rushed into the void 300,000 miles away from the ground!

Three hundred thousand miles is the limit of the earth's binding force.

After traveling more than 300,000 miles, Chu Chen clearly felt a sudden lightness on his body, and his whole body became comfortable.

Looking down from this height, everything has shrunk countless times, and the mountains have turned into thin lines on the map.

What you can see is the boundless sea of ​​sand in the Little Fairy World. It is a large, lonely gray-yellow area that occupies most of the field of vision.

There is lush green beyond the boundless sand sea, which should be dense forests of various sizes.

Looking further into the distance, my vision becomes blurry, but I can still feel how huge and vast this small fairy world is. It can't even be seen when looking down from the outside of the realm from 300,000 miles high. edge.

The environment in the outer void is actually very boring. Everything is pitch black and even the stars are not visible.

And its biggest problem is that there is no air, no water, and no matter exists.

It's just that Chu Chen's strength is now comparable to Yuan Hai Realm, and he can naturally activate the Fetal Breath Technique to build internal circulation in the body, without the need to eat, drink or breathe.

Based on his own cultivation base, as long as he maintains the lowest energy consumption, his strong spiritual power is enough to maintain his vitality for hundreds of years.

But since he came to the outer void, he naturally didn't just float in the sky and sleep.

According to the memory he accepted in his mind, Chu Chen's hands began to emit golden-red spiritual light, constructing an extremely complicated formation in the void.

The golden-red spiritual energy talisman array shone brightly, radiating directly in the void to a radius of thousands of feet.

The moment the formation was completed, a thick golden light shot into the sky.

At this moment, the surrounding void suddenly changed drastically, as if a small stone was suddenly thrown into a calm lake.

The originally formless void seemed to have a door opened, rapidly disintegrating, condensing, transforming, and twisting.

After experiencing a change that took a cup of tea, an ancient stone road appeared in front of Chu Chen.

The stone road is mottled and consists of stone steps.

Most of the stone steps are incomplete, and some are even broken.

The stone steps extended upward layer by layer. After extending to a distance of about a hundred feet, they suddenly disappeared, as if they were cut off by some force.

Seeing this ancient stone road, Chu Chen couldn't help but tremble slightly due to his temperament.

"It really happened. The information hidden in the origin of the divine blood in ancient myths did not lie to me. The connection channel between the human world and the fairy world in ancient times..."

"Although it has been severed, it still exists in the void outside the territory, waiting for the day when it can be reconnected to the fairy world..."

"...Gu Tianlu!"

Flying to an extraterrestrial void three hundred thousand miles away to practice in seclusion was not a genius idea that burst out of Chu Chen's brain, but something recorded in the ancient mythological inheritance left in the origin of that drop of divine blood.

Ancient Tian Road actually still exists here? !

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