Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2273 8 Demon Shadow Sword

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"Second Young Master, run quickly. The little white elephant has a symbiotic contract with those war slaves. Once it dies, the others will also explode!"

"Run quickly! Those war slaves have their souls controlled and are no longer normal humans!"

"They have all been planted with white elephant demons in their bodies, which are extremely powerful!

Amidst the screams, the eyes of dozens of human members of the White Elephant Group suddenly turned blood red, and the aura on their bodies increased abnormally, and they were promoted from the early stage of Tianhe to the middle stage of Tianhe to the peak of Tianhe.

That aura was extremely dangerous, full of destruction, and gave people an extremely terrifying feeling.

A total of seventy-six White Elephant members rushed towards Zhou Xuan from all directions!

This blow is enough to severely damage Kamigawa!

"Well done!"

Zhou Xuan laughed, his figure turned, and eight shadows suddenly appeared. The appearance of each shadow is exactly the same as his, but there is only one shadow and no entity.

After the shadow appeared, they all moved into the void at the same time, worked together to open a space crack, and fished out a long sword that seemed to be transparent.

The blade of this sword is extremely long, fully six feet long, twice as long as an ordinary sword.

The blade of the sword is slender, only two fingers wide. The whole body of the sword is translucent. If it moves slightly, it seems to have lost its trace and become invisible.

Zhou Xuan swung the long sword fiercely, and each of the eight shadows around him had a six-foot-long thin sword-shaped shadow in his hand.

Then, when the spiritual power was activated, eight shadows rushed towards the dozens of White Elephant members around them.

In Zhou Xuan's mouth, he faintly recited a spell.

"All forms and appearances are boundless only in the mind."

"Without form and form, eight consciousnesses turn into blades."


With a soft drink, eight shadows instantly danced across the void, forming a huge barrier that enveloped dozens of White Elephant members, reflecting all the shadows of everyone.

Then, a long sword in the hand of a shadow was seen streaking across the shadows of the White Elephant members.

The shadow of the first white elephant member suddenly shrank like a baby, and the second shadow instantly became extremely weak and looming.

A big hole opened in the third shadow, and the fourth shadow was annihilated and dissipated with a bang.

When these shadows mutated, the members of the White Elephant also mutated.

The first person's body was instantly squeezed into a small ball by an invisible force, like a curled up baby.

The second man's spiritual power completely disappeared, and he instantly became extremely old and his hair was gray.

A large hole opened in the third man's body, exactly the same as the hole in his shadow.

The fourth person also exploded with a bang as his shadow dissipated, and was finally annihilated and disappeared without a trace.

The Zhou family’s secret skill, the Eight Demon Shadow Sword.

The ancestors of the Zhou family had a deep connection with the Wuxiang Emperor during the Wuxiang Shadow Tribulation 30,000 years ago, and therefore obtained some of the inherited secret techniques from the Wuxiang Emperor, which were of endless power.

Later, the Glowing Feather Emperor powerfully killed the Wuxiang Emperor, and single-handedly protected the human race through this catastrophe. During the post-war liquidation, he did not take action against the Zhou family.

Instead, some other forces worked together to place a blood curse on the Zhou family, causing the Zhou family to be underpopulated and even passed down from generation to generation.

Because only the Zhou family in the world knows the shadow-like magical powers and secrets unique to the Wuxiang Emperor.

If the Zhou family were to become extinct, this secret technique would completely disappear from heaven and earth.

Any monk who has witnessed the power of the Formless Emperor wreaking havoc on the world will deeply regret this.

Leaving behind the Zhou family left behind a line of inheritance of shadow secrets, which also allowed monks in the human world to gradually analyze and control the power of shadows.

To a certain extent, this can be regarded as the Zhou family's atonement.

There is an essential difference between shadow-type secret arts and other types of secret arts. This kind of secret technique is more weird, evil, and difficult to guard against.

Even at certain moments, there is no need to confront the enemy head-on. As long as you hurt the opponent's shadow, you can further hurt the opponent's body.

The Eight Demonic Shadow Sword is such a secret technique. By damaging the opponent's shadow, it can directly inflict fatal damage to these white elephant members.

What are eight demons?

Birth, old age, illness, death, separation, hatred, desire, and delusion! Life is just eight hardships.

With the Shadow Sword in hand, Zhou Xuan felt that he was no longer a warrior, but an artist, manipulating the eight sufferings of the members of the White Elephant Group as he pleased.

The eight hardships of life are life and death! Controlling the Eight Sufferings is equivalent to controlling life and death. It is so powerful that it is as powerful as a god. No wonder the Xiangless Emperor wreaked havoc on the human world and became almost the sole ruler of the human world.

Eight shadows crisscrossed the void for a dozen breaths.

When the eight shadows returned to Zhou Xuan's body one by one, there was no trace of any White Elephant member in the entire venue...

Everyone was torn apart, obliterated, and dissolved along with their shadows.

When many members of the Feathers of the Storm group were freed from their chains one by one, they all felt as if they were in another world.

This unreliable second young master has become so powerful?

He immediately wiped out an elite team of the White Elephant Regiment with a single shot. The Shoda Erxiong team, which had dozens of Tianhe warriors, was the ace team of the White Elephant Regiment!

This team spans the Little Immortal World and has almost no opponents.

He has almost no fear except those who are strong in the Yuanhai Realm. He has captured countless camps of other formation-breaking groups and caused endless killings. Now his evil has finally been punished.

As for Zhou Xuan, he quickly learned about the current situation of the Storm Feather team from the mouths of these subordinates.

"The main force of the Storm Feather team has reached the front line and is about to learn the secret of the Little Fairy World, but they are attacked by the two leaders of the White Elephant Regiment?"

"In order to preserve the main force of the Storm Feathers, my brother brazenly led his own soldiers to cut off the rear, and was eventually captured by Jiro Shoda?"

"We lost two of the seven elite battle groups of the Storm Feathers to the White Elephant Group?"

"The other five battle groups sent people to rescue, but were held back by the king-level ancient beasts?"

"What a White Elephant Ancient Group! This is for the overall situation, and they want to swallow my Feather of the Wind alive! It would be a shame for Erlang Shouda to die like this!" After hearing the news, Zhou Xuan was furious!

"My Zhou family has been keeping a low profile for so many years. We have kept anonymity, kept a low profile, and swallowed our anger. Some people really think that as the inheritors of the Wuxiang Emperor, our Zhou family is easy to bully, right?"

"You guys go back to the rear base! I'm going to the Xiangxiang Palace... If the Zhou family wants to rise, it's not enough to blindly show weakness and do merit. It also needs the blood, tears and heads of the strong to establish its power!"

"Jiro Shouda...the second son of the White Elephant King Shoda God, a strong man in the Kamigawa Realm. This guy's head is neither big nor small..."

"...just right!"

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