Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1105 The Disappearing Monument

In many unpopular ancient peaks, only those disciples with relatively poor qualifications and no confidence in themselves stepped into those altars in twos and threes, which formed a sharp contrast with the scene of those first-class sects standing shoulder to shoulder.

When others are scrambling to step into the altar first and be transported to various ancient peaks to participate in the trial.

Chu Chen paced slowly among the crowd with a curious expression on his face, and took a detailed look at the introduction of the Seventy-two Peaks on the stone tablets.

He knew too little about the Demon Sect, so he couldn't let go of this opportunity to have a rough understanding of the overall power of the Seventy-two Peaks.

Contrary to Chu Chen's unhurried state, Feng Qiang, who was following behind him, watched those people scrambling to enter the popular ancient peak from time to time, muttering in a low voice with a strong expression of disdain on his face .

"This group of idiots, do they think that as long as they choose ancient peaks such as Tianmo Peak, Youming Peak, Yinsha Peak, etc., they will definitely be able to become disciples there?"

Feng Qiang shook his head and sighed softly.

"They don't even think about it. The more powerful the ancient peak, the stricter the requirements for its disciples, and the more difficult the ancient peak trial will be. So many people flock to those ancient peaks, in fact, they can really succeed in becoming disciples. Only a small number of people are placed, and most of them are destined to be eliminated."

"When they come back in disgrace and choose other ancient peaks that are not as good as they are, I am afraid that the ancient peaks they were originally qualified to enter are already full of people, so in the end they have to choose even worse ancient peaks to practice. It's..."


Hearing Feng Qiang's whisper, Chu Chen raised his eyebrows and turned to look at him, "Then if you had to choose, which ancient peak would you choose to enter?"


Feng Qiang was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously replied.

"If it were me, I think I would choose Split Shadow Peak. First of all, Split Shadow Peak is not as popular as some of the top ancient peaks such as Tianmo Peak, Youming Peak, and Giant Blood Peak. Relatively speaking, it is an ancient peak in the middle level. Feng, so the competition will not be so fierce, and it will be easier for me to successfully get started with my strength, let alone mentor you."

"It's also said that the two top secret arts of the Split Shadow Peak sect, Split Shadow Ghost Slash and Stabbing Shadow Step, are shocking secret arts that even the sect master of the Demon Sect are full of praise. It is one of the profound arts of the great body technique, if you learn the shadow stabbing step, you can run away even if you can't beat a strong enemy in the future."


I heard that there are much more female disciples than male disciples in Split Shadow Peak, if it’s really not possible, you can still try to pick up girls even if you can’t learn anything, hehe..."

Feng Qiang smiled embarrassedly, and Chu Chen rolled his eyes helplessly: "I think the last one is the most important one, after all, if it's just for picking up girls, why don't you go to Charming God Peak, it is said that there are all female disciples there .”

"I'd like to go."

Upon hearing Chu Chen's words, Feng Qiang immediately said with a bitter expression, "It's just that I asked, Charming God Peak only recruits female disciples, not male disciples at all... At least, Split Shadow Peak also recruits male disciples."

"Okay." Chu Chen raised the corner of his mouth when he heard the words, and nodded solemnly, "Then according to your opinion, we will go to cross Xufeng."


Feng Qiang's body stiffened for a moment, and the bitter look on his face became more serious, "Teacher, I thought I had convinced you."

"You can go to Split Shadow Peak, I don't care." Chu Chen glanced at him.

"No, no, of course I want to follow the mentor."

Feng Qiang's face immediately became brighter, "Girls can have sex at any time, but there are not many opportunities to learn from the tutor. I will follow you wherever you go."

Feng Qiang glanced around while talking: "Speaking of which, mentor, why didn't I see Du Xufeng's explanatory stone tablet?"


Chu Chen frowned, and looked around, and sure enough, there was no black stele explaining Duxu Peak. There are only seventy-one stone tablets on the huge guiding stone platform, and Duxu Peak just happened to be missing.

What's going on, has Du Xufeng been given up and no longer recruiting?

Chu Chen walked up to the escort envoy on the escort stone platform with a questioning expression on his face, and asked his question.

The envoy was a girl in black, and she was busy introducing information about the ancient peaks to many students. At this moment, she happened to have a little free time. After hearing Chu Chen's question, the girl suddenly widened her eyes. She closed her eyes and looked at him in surprise.

"What, are you sure you want to worship Duxu Peak?"

"Yes, please tell me, senior sister, why we haven't entered the teleportation altar of Duxu Peak here." Chu Chen nodded affirmatively.

Looking at Chu Chen in amazement, the leading girl shook her head helplessly.

"It has been three full years since Duxu Peak has not had any newcomers directly join it. It is said that the inheritance inside has been completely broken, and there is no inheritance of the skills of the Zhenfeng system. It is counted as being eliminated by other peaks. Most of those who chose it only stayed in Duxu Peak for a few months, and finally transferred to other ancient peaks."

Chu Chen didn't expect that someone from the Demon Sect would persuade the new disciples not to delay their future by crossing the Xu Peak.

"You actually want to cross the Void Peak? I advise you to think more about it. It is a waste of time to go there, and it is not necessary at all."

"Then what about the black stele on Duxu Peak? Why didn't you see it here?"

Chu Chen asked suspiciously.

"That stele has long been broken." The guiding girl was very helpless.

"I don't know what happened. A few years ago, the black stele on Duxu Peak shattered for no reason. It is a super strong man who can't break it with all his strength, and no one knows why that stone tablet broke."

The receiving girl spread her hands.

"Many people say that Duxu Peak's energy is exhausted, and it was God's will that Duxu Peak's teleportation stele was broken. If you want to go to Duxu Peak, you can only walk through it on your own."

"Since the black stele has been broken, which teleportation altar is corresponding to Duxu Peak?" Chu Chen glanced around.

"Hey, it's the biggest altar in the middle."

The girl pointed to the center of the stone platform.

Chu Chen's eye sockets twitched instantly. In fact, he didn't expect that the teleportation altar of Duxu Peak was the one in the middle of the entire guiding stone platform.

It seems that the previous statement that Duxu Peak was the main peak among the seventy-two ancient peaks of the Demon Underworld Sect was correct. After all, only the teleportation altar of the main peak could be made so huge.


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