Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1108 The Mysterious Abandoned Land

The seventy-two ancient peaks have completely different styles.

For example, the Demon Peak that day, its overall shape was like an ancient magic sword stabbing towards the sky, the entire ancient peak was billowing with demon energy, and the sky was full of black clouds.

Faintly, one can see some huge phantoms floating and sinking above the black cloud, as if the supreme demon in ancient times was guarding the entire ancient peak, with extremely majestic momentum.

And the overall shape of the Youming Peak seems to be like an ancient and incomparable palace. The death energy rises above the palace. In many places, huge white bones can be seen lying on the ground like mountains.

Those skeletons are only a small section, and they are already as magnificent as a hill. People can't help but feel shocked when they look at them. They really can't imagine how tall the original body of the skeleton is.

And that Giant Blood Peak was as red as blood all over its body, whether it was rocks or ancient trees on the whole mountain, it was all bright red.

From a distance, one can clearly see a thick bloody light piercing the sky on the top of the Giant Blood Peak, and the bloody light exudes a palpitating smell of madness, blood, and bitter struggle.

It seems that hundreds of millions of creatures can be seen in the bloody battle of life and death in the dark.

Mountains of corpses, rivers of blood, streams of dissipated life energy spewed to the sky, converging into this beam of blood that pierced the sky, and there was no end in sight.

Each ancient peak has a special breath and fluctuation, which represents the accumulation and heritage of this ancient peak for thousands of years, and also represents the "big trend" of this ancient peak.

Compared with these astonishing general trends, Duxu Peak, which was supposed to be the main peak, looked extremely desolate.

From the outside, Duxu Peak looks like a huge tower that pierces the sky and reaches the earth. The shape of this ancient peak is very standard. It extends from the bottom of the most extensive and widest area to the top, and its range becomes smaller as it goes up. It is smaller, like a pile of steps.

It's just that the top of this ancient peak is too desolate, and the bottom of the tower-shaped mountain seems to bury or suppress something, emitting a strong evil spirit.

This breath is very ancient, with a taste of vicissitudes that has been condensed for endless years.

When the titmouse flew to a place close to Duxu Peak, the surrounding void suddenly darkened, and streaks of gray-black winds that were visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared from the void, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, covering the sky. the whole space.


Seeing that the strong wind was about to hit everyone,

Feng Qiang was about to shoot it directly to disperse it, but he saw a sharp neighing suddenly from the titmouse below him.

A huge translucent air wave burst out from the bird's beak, blasting fiercely into the vast wind layer like a cannonball, and directly blasted the whole wind into pieces with a bang.

"Huh? This titmouse is quite powerful. It doesn't have any special abilities. The air waves emitted by the power contained in its own body can actually smash such a strong wind!\

,"Feng Qiang's gaze froze instantly, and a look of amazement flashed across the gaze of the giant bird below him.

Zhao Shi in the front turned his head and chuckled: "This titmouse is the bird that we have stayed at Duxu Peak for the longest time. It is said that it has been more than four hundred years. Due to the strong wind on Duxu Peak all the year round, Therefore, the skin and bone are much harder and stronger than ordinary tits."

Everyone nodded in understanding, and as they got closer and closer to the Duxu Peak, they clearly felt that this ancient peak seemed to be too tall.

Although there is only half of this ancient peak left now, the remaining half is towering into the sky. The closer you get, the more you feel that it seems to go straight to the sky!

This is really a strange feeling. From a distance, the impact is not so obvious, but the closer to this ancient peak, the more it seems to be close to a vast ancient world.

There is an illusion that you don't know the true face of the ancient peak, but only because you are in this mountain.

When everyone jumped off the black mountain from the tit, it was as if they suddenly came to a strange world.

Surrounded by an endless black land, the land spreads towards the sky at a very obvious angle of inclination, and the edge cannot be seen at a glance!

This is... This seems to be a prohibition of the space class! !

Chu Chen's pupils shrank slightly. It seemed that someone had planted a very clever space-like secret technique on this ancient peak, making the entire ancient peak actually much taller than it looked from a distance.

The black peak is like a road to the sky, which is endless, making people wonder if it really connects to the nine heavens!

Duxu Peak was very deserted, so deserted that it felt decadent and dilapidated.

At a glance, there are black strange rocks standing row upon row above the ground. There is no vegetation here, and occasionally you can see a few dark green shrubs fluttering in the wind, which makes you feel desolate.

After walking about half a cup of tea in the mountains, a magnificent palace area appeared in the field of vision.

In fact, the word "palace" is not very accurate. This place is more like a place that has been abandoned for a long time. Although the halls are magnificent, the blue-gold masonry is full of cracks.

Many halls collapsed in half, and there were large patches of gray-black weeds growing in the square in front of the halls.

Thick cobwebs formed at the entrances of most of the main halls. In an open space close to the main hall, several servants dressed in black and with numb expressions were cleaning without haste. The only relatively intact bluestone brick floor .

Seeing Chu Chen and the others approaching, they just raised their eyelids slightly and went about their own business without any other indication at all.

The entire hall exudes a strong smell of desolation and decay. It doesn't look like a sect hall, but rather like a piece of abandoned ruins. Feng Qiang shook his head secretly, his face was once again full of Bitter Gourd.

Zhao Shi led the crowd through the desolate halls, and stopped in front of an old black tree at the back of the hall.

This tree looks to be about a hundred feet high, not a particularly tall giant tree, but the tree body is extremely thick. Pieces of dry and cracked bark are tangled and coiled like black dragons, exuding the smell of time.

It is obvious that this is an ancient tree that has grown for a very long time, and that ancient atmosphere is even somewhat similar to the ancient times. This is a super ancient tree that has existed since ancient times!

This ancient tree seemed to die at any moment, and many branches had lost their vitality.

The only strange thing is that the tree actually exudes layers of black mist all the time, wrapping around the entire ancient tree like mist.


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