Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1117 Super Girl

If someone passed by Chuchen's cave at this time and saw this miraculous scene, they would be stunned in shock.

The exercise performed by Zixi is called Bihaichao Shengjue, which is a well-known secret technique of attacking and killing water systems in the monk world. Using the vast spiritual power to summon the water of the four seas in the dark, if it is released with all its strength, it may even cause a flood!

Ordinary people will only use this secret technique to fight against the enemy when they are besieged by many powerful people, or in order to restrain the opponent's fire attack secret technique.

I didn't expect this Zixi to use this secret technique to clean the cave. If other monks saw this, they would probably jump and scold her for being a prodigal!

\u0026nbs. Pig. Pig. island. Novel w.hha.omp; The billowing tide swept past, washing away the entire cave mansion inside and out.

When the vast azure sea area dissipated into the void, the entire cave had become spotless.

The only downside is that there are still some water stains on the stone walls and the ground of the cave that cannot be removed, making it appear that the interior of the cave is very humid.

Zixi looked around with her cold eyes, frowned, and in an instant, a flaming purple flame burst out from the palm of her hand and began to burn in the cave.

Roasted by the high temperature of the purple fire, the remaining water vapor in the cave quickly turned into bursts of white mist and rose up, making the whole cave shrouded in clouds and mist like a legendary heavenly palace and fairyland, making it appear extremely quiet.

After baking the entire cave, Zixi looked around again, and when she waved her palm, streaks of dark green light suddenly shot out from her palm, and the green light fell into the stone wall and the ground, and immediately took root and grew. Emerald green vines sprouted and coiled around, and soon covered the entire cave.

With the nourishment of the purple seal's spiritual power, colorful flowers began to bloom on the vines, exuding bursts of attractive fragrance.

It was almost just the time for a cup of tea, and the entire interior of the cave suddenly became full of flowers, like a country of flowers, incomparably quiet and beautiful.

In fact, although these flowers look beautiful, their essence is an extremely sinister secret technique called Bihe Ivy Wrapping.

This secret technique can inject the heterogeneous flower vine seeds carefully cultivated by monks into the opponent's body, and then nourish them with spiritual power, these flower vine seeds can take root in human flesh and blood, absorb the essence of flesh and blood to grow and bloom.

Generally speaking, once a monk is affected by this kind of secret technique, the death of a monk will be very miserable, and the whole person will become the fertilizer of flower vines in the end.

And as time goes by, the more one's flesh and blood energy is absorbed, the harder it is to recover.

At the final stage of the flowers blooming, the monks could not even escape their souls, and they were truly trapped in a situation beyond redemption.

Even in the history of the magic way, there are not many people in this kind of secret society, and any one of them eventually became a peerless hero in the famous town of the magic way.

Those who have good things even call this Bihe Ivy Wrapping Secret Art one of the ten most ancient and most insidious secret arts! !

When the inside of the cave was full of flowers, Zixi looked around again, finally nodded in satisfaction, and her cold and stunning face softened a little.

In a short period of less than a stick of incense, the purple-haired girl displayed the four elements of wind, water, fire, and wood mysterious arts one after another, demonstrating the super strength of Master Changsheng's favorite disciple. If you see this scene now, I'm afraid you will feel extremely shocked.

This girl... everything she has learned in her body is really too domineering!

You must know that any of these secret techniques she used can become someone else's ultimate mastery if they are released to the outside world! !

It's just that the only audience who had the opportunity to see this scene at this moment didn't seem to notice it.

After Chu Chen sat on the pine tree for a while, he felt that the environment here was quite suitable for sleeping, so he ignored Zixi, who was in full swing, and found a thicker branch, fell asleep on the pine tree.

It wasn't until Zixi's cold voice woke him up that he stretched long and jumped down from the pine tree.

Seeing the scene in the cave, Chu Chen immediately gave a thumbs up.

Is this still the dusty cave full of decay?

This change is really too big!

At this time, the cave that appeared in front of his eyes was full of flowers, fragrant and spotless. Even the breeze flowing in the void brings a burst of refreshing coolness, which is refreshing.

Looking at this quiet and beautiful Dongfu, it even gives people an illusion as if they have come to the Peach Blossom Spring.

This girl...although she looks like a cold doll without emotion, but after all, it's really easy to use...

Looking at Zixi in surprise, Chu Chen walked slowly into the tall cave.

The layout of the cave is very simple, there are two small and small stone houses, and there are stone tables and chairs in the stone houses.

Behind the stone house is a spacious martial arts arena. On the stone weapon rack, there are stone weapons one after another, including swords, guns, swords and halberds, which makes people feel very surprised.

On the side of the Martial Arts Field, there are two huge pools. The water in the pools is clear and clear. Occasionally, you can see white fish swimming in the pools, which is extremely peaceful and content.

When the two walked past the wide pool, Chu Chen was a little surprised.

There is actually a hot spring pool here! The hot spring seemed to be about half an acre in size, located in a remote place far from the two stone houses, and it was steaming hot.

And I don't know if there is a special reason for the formation here. Although it is already located in the depths of the cave, the light is still very good. It is obvious that the spring water in the hot spring is very clear, and the surroundings of the spring water pool including the bottom are actually very clear. It is a whole huge piece of white jade, which looks very clean and tidy.

This hot spring...is not natural, but was specially built by someone later!

It is really a good place to rest by using a special formation to attract the power of geothermal energy and pour it into the spring water.

"This hot spring...is mine."

Zixi stared at the white jade hot spring pool expressionlessly, without any emotional fluctuations on her face, "I will take a bath here in the future, you are not allowed to enter."


Chu Chen stared at the purple-haired girl's cold and stunning face with wide eyes, "I also like to soak in hot springs, and don't forget that this cave originally belonged to me, you are just borrowing it."

Zixi fell silent for a while, she obviously knew that Chu Chen owned the ownership of her cave, and she couldn't kill Chu Chen either.

One is killing people and seizing the house, which is not tolerated by Gu Feng's rules, and the other is that she has no confidence to beat Chu Chen, and Chu Chen's punch at the ancient demon tree made her instinctively feel that if possible, Chu Chen would Danger.

After thinking silently for a moment, Zixi nodded: "Okay, but let me know before you wash it, so I can be prepared."

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