Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1129 The Ultimate Secret

"My previous clothes were damaged in the battle, and I haven't had time to buy new ones recently."

The expression of the purple-haired girl is still flat and terrifying, and only after tasting the food she made will she show a trace of satisfaction and tenderness.

At this moment, the girl had no idea what kind of torture the boy in front of her was going through.

After tasting each dish, Zixi nodded in satisfaction, sat down facing Chu Chen and began to enjoy the food by herself.

But at this moment, Chu Chen felt another loud bang in his head...

The cloth strips wrapped around the girl's crotch are only two feet wide. After wrapping the wide crotch and plump and perfect buttocks, the really covered thighs are actually very short.

When the girl sat down, because of the angle, Chu Chen saw the beautiful scenery hidden under the snow-white cloth at a glance...

This, this girl is really not wearing anything under the strip of cloth...

Taking a few deep breaths, Chu Chen put down the bowl that he hadn't eaten a few bites, and said something out of his wits.

"I'm stuffed"

Chu Chen panicked and walked towards his stone house. If he continued to stay beside this simple and terrifying girl, he was afraid that he would really turn into some kind of creature that howled up to the sky...

But seeing Chu Chen flustered, a strange expression appeared in Zixi's purple crystal-like eyes.

Speaking of which, this guy didn't look normal all day today. Could it be that he took the wrong medicine?

Or if he is the legendary pervert, then be careful with him.

The girl had no idea that all of this was caused by her carelessness.

After resting in the stone house for half a day, while calming down his turbulent mood, he adjusted his spirit to the peak state. After nightfall, Chu Chen gathered his mind and headed towards the top of Duxu Peak.

Although Chu Chen didn't find the shadow of the golden-winged roc at all in the past few times, he didn't give up.

In any case, the indelible brand of the golden-winged roc is the greatest good fortune of the entire Duxu Peak, and he must obtain it.

It was only to his surprise that when he came to the top of the mountain where the wind was raging,

But he found that there was already a graceful figure waiting here.

This figure with purple hair and purple eyes, with a stunning face, is Zixi.

Her long hair and clothes are dancing wildly in the wind!

At this time, Zixi put on her original purple dress instead of the blood-boiling cloth dress.

She had completely recovered her original expressionless face, her delicate face was like a porcelain doll, without a single trace of human emotion.

As if sensing someone approaching, a pair of purple eyes slowly opened, and the pair of slender eyes coiled under him slowly closed.

After seeing that it was Chu Chen, the purple eyes paused slightly.

"It's so late, what are you doing here?"

Chu Chen grinned. To be honest, he didn't expect Zixi to come to such a place.

The beautiful scene during the day is still vivid in his mind, he is really very curious about the three-none girl in front of him.

"I'm looking for something here."

Zixi was very straightforward, and she didn't seem to hide it at all. As soon as she finished speaking, she closed her eyes and reactivated her spiritual sense to investigate.

But Chu Chen's heart skipped a beat after hearing her words.

Ever since he saw Zixi choose Duxu Peak without hesitation, he had a faint feeling. He knew that everything this purple-haired girl did was not without reason.

She must have been instructed by her mentor, Lord Changsheng, to come here for some kind of treasure on Duxu Peak.

So what treasures on Duxu Peak are worthy of Mr. Changsheng's concern?

Obviously, the immortal brand of the Golden Winged Roc is one of them!

"It's so late, what are you looking for, why don't you come here during the day?"

Chu Chen asked tentatively, but seeing Zixi was silent for a moment, she slowly shook her head: "Master won't let me speak."

"So mysterious?"

The corners of Chu Chen's mouth twitched slightly, "Well, let me guess what you're looking for. You just need to say it's right or wrong, how about it?"

"No." The girl simply shook her head.

"What does it matter, anyway, you didn't tell me, it's just my guess."

The smile on the corner of Chu Chen's mouth became more obvious, "How about this, the hot spring pool in the cave will only be used by you in the future, and I won't use it, how about it?"

"Really?" Zixi raised her eyebrows, and a trace of excitement flashed through her calm purple eyes.

"Of course, as long as you agree to let me guess, the Baiyu hot spring pool will be yours alone from now on."

Chu Chen felt like a strange uncle who was seducing a little girl with candied haws. When facing this innocent girl, he always felt a strange sense of guilt in his heart.

"Oh well."

After struggling for a while, the purple-haired girl finally nodded and agreed to Uncle Wei's conditions.

"Then I started asking."

Chu Chen held back the smile on the corner of his mouth, deliberately put on a straight face and said seriously.

"Let me guess, the reason why you came here to cross the void peak... I heard you keep talking about master, master, maybe your master suffered a loss in a certain secret place, so he sent you here Is it?"


Zixi nodded curtly.

Chu Chen's heart suddenly "thumped", and it seemed that his guess was right. Master Changsheng suffered a big loss at the hands of his Yinpeng clone.

Now it seems that he wants to use the brand of the golden-winged roc on Duxu Peak to study the weakness of the Yinpeng clone, so that he can find opportunities for revenge in the future!

Some thoughts came to mind, and Chu Chen asked, "Since your master suffered a loss, are you helping him find the weakness of the person who made him suffer?"

"no. "

Zixi still shook her head very simply, without any hesitation at all.

And Chu Chen was not only not happy after seeing her performance, but suddenly felt a chill from the depths of his soul!

Judging from Master Changsheng's insidious personality, if it wasn't for researching ways to deal with the Yinpeng clone, then it was...

A chill rushed up, and even made Chu Chen shiver shrewdly.

He looked at the expressionless Zixi sitting on the black stone at the top, and asked the last question as calmly as possible.

"If it's not for the purpose of studying and dealing with that person, then your master knows that there is something the enemy is interested in here, so he sent you to wait here. When the opponent appears, he will rush to it as soon as possible." Come here to avenge your revenge, is that right?"


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