Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1131 Sitting back to back on the top of the mountain

"Does your ancient beast blood have anything to do with your touching the top of this mountain in the middle of the night?"

Zixi ignored Chu Chen's various performances about his "lusciousness", but went straight to the point and asked calmly.

"Ahem, as for why I stay up in the middle of the night and come to this ghostly place, of course I'm afraid that the blood of the beast will boil, and when the beast's instincts are rampant, it will do something irreversible to you in the cave. "

Chu Chen chuckled, "I didn't expect you to come here, so you'd better leave quickly... Otherwise, I can't guarantee that you won't be a widow or a lonely man!"

"If I don't leave, you can't eat me."

A gleam of light flickered in Zixi's indifferent eyes.

"Little girl, you are not deeply involved in the world. Once something happens, it will be worse than eating you."

Chu Chen smirked and moved closer to Zixi.

"To tell you the truth, I have the bloodline of an ancient beast called Moon Swallowing Silver Wolf. This bloodline is also called the blood of the lewd wolf... It is a very lewd creature... It is definitely the nightmare of every young monk. As the saying goes, it is better to fight ten demons than to meet a wolf, this is widely spread among female cultivators!"

"I'm not afraid of wolves."

Zixi shook her head lightly, but Chu Chen couldn't laugh or cry, did she know what a pervert was?

"When I am a beast, I will strip you of your clothes and do many unspeakable things to you. It will make you unable to live or die. It is terrible."

In order to strengthen his persuasive power, a ferocious and evil light suddenly appeared in Chu Chen's eyes, and his hands moved in the air like wolf claws.

"There's nothing to be afraid of."

"Even if you are not afraid of being molested by me? But you will have no face in the future!"

"If you are molested, you can't see people. Why?"

The young girl looked blank, obviously a matter of secular men and women. She doesn't understand at all.

If the spiritual elder is already very different, this purple seal seems to come from another world.

Chu Chen was completely speechless, and could only say feebly, "Anyway, I'm very dangerous after my beastly behavior!"

"I have dangerous things too!"

Zixi didn't say any more,

He just slightly raised his palm in front of Chu Chen. I saw a sharp purple edge on the edge of her palm, hesitating, emitting a "" cold murderous intent in the void.

Ziji Sword!

Chu Chen's pupils contracted fiercely. This Ziji sword is indeed much more dangerous than a beastly pervert, and he was completely inferior.

"You know, a strong woman is also afraid of impatient ghosts, so don't think you have any skills. Just trust me, when I am a beast, I will even be afraid of myself."

As soon as the Ziji sword came out, Chu Chen felt that he had lost all confidence, but he couldn't lose his momentum, so he could only grit his teeth and continue to scare the girl.

"You can try it."

Zixi was quiet for a while. He just glanced at him lightly, then started to be in a daze again, and ignored Chu Chen.

A man and a woman sat quietly in this windy world, keeping a subtle distance.

On the summit of Duxu Peak, there is some faint light refracted from nowhere. Under the wonderful light, the girl's facial features are perfect like a goddess. The two slightly curved long legs are so white that they glisten.

But what is more attractive is her soulless eyes, just like this peerless stunner who will never resist and can do whatever you want.

But Chu Chen knew that this little girl was an absolutely dangerous creature!

If she really would never resist, I might, I wish I could just kill her!

Seeing the astonishing murderous aura emanating from the sharp purple light in the girl's hand, Chu Chen, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly thought of something?

Since you can't scare her away, then let her use it!

Chu Chen thought about it.

"Well, since you don't listen to my advice, let's spend the long night here together. To be honest, it would be better for me to have a beautiful woman by my side when the beast is rampant, at least I don't need to be far away I'm almost thirsty..."

Zixi gave him a blank look, and still didn't speak, but the ray of sharpness in her palm was slowly drawn back.

Under the light of night, the jade-like delicate face of the purple-haired girl appeared calm and quiet.

After half a cup of tea, Chu Chen yawned casually, "By the way, it's too boring for us to sit like this for a long night, why don't we discuss something with you."

The girl ignored Chu Chen.

Chu Chen smiled and pursed his lips lightly: "Well, you might as well lend me the spiritual power in your body."

"My spiritual power? What are you going to use it for?"

"Suppress the blood."

Chu Chen sighed helplessly, "It's a bit difficult for me to suppress the awakening of the ancient beast's bloodline, but it will be more effective with your spiritual power. You don't want me to throw you down immediately with my bestiality."

Zixi didn't speak, and seemed to be seriously thinking about how she would deal with Chu Chen if she really became a beast.

Under the slight darkness of night, Chu Chen seemed to see the corner of the purple-haired girl's cold mouth curved slightly.

The atmosphere fell silent for a while, Zixi didn't agree or refuse, just sat there quietly and didn't speak.

Chu Chen felt that there was absolutely nothing he could do about this lost soul girl.

She is so easy to cheat!

"Don't be so stingy...Speaking of which, I have lent you my cave, and it is considered a courtesy to lend you some spiritual power."

Chu Chen spoke in a pleasant manner, with a natural expression.

He has already figured it out clearly, if he activates the God of Peeping Eye by himself, it will consume too much energy, and he will not be able to use it to the limit.

After all, my cultivation is still too low!

The cultivation base of the Magic Stream Realm is completely incapable of controlling such advanced secret techniques as the God of Peeping Eyes.

With the help of Zixi's spiritual power, it is possible to fully mobilize the secret power of the God of Peeping Eyes, and find the extremely difficult to find golden-winged roc's indestructible brand on this mountain.

Faced with Chu Chen's expectant eyes, Zixi finally nodded slightly after an unknown amount of time.

I saw her move her body slightly, leaning back to back against Chu Chen's back.

A "" strong spiritual power came from the acupuncture points on the back accompanied by the girl's smooth and fragrant body temperature, which shocked Chu Chen's spirit.

But now is not the time to be distracted, with the help of this wave of unmatched spiritual power from Zixi, Chu Chen's figure was slightly shaken, and he immediately communicated with the mysterious power left by Shenxiaque in his eyes.

Seeing a flash of purple light, Chu Chen's pair of black eyes had completely turned into a purple-gold color.

This is the benefit of having abundant spiritual power. If Chu Chen activates it by himself, the purple-gold eyes formed by Peeping God's pupils will be suspended in the void, making too much movement and not enough effect.

Now with the help of spiritual power, he has a more profound control over this secret technique, and has completely transformed the secret power of the God of Peeping God into his eyes.

In other words, Chu Chen can directly see the world with his eyes!

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m. to read.)


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