Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1143 Ancient Prison Lock Dragons

After a long stretch, Sun Li patted his forehead helplessly.

To be honest, since so many heavyweights were imprisoned in the peak prison, he felt a little restless when he slept at night, and always felt that something was going to happen on Duxu Peak, which was always stable.

Sun Li seemed to have a feeling in his heart, as if the ever-declining Duxu Peak was going to undergo a world-shaking change...

"Fatty Sun, it's time to wake up. Why do you see you dozing off every day? Why don't you sleep well at night?"

Just when Sun Li was drowsy and about to catch up on sleep, a hearty laugh came.

When Sun Li opened his eyes and took a look, he saw Feng Qiang walking over with both hands, smiling and dragging a tall and majestic figure like dragging a dead pig.

That figure was too huge, even if it was dragged backwards by him, that majestic figure seemed to be as shocking as a hill.

From a rough look, the man was at least nine feet tall, with muscles all over his body, as strong as a giant spirit god in myths and legends.

It's just that at this time, the man who looked like a giant spirit god seemed to be completely imprisoned by others, unable to resist at all, so he had to be dragged by Feng Qiang with grief and indignation on his face, his whole face was full of ferocity.

"Who is this……"

Sun Li looked at the man who was as strong as a giant spirit god and felt a little familiar in his heart. After he looked up and down the man, his eyes widened instantly:

"This, this, this...isn't this Senior Brother Giant Demon Peak, Lie Wufeng who is known as the 'Giant Spirit Demon God'!!"

Sun Li exclaimed, and a heart almost jumped out of his chest. At this moment, he even felt that his entire world view was about to collapse. What happened before him really shocked him!

Among the seventy-two peaks of the Demon Underworld Sect, Giant Demon Peak is at the top of the twenty-four peaks, and it is powerful.

Moreover, this vein has a lot to do with the "Giant Blood Peak" in the Heaven Level Peak, and has always been regarded as a branch of the Giant Blood Peak!

And Lie Wufeng, the elder brother of Giant Demon Peak, is a quasi-super powerhouse who has reached the middle stage of Shadow River Realm, and is only one step away from the late Shadow River Realm. Promoted to one of the seed powerhouses of the Linghe Great Realm, the entire sect has always placed high hopes on it!

The kung fu method of Giant Demon Peak focuses on refining the strength of the physical body.

In the Demon Underworld Sect, Eldest Brother is even honored as the "giant spirit and demon god". In terms of strength alone, he can be said to be the best in the entire Demon Underworld Sect, and few people can match it.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Lie Wufeng is an absolute powerhouse in the entire Demon Underworld Sect.

Except for the senior brothers from the two branches of Tianmo Peak and Youming Peak, he has always had no scruples. Even those senior brothers from Tianfeng Peak dare to fight, domineering and unscrupulous!

But it is such a strong man who is so tyrannical that he is abnormal, but now all his spiritual energy and energy channels have been sealed, and he was dragged over like a dead pig.

This huge contrast fell in Sun Li's eyes, making him almost doubt whether he was hallucinating!

Lie Wufeng... Even Lie Wufeng was defeated by our new big brother?

What a joke!

How is it possible, this is absolutely impossible...

And Feng Qiang, who dragged Lie Wufeng to the front of the peak prison, saw Sun Li still staring at him blankly, and couldn't help frowning, with a displeased expression on his face.

"Stupid fart, why are you in a daze, quickly open the door of the cell and lock this guy in."

"Ah? That's right..."

Sun Li was startled, and didn't dare to neglect, hurriedly took out the key from his pocket to open the door in a panic.

It's just that at this moment, his whole mind was filled with a huge sense of shock. In his panic, he didn't grasp his hand for a moment, and unexpectedly made the heavy key made of black iron fall to the ground with a click.

"Junior Brother Feng, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Sun Li hurriedly leaned over to pick up the key, and opened the door of the cell in a panic. This Junior Brother Feng has a bad temper, and he is a new celebrity in front of Senior Brother, so he can't be messed with.

He hurriedly quickened his pace and led the way ahead.

The environment inside this peak prison is very dilapidated, the light is also very dim, and the air is abnormally dull, exuding a rotten atmosphere that seems to have been produced after a long time.

Inhalation of throat, itchy throat makes people want to cough.

Sun Li took Feng Qiang around the entire cell several times, but couldn't find a suitable cell, and his face became more and more bitter.

Because the prison on Duxu Peak has not been used for a long time, and no one maintains it here, many cells and even the doors of the cells have become dilapidated and cannot be used at all.

"Why is it so broken here? After all, you guard here every day and don't deal with it?"

Smelling the choking and dilapidated smell emanating from the entire peak prison, Feng Qiang frowned involuntarily, and vigorously flapped his palms in front of his nose a few times to get rid of the strong rotten smell.

"Sorry, Junior Brother Feng, this place is...too old, be careful where you step."

Sun Li wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and looked around the entire peak prison, but he couldn't find a suitable cell that could hold Lie Wufeng, so he had to take the two of them to the innermost cell. .

"The other cells are damaged to varying degrees. I'm afraid there is no way to imprison Senior Brother Lie Wufeng. Now it seems that only this cell is the most complete."

While saying this, Sun Li took out the rusty key and opened the heavy iron stone door.

As the door opened, a thick cloud of dust swept out immediately.

The smell was even more choking, and Sun Li coughed first.

This is an extremely spacious prison cell, with a radius of several feet, covering a very large area.

There is a black skeleton in the center of the cell. The skeleton has existed for an unknown number of years. It looks like it was left by some kind of huge humanoid creature, but now only the lower body is left standing in the cell.

Near the wall of the prison cell, five men in various robes were sitting on the ground dejectedly, their faces full of despair.

And Lie Wufeng, who had been dragged backwards by Feng Qiang, still had a furious look on his face. If he had the chance, he would jump on Feng Qiang and bite him a few times.

But as soon as he saw the five people sitting on the edge of the prison cell, the elder brother of the Giant Demon Peak suddenly froze, and the angry expression on his face instantly calmed down, turning into a kind of extreme shock and sluggishness again. ...

"Senior Brother Wang Que of Huaying Peak, Senior Brother Ling Tian of Blood Sword Peak, Senior Brother Li Yu of Huanmo Peak, Senior Brother Chen Xuan of Mieyu Peak, Senior Brother Wu Ziqin of Tushen Peak..."

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