Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1145 Best Wife

"With this little monster around, it seems that Duxu Peak's rise is unstoppable."

The last of the five people is Li Yu from Huanmofeng. He is usually taciturn and the city is extremely deep.

Seeing all kinds of discussions about the mysterious senior brother Du Xufeng, he finally couldn't help but sighed softly.

The atmosphere fell silent for a while, and everyone felt extremely depressed.

Li Yu's words express what everyone is most worried about and at the same time the most undeniable point.

The dark and empty prison {pig}{pig}{island} novel www{zhuzhu][} suddenly fell into a deathly silence, and everyone felt heavy in their hearts.

According to the legend, the day Du Xufeng rises again is the time of the bloodbath of the Demon Underworld Sect? !


The billowing heat wafted through the air along with alluring scents, making the cave on the top of the empty mountain suddenly reveal a warm atmosphere.

The curling smoke rises windingly, like a layer of fairy mist, forming a layer of hazy white clouds on the top of the cave.

In this beautiful dream-like scene, a slender figure carefully walked up to Chu Chen with a steaming pot of soup, and gently placed it on the clean stone table.

At this time, several delicate side dishes had been placed on the stone table, and each dish was full of color, fragrance and taste, which made people feel their index fingers move at a glance.

As for Chu Chen, who was sitting beside the stone table, he looked with admiration at the indifferent face of the purple-haired girl in front of him, who was as expressionless as a puppet, and couldn't hide his amazement.

To be honest, if he hadn't lived with Zixi for so many days, he would never have thought that this seemingly indifferent girl would actually be a real family-friendly woman.

Zixi likes to cook, stir-fry, and clean the room. When she has nothing to do, she likes to go out and gather some fruits and plants that even Chu Chen can't recognize to make a sumptuous dinner.

And the most speechless thing is that in fact, Zixi can't eat much... Often she cooks a table of dishes, but she only tastes a few mouthfuls, and more than 90% of them enter Chuchen's stomach.

This woman, it seems that she cooks purely as a hobby, she just likes to do it,

But I don't really like to eat that much.

Having said that, it would be a bit of a waste if such a woman doesn't marry back home...

The corner of Chu Chen's mouth curled slightly, and Zixi carefully placed the soup pot on the table, then lowered his head and tasted it lightly, as if he was relieved.

He glanced at Chu Chen faintly, and saw that the young man seemed to be thinking about something as he looked around with his chin and eyeballs in his hand.

"This, you can eat."

After a pause, Zixi was about to turn around and leave, but was stopped by Chu Chen: "Don't go."

"What's up?"

The indifferent purple eyes looked over again. For some reason, Chu Chen found that Zixi's eyes seemed to be a little different from before, no longer like before, without any fluctuations, like a pool of stagnant water.

Now there seems to be a little more aura in the purple eyes, and it seems to have a different kind of charm.

"Every time you cook a good meal, you have to take a bite and leave. It's so boring. Of course, when two people eat together, the taste will be better."

Chu Chen chuckled, "Besides, we all live under the same roof, but we don't have much chance to communicate with each other at all. We just take advantage of this time to chat. This is like a family."

The purple eyes stared at Chu Chen indifferently for a while, a wave suddenly appeared in the depths of those eyes, but soon calmed down again.

Seeing Zixi gently shook her head: "There is no need to understand, you can eat by yourself."

"Hey, this is too embarrassing for me."

Chu Chen's voice was slightly raised, "I am the owner of this place anyway, you are just a guest staying overnight. As the saying goes, guests do as they please. This is tantamount to breaking the rules here. Let me ask you a question. If you answer, I will let you go."

Zixi's figure paused for a moment, then turned around, looked at Chu Chen expressionlessly and said nothing.

"Did you...have you ever liked someone since you were a child?"

Chu Chen's voice became a little low, with a feeling of curiosity that couldn't be concealed.

"the person I like?"

Zixi was stunned for a moment, and a daze flashed in her clear amethyst-like eyes, "What kind of person is the one you like?"

"It means you are willing to do anything for him, you want to be with him for the rest of your life, no matter what difficulties you face, no matter what danger you face, you don't want to separate, no matter what price you pay, you don't want to hurt someone."

Chu Chen grinned at the corner of his mouth, and asked with a wicked smile.

The confusion in the lavender eyes became more and more profound. It seemed that Chu Chen's question had caused her to fall into some kind of confusion.

Zixi's usual indifferent expression changed several times in an instant. The next moment, under Chu Chen's surprised eyes, he saw the purple-haired girl squinting her eyes as if instinctively...

She remembered that on that windy night, she leaned against Chu Chen and looked up at the dark sky.

Relying on each other, in this dark world, feeling each other's warmth.

That feeling was very special to her, very special!

The confusion in the beautiful purple gem-like eyes only lasted for a moment, and Zixi shook her head as if suddenly thinking of something.

The expression on her face quickly turned into a kind of determination: "I don't need to have such a person."

"Oh, so sure?"

Chu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "That's not necessarily..."

Zixi shook her head lightly, and glanced at him: "What else is there? You wasted a lot of my time."

"Well, there is indeed one more thing I want your help with."

Chu Chen smiled and pointed upwards, "What I want to say is that you haven't been to the top of the mountain for several days..."

"I have no reason to go."

There was no expression on Zixi's indifferent face.

"Didn't you say you were going to wait for a young golden-winged roc?"

Chu Chen asked softly, "Don't you plan to do that now?"

"You're right, I'm waiting for that roc."

Zixi nodded numbly, "But I thought about it, there is no need to guard there every night. If the golden-winged roc really came, I would naturally feel it."

"Are you afraid of going to the top of the mountain?"

"I...not." Zixi suddenly realized that her gaze was avoiding.

"Uh... well, since you're not afraid of the mountaintop, do me a favor."

Chu Chen smiled harmlessly to humans and animals.

Zixi instinctively took a step back.

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