Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1147 The Strongest Elder Sister on Earth Peak

Seeing the hostility on the girl's indifferent face, Chu Chen smiled and pointed in the direction of the sound of the drums.

"Remember our agreement... Now that someone is coming to our Duxu Peak to fight, you prepare yourself and go with me to send them away."

Zixi was silent for a while, then nodded calmly, this was her own promise.

Not long after, when Chu Chen and Zixi had just walked outside the reception hall, they hadn't entered it yet.

From a distance, one after another could be heard in the magnificent hall, with a strong aura of provoking the teacher and questioning the crime.

**猪**猪**岛**novel www.; "Let that Chu guy get out of here quickly! A little rookie who has just started dares to run rampant on Duxu Peak, really thinks I am a devil!" Is there no one left in Mingzong?"

"That's right, let that sinister and shameless Du Xufeng Chu puppy come here! He only plays tricks and tricks, how can He De be a senior brother of Yifeng!"

"You vile and shameless villain, why don't you rush to confess the crime, do you really want us to turn Duxu Peak upside down?"


When the crowd was turbulent, Zixi at the side also noticed that there were like clouds among the group of strong people.

I'm afraid this time, it won't be a senior brother from a certain peak, but a group of senior brothers from various peaks. Chu Chen may be in big trouble!

It's no wonder that Chu Chen, who never let himself make a move, purposely let himself come down the mountain together.

When Zixi thought of this, two flashes of sharpness appeared in her indifferent eyes.

But Chu Chen strode towards the crowded place without any hesitation, as if he didn't have any perception.

Listening to the noise, there are many female voices. It seems that among the ruthless characters this time, there are many senior sisters of the Demon Sect.

Chu Chen walked faster and faster, striding like meteors. Since he came directly from the direction of the cave to the guest hall this time, he went from the back hall to the front hall.

As soon as he stepped into the apse, he saw a group of disciples of Duxu Peak running around like ants on a hot pot. As soon as they saw him coming, a group of people from Liushen Wuzhu immediately surrounded them.

"Eldest senior brother, you are here. If you come a little later... I'm afraid we might not be able to keep Duxu Peak."

The third senior brother Ye Hao walked up to Chu Chen with a wry smile on his face,

He was sweating profusely.

"What's going on, it seems that a group of women charged this time..."

While talking, Chu Chen glanced around, "Huh? Where's Feng Qiang? Where did he go?"

"Junior Brother Feng is arguing with them outside."

Ye Hao smiled wryly and shook his head, "The group of junior sisters who are leading the battle are too powerful, overwhelming. Our disciples of Crossing the Void Peak were so frightened that they didn't dare to show their anger. Only Junior Brother Feng fought against them single-handedly."


Chu Chen nodded calmly. Among this group of disciples, Feng Qiang was indeed the only one who was bold enough. Regardless of your strength and level, Gu Feng, he would dare to fight with him behind him.

It's quite like a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and he beats an old boxer to death with random punches.

Stepping into the front hall of the reception hall, Chu Chen raised his eyes and saw Feng Qiang's solid figure from a distance. Surrounded by a group of slender beauties, his expression remained unchanged, and he was chatting with him like a river of eloquence. The group of girls argued.

"... What a joke! That group of trash fell into the hands of my senior brother Chu, which means they are losers. As for what method they used to catch them, it's none of your business. Winners and losers, that's the truth. All the upright sects know this, but don't we people from the Demon Sect know this truth?"

The more Feng Qiang talked, the more angry he became, his face flushed, as if if you were not women, I would have beaten you up long ago.

"Hmph, what's the use of being loud? If you really fight alone, with your nearly lost breaking skills on Duxu Peak, can you deal with senior brothers from other peaks?"

In front of Feng Qiang, a beautiful woman in red dress with Danfeng eyes and an astonishing momentum asked with a sneer.

"Return you, what right do you have to speak in front of me, tell Chu Chen to get out of here! Your cultivation level is not even worthy of carrying my shoes, and you dare to speak wild words in front of me, how presumptuous!"

The red-clothed beauty's eyes were like lightning, and when she raised her eyebrows and asked sharply, the air froze.

"Smelly woman, you come to our Duxu Peak to make trouble. I don't beat you because you are a woman. If you continue to make trouble, I will not be polite."

Feng Qiang didn't have any intention of stage fright, he actually confronted the beauty in red, and everyone who made Du Xufeng sweated for him, after all, the difference in strength between the two was too great.

For the beauty in red to deal with him, it might be as simple as crushing an ant to death!

This kid is really audacious.

And he can be said to be surrounded by heavy siege, besides the stunning beauty in red, the group of young girls behind the beauty in red are also full of murderous looks, with sharp eyes.

Chu Chen shook his head, this kid will suffer if he is too sharp.

Although I like this kid's temper very much, I can't let him suffer.

Chu Chen continued to move forward while thinking.

While trotting all the way, Ye Hao, who followed Chu Chen closely, introduced the origins of these girls to him.

"These girls are the disciples of Miaoyu Peak. The disciples of this line are the ancient magic sages, the supernatural powers left by the goddess Miaoyu. The strongest peak of all the peaks."

Gasping for breath, he paused for a moment, Ye Hao's tone was full of solemnity and fear.

"Furthermore, due to the special reason of cultivating exercises, this Miaoyu Peak has a deep relationship with many ancient heavenly peaks, and many disciples are Taoist companions of the senior brothers of the Tianfeng Peak."

As Ye Hao spoke, his expression became more and more cringe.

"You must know that Mieyu Peak, who is also ranked at the top of the Earth Peak, has always run counter to the teachings of Miaoyu Peak's cultivation, but Mieyu Peak dare not have the slightest conflict with them! These women... are really scary!"

"Oh, Miaoyu Peak? Is that the Miaoyu Peak, which is known as the place of fireworks in the Demon Dao? How dare you come to my Duxu Peak to play wild?"

Chu Chen sneered, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, "It's just a group of witches, how capable they can be."

"Brother, if you have such an idea, then you are wrong, don't be careless!"

Ye Hao waved his hands again and again, indicating that the protagonist should not underestimate the enemy.

"Although the reputation of Miaoyu Peak is not very good, their strength is real! The woman in red at the head is Yu Yeyou, the elder sister of Miaoyu Peak. Even if her own strength is Ling Tian, ​​Wang Que Those people are also willing to bow down, she is the absolute number one on the mountain."

"And the most important thing is... that woman is extremely influential in the entire Demon Underworld Sect, and she responds to everyone. Do you see the few silent male disciples not far behind her? She invited them to help Brothers at the peak level!"

As Ye Hao spoke, his voice trembled, as if he was about to pee in fear.

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