This hearty victory made Du Xufeng's disciples unable to calm down for a long time, and they were so excited that they couldn't control themselves.

The new legendary era of Duxu Peak may be coming!

And I can witness this legend, if I'm lucky, maybe I can become a part of the legend!

The eyes of all the disciples lit up.

All of this, because of the appearance of this senior brother named Chu Chen, the structure of the Mo Mingzong has been rewritten.

"Clean the battlefield!"

\u0026nb—pig—pig—island—novel ww.{zhu}{zhu}{}; Senior Brother Feng stepped forward.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

He directly rolled up his sleeves, and slapped heavily on the acupoints on the backs of the half-dead senior brothers.

One by one fell down.

These senior brothers didn't have the ability to resist at all. They let his palms slap on their backs, and then their eyes suddenly went dark, and they completely fainted.

This is the method of sealing the energy channels that Feng Qiang learned from Chu Chenna specially. The general method of sealing the energy channels requires the caster's spiritual power to be of higher quality than the opponent's, so that the opponent's spiritual power fluctuations can be completely locked.

However, after Chu Chen modified this set of secret techniques, it became much more convenient.

As long as one blasts one's spiritual power into a few acupoints in the opponent's body with the weakest spiritual power, it can completely block the opponent's spiritual power circulation route.

In this way, only a small amount of spiritual power can achieve the effect of blocking the opponent's cultivation.

And Feng Qiang, who had learned this set of secret techniques, was extremely excited, and immediately tried it on these famous senior brothers. A famous senior brother fell to the ground after his spiritual power was blocked by him, and was immediately followed by others. The people caught him and dragged him to the peak prison.

Looking at the disciples of Duxu Peak, they all looked excited, and the indifferent Zixi seemed to come from another world.

She looked at Chu Chen calmly.

"Didn't you let me help you solve the challenges of people from other peaks? Now it seems that you don't need my help at all.

You can solve it all by yourself. "

"I just want you to be with me."

Chu Chen chuckled, with a cheeky look on his face.

Zixi's soulless eyes fluctuated slightly, "Don't make such jokes on me, it doesn't make any sense."

Chu Chen shook his head with a smile, and then said seriously, "Okay, let me tell the truth, so far, the people who have come to kick the peak are all senior brothers from prefecture-level ancient peaks. The first-class geniuses have not yet come, that is, the strongest group of people has not set foot on the domain of Duxu Peak, when this group of powerful people from the ancient peak of the sky level arrives, I need to join hands with you."

"Heaven-level ancient peak?" Zixi frowned slightly, "Are you going to provoke them?"

"It's not that I want to provoke them, but that there are some troubles that cannot be avoided at all." Chu Chen said calmly.

"Generally speaking, the senior brothers of the ancient peaks at the sky level don't bother to get involved in the battles between the ancient peaks at the earth level. If the Xu peak does not rise strongly, after the earth peak level has no opponent, it must have alarmed the sky peak level. They I won't tolerate it, the original No. 1 peak of the Demon Underworld Sect will rise again, this is something they cannot accept, and it will come sooner or later."

Having said that, Chu Chen laughed again.

"So, the real challenge hasn't started yet, and I don't know when it will start, so I need you to be by my side all the time."

Zixi was stunned for a moment, and wanted to refute, but she didn't know what to say, why did the kid say something so strange, but she thought it was good.

She stood there blankly, without speaking.

Chu Chen looked around and waved at Zixi again.

"By the way, it's been a long time since I went to observe the peak. Don't you want to observe the golden-winged roc? I also really need to suppress the blood in my body, otherwise the consequences will be very troublesome... It just so happens that I have earned a lot of souls recently. Yu, can support the opening of the pupil for a long time, how about going to the peak with me tonight?"

Looking at Chu Chen's slightly hopeful eyes, Zixi instinctively wanted to refuse.

But what he just said that he hoped that he would stay with him all the time made Zixi a little confused. After a moment of silence, she finally nodded slightly.

She herself didn't know why she made a strange mistake, so she got on the thief's boat.


The wind was fierce, and the whistling hurricane swept past, blowing the strange peaks and rocks on Duxu Peak, and making a whining sound like the neighing of wild animals, which sounded full of a wild and boundless flavor.

By the third watch, the entire Duxu Peak was covered with a thick layer of night.

In the darkness where you can't see your fingers, a few slightly vain figures follow behind a thick and steady figure, and they are patrolling the entire ancient peak without haste, and a few low laughter can be heard faintly .

"Hahaha, today was really fun, the senior brother's move was really powerful, it knocked down so many people in one fell swoop!"

"Did you see that big brother from Xuanying Peak? Hahaha... that guy claimed to be the fastest, and then he rushed the fastest, but in the end he was also the fastest one to fall. It really made me laugh!"

"There's also that girl from Miaoyu Peak, who usually looks like she's turning all sentient beings upside down, with a charming and peerless beauty, a woman who is usually so arrogant and domineering in the Demon Underworld Sect. In front of our senior brother, she has become a troubled woman. Bitch, senior brother should put her first..."

"Hey, you kid, the sperm is on your head, you think you are a big brother, no matter how beautiful a woman like this is, you can't touch it..."

"Okay, everyone concentrate, the wind is very strong here, be careful that you will be blown directly!!"

Seemingly looking at An Wei, the few disciples who had chatted away, the steady man in the lead turned around and gave a few words of advice in a low voice.

This steady man is none other than Zhao Shi, the original second senior brother on Duxu Peak. Since Duxu Peak won a beautiful and tough battle today, the entire disciples on Duxu Peak were very excited. Everyone gathered together to have fun at night. I drank it happily.

Although most of the disciples were drunk, for Zhao Shi, the inspection on Duxu Peak could not be affected.

So he led a few disciples who drank relatively little to patrol the mountain.

He has always been prudent, so he is not used to seeing these disciples' unrestrained behavior, but his temperament does not like to say too much.

After all, everyone is happy, and he doesn't want to disappoint everyone.

When several people walked on the tallest boulder on the halfway up the mountainside of Duanxu Peak, one of the slightly fat disciples suddenly froze for a moment, pointed to the top of the mountain and exclaimed.

"Huh? It's so late, why are there still people on the top of the mountain??"

"You're new here, don't you even know this, then you must be a senior brother!"

A thin young man next to him chuckled.

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