Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1163 Is there such a way of healing?

"What's wrong?"

Chu Chen's concerned voice brought the girl back to reality, and back into the boy's arms.

With a gentle smile on his face, Chu Chen gently took out a delicate white porcelain jade bottle from the storage ring, and poured out a purple elixir from it.

"This soul-warming and nourishing pill will help you recover from your injuries. Let me take it for you."

The girl's gaze paused for a moment, then she nodded unobtrusively.

Chu Chen hurriedly and cautiously wrapped his hands around the slender body of the purple-haired girl, held a water cup in one hand to feed her water, and fed the purple elixir into her mouth with the other.

Between the opening and closing of the thin lips, the snow-white white teeth are as bright as jade, like pearls.

The elixir turned into a ball of heat and entered the belly, and Zixi's eyebrows frowned slightly.

The medicinal power of this elixir is very strong, after swallowing it is like drinking a bottle of strong wine, the boiling heat is accumulated in the stomach.

Because of the scattered spiritual power in her body, she couldn't melt it away, and soon she felt a hot feeling, and the heat was still rising.

"Why, isn't the medicine too strong?"

It seemed that something was wrong with the expression on the girl's face, Chu Chen quickly put his palm on her back, the billowing spiritual power swam through her body like a long dragon, and soon found out the reason.

The corner of his mouth twitched, Chu Chen's voice was a little embarrassed, and he smiled unnaturally.

"Hmm... your spiritual power is still a little scattered. If you want to completely dissipate the power of the medicine, you have to help you push the palace and activate the blood... I've offended you."


As expected, he pushed himself... The girl's heartbeat couldn't help but speed up.

Zi Zi's eyes lowered lower, and Zi Xi's indifferent face still showed no expression, but unconsciously, a thin pink halo began to diffuse on that crystal clear and snow-white pretty face...

After taking a few deep breaths, Chu Chen's palm pressed against the girl's smooth back and began to move slowly.

The rough palm caressed the crystal clear skin, even though it was blocked by the gray robe, the smooth touch still penetrated into the heart and lungs,


"You changed my clothes?"

The girl's sudden words echoed in the void, and Chu Chen was taken aback for a moment, his hands trembled, and the output of spiritual power almost collapsed.

"Uh, yes, the situation is urgent. At that time, your spirit was severely impacted, and your control over your body was the weakest. If you get a cold, the consequences will be very serious, so I..."

There was an inexplicable sense of justification in Chu Chen's voice. After he said it, he blamed himself for being too panicked. He should be serious. He was saving people, and everything he did was justified.

When hearing these words, a trace of tenderness suddenly flashed in the girl's lavender eyes.

The rough palms moved over his body in a non-heavy manner, and the boiling heat from the palms sank into his stomach, melting and dissolving the boiling medicinal power layer by layer, guiding it to the flesh, muscles and bones of his whole body.

After a while, the girl felt warm and comfortable all over her body.

"How long did I sleep before?"

The plain voice sounded again, Chu Chen thought for a while, and responded softly, "You have been asleep for a whole day."

The girl nodded and stopped talking, closed her eyes quietly, and began to cooperate with Chu Chen's spiritual power to dissolve the medicine in her body.

This time, Chu Chen's movements were very careful, quite satisfactory, and his palms kept moving between the important acupuncture points and air valves.

But the girl's heartbeat couldn't stop speeding up, and the feeling of big hands walking around her body was indescribably weird, but extremely comfortable.

It took half an hour for Chu Chen to completely dissolve the medicinal power in Zixi's body, feeling that the medicinal power of the elixir began to nourish the girl's spirit and body in all directions, and he let out a long sigh. Take a breath.

The girl was a little bit reluctant, she frowned slightly.

"Looking at it this way, you just need to recuperate for a few more days. Your spirit and physical fitness are not very high these days. It may be a bit inconvenient if you want to walk. But I will stay in this cave all the time. You If you want to do something, just ring the bell."

While talking, Chu Chen took out a delicate copper bell from the storage ring and placed it beside her bed.

The girl looked at the appearance of the bell, and nodded silently.

Watching the quiet figure of the gray-clothed boy slowly leave, the purple-haired girl's usually indifferent and empty eyes suddenly showed many different lights...

It seems to be different, this time the injury is different from any other injury she has suffered in the past.

In her mind, she vaguely remembered a sentence that Master Changsheng often said in her ear.

"In this world, the only thing you can rely on is yourself! Never pin your hopes on others, never expect someone to save you, never expect your pain to be borne by others! People If you don't do it for yourself, you will be destroyed by heaven and earth!"

It is precisely because of this belief that in the past, no matter how many injuries she suffered, Lord Changsheng would not care about it. At most, he would throw a few healing pills and leave on his own, leaving her to fend for herself.

This is a world where the law of the jungle preys on the strong, and this world has always been cruel.

Either overcome all difficulties and survive, or die unsupported, and only in this way can one truly become a strong man.

In fact, Zixi also knew very well in her heart that the reason why Lord Changsheng did this was to exercise her ability to survive in any desperate situation.

And she has always held this kind of mind, no matter what difficulties she encounters, no matter what kind of serious injuries she suffers, she grits her teeth and survives on her own, never relying on others to ask others for help ...

I vaguely remember that the first time she fought a storm demon bear in the Lingxi realm, most of her bones were broken by the palm of the demon bear, and she fell into a pool of mud. Slowly tempering the bones of the whole body, healing the wounds on the body little by little.

I vaguely remember that when she was hunting a green devil poisonous dragon, she cut off the poisonous dragon's head with a sword, but the poison contained in the dragon bead invaded her body, and her whole body was sore and limp in the poisonous poisonous dragon's flesh and blood. , Little by little, he condensed the anti-drug power from his body, and then absorbed all the essence of the poisonous flood dragon's flesh and blood, and finally broke through the bottleneck with a surge in cultivation.

There was also that battle with the ghost vampire, nearly 40% of her blood was absorbed by the vampire, and she was so weak that she almost thought that she would definitely die ()

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