Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1169: Sensational World

The little hamster stared blankly ahead.

Chu Chen's figure was suspended in the high void. From the outside, he didn't look injured, and his whole body was intact?

But the originally bright light beam that pierced the sky and looked like it was going to split the whole world disappeared without a trace...

No, the beam of light did not disappear. At this moment, Chu Chen's eyes, which were suspended in the void, had become extremely shining, as bright as two little suns.

Through the bright light, one can faintly see that a complete world has completely evolved in Chu Chen's eyes at this moment!

\u0026nbs*Pig*Pig*Island*novel w.zuzdp; It was a golden-red world, surrounded by waves of rich golden-red light.

In that golden-red world, one could see an incomparably bright golden light beam continuously gliding across the void, and every time it glided, a faint trace of sword energy would appear in the void.

Countless traces of sword energy are densely arranged in that golden-red world, gradually evolving into a prototype of a set of mysterious and incomparable sword tactics...

This is... This is the supernatural power of transforming freedom, forming a universe by itself! !

No one knew how surprised the little hamster was at this moment.

The so-called "Hua Zi Zi", also known as "Shen Gan", is a lost supernatural power of Buddhism in ancient times.

Buddhism believes that every feeling of human beings represents a small world.

What the eyes see is one world, what the nose smells is another world, and what the hands touch is another world.

Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and hands, the five senses of touch correspond to the five worlds, and constitute the basis of the entire world that human beings can see and feel.

In addition to these five worlds, there is another world independent of the five basic senses, that is, the independent world formed by "spiritual sense", called "Hua Zi Zai Tian", which is the world of human thoughts, emotions, and souls. the corresponding world.

At this moment, Chu Chen's eyes actually evolved into a brand new world, and the inclusion of that golden beam of light clearly opened up his own divine sense, forming a world of his own!

"It turned out to be a self-contained universe, how could it be a self-contained universe!... Didn't this supernatural power completely disappear in the long river of time with the extinction of the ancient Buddhism?

How did this kid learn it?

Could it be... is it the supernatural power contained in that celestial divine fire? "

This is the spiritual world inherited from Emperor Yan!

Huazi supernatural powers are different from ordinary spiritual powers, cultivation bases and other supernatural powers.

This is the category that belongs exclusively to soul power.

Chu Chen's natural soul power was unparalleled, but he did not expect it to be so powerful that he could temporarily evolve a small world in his spiritual sea.

The small world evolved from the source of the soul completely captures the brand of the sword light, and then gradually refines and comprehends it... This kind of idea is really crazy!

Just based on Chu Chen's current soul cultivation...

Can this self-contained universe formed by the supernatural power of Huazi be able to withstand the bombardment of that sword energy?

As soon as this thought flashed across his mind, the little hamster saw Chu Chen's figure in mid-air tremble violently, and the misty golden-red world in his eyes began to tremble violently.

At this moment, that small world has been completely filled with numerous sword marks, sword energy, sword light, and sword shadows.

It can be seen that Chu Chen has tried his best to comprehend, deduce, and control this golden beam of mystery from all angles and aspects, but the sword intent contained in it is too powerful and profound. Can't fully digest!

And once those out-of-control sword marks and sword shadows rushed out of the small golden-red world, they could burst out of Chu Chen's body.

Little hamster wants to do something, but can't help at all.

As it watched helplessly, a fine scar appeared on Chu Chen's body from time to time. The scar was slender and the incision was smooth. It felt like being cut open by a sharp sword!

Puff puff……

In just a few breaths, three bursts of sword energy burst out from Chu Chen's body, bringing out bloody flowers all over the sky.

Although Chu Chen's Huazi supernatural power is mysterious, it is the first time he has used it. That small golden-red world is just a prototype, and it can't accommodate the huge sword intent contained in that golden beam of light.

At this time, those sword intents poured out, and immediately caused a lot of damage to his physical body! !

"Boy, hurry up and unlock the supernatural power of Huazizai, and release the sword intent in Zicheng Qiankun! Now you are still too weak, you can't contain those sword intents at all, don't seek death!"

The little hamster who reacted kept roaring!

Chu Chen, who was in the air, shook his head resolutely after hearing its cry.

The next moment, I saw his bright eyes suddenly closed tightly.

In the next second, a bright light burst out from him!

At this moment, Chu Chen's entire body became a little transparent, and it could be seen that the small world that existed in his eyes seemed to have merged with his physical body?

At this time, his physical body is the carrier of that small world, and sharp sword energy, sword marks, and sword intent collide in all directions in his transparent small world of physical body, exuding a horrifying and peerless murderous intent .

When he was punched out of the terrible wound by several sword marks again, Chu Chen suddenly raised his head to the sky and roared angrily.

In an instant, the brilliance of his dantian suddenly exploded, and golden-red flames rose from the depths of his sea of ​​qi, and soon filled his whole body.

The raging flames billowed, the originally peaceful small world in Chu Chen's body had completely turned into a furnace, and raging flames filled every inch of the void, frantically refining those sword marks, sword qi, and sword intent.

Using the flesh as the melting pot, if you really can't comprehend this style of sword intent, then forcibly refine it and use it for me! !

too crazy!

Endless golden-red flames gushed out from Chu Chen's dantian Qihai, and the billowing flames completely filled the self-contained universe formed by the supernatural power of Huazi.

There were even billowing flames appearing on Chu Chen's body at this time. From a distance, Chu Chen had turned into a human-shaped torch!

The temperature of the golden-red flame was unbelievably high. After only burning for a while, the rocks on the ground of the mountain top had already begun to show that the alien species was about to melt.

Waves of terrifying heat radiated, and soon the entire peak of Duxu Peak became scorching hot.

The little hamster jumped on the ground with its feet and fled far away.

"Damn it, why is this brat crazy? Is he trying to burn Duxu Peak?"

"But having said that, he has become more and more proficient in controlling the divine fire of the heavens. He can actually evolve the small world of Huazizai into the body, and then use the divine fire of the heavens to assist him. From this point of view, it seems that he really has a chance to completely refine it. The imprint and spirit contained in this sword light..."

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