"These monks..."

Looking around, Chu Chen frowned, and then walked towards the door.

Zixi beside him froze for a moment, her cold and indifferent expression moved slightly, and then followed.

The air is full of manic and tyrannical atmosphere. To be honest, the people who can enter this black blood auction house are not good people. Personal tempers are not so easy to provoke.

Facing the merciless scolding of the two black-clothed girls, no matter how thick-skinned these people are, they still feel a little helpless.

It's just that no matter how upset they were in their hearts, after seeing the two rows of black-armored guards who looked like killing machines in front of the palace gate, everyone didn't dare to say anything, but many people's eyes became serious.

In such a somewhat gloomy atmosphere, Chu Chen gently pushed through the crowd and walked up to the girl in black.

Not far in front of him, a nine-foot-tall man with scars like centipedes all over his body was touched by him, and he turned around abruptly. A pair of eyes the size of copper bells were vicious. He glared at Chu Chen.

"Boy, why squeeze? Look at the virtue of your little boy, this is not a place for you!"

It was obvious that the strong man had just been reprimanded by the girl in black, so he was in a bad mood, so he didn't speak so politely.

But Chu Chen ignored his existence, and nodded at the girl in black in front of him, "What kind of qualifications do you need to enter the Black Blood Auction House?"

"We need the invitation jade slip sent by our auction house, or a token from someone above the middle management level of our auction house, or an invincible expert above the Linghe realm, which is well-known in the magic world."

The black-clothed girl's face was cold, and she couldn't hear any emotional fluctuations in her voice. She spoke in a completely businesslike manner.

"Looking at the breath on your body, it is far from the level of the invincible strongman in the Linghe realm. And according to the situation you asked these words, it can be inferred that you must not have the invitation jade slip from our auction house. I think With your aptitude, I'm afraid you won't be able to get the token of our auction house management staff... I think you should go back as soon as possible, there are so many people here, it's very dangerous, kid."

The girl in black looked very indifferent, and as soon as she finished speaking, she turned to another monk, as if she no longer wanted to talk to Chu Chen any more.

And Chu Chen was slightly taken aback after hearing these words,

Slightly half-closed his eyes.

To be honest, he only heard that the Black Blood Auction House is the largest auction house in the entire Western Wilderness, but he didn't know that there are so many rules if he wants to enter.

It seems that he really didn't have any of the regulations that the girl in black said... Could it be that he is destined to return without success this time?

Um? No, although he really can't satisfy the first two aptitudes, but when it comes to the third aptitude, it's really not necessarily...

Such a thought flashed through his mind, Chu Chen's heart moved, and he slowly took out a warm sapphire ring finger from the storage ring, and shook it in front of the black-clothed girl's eyes.

"Do you see if this token is eligible to enter?"

"What is this..."

The girl in black glanced casually, just about to raise her face impatiently and reprimand, but when her gaze fell on the sapphire finger, she froze suddenly, her expression instantly horrified.

"This is the Green... Green Blood Jade Ring! I'm sorry, my lord, I have neglected you, please forgive me!"

In a short period of time, the attitude of the girl in black changed drastically. She not only bowed to Chu Chen to admit her mistake, but also hurriedly stepped forward with a charming smile on her face.

"My lord, please hurry up. Anyone who owns the Xu family's sapphire blood ring is undoubtedly a distinguished guest at any auction in the world, and our Black Blood Auction is no exception."

"Oh?" Chu Chen's face was calm, but his heart seemed to fluctuate violently like a stormy sea.

This warm sapphire finger was one of the tokens given to him when he made a wish to leave the Medicine Palace and return to the family to practice.

At that time, she didn't say what the significance of this finger ring represented, but said that after having this thing, entering Xu's auction house to buy things can enjoy a lot of discounts.

However, the expressions of the people at the Black Blood Auction House changed drastically when they saw this thing, as if they saw something extremely noble.

The demonic monks on the side could clearly feel the strong respect and awe in the heart of the black-clothed girl in front of her.

One must know that this young girl is the one who dares to scold and curse in front of a large group of superpowers!

A mere finger pull can actually make people in the largest magic auction in the Western Wilderness so awed...

What is the background of this kid?

Chu Chen didn't know, what was the meaning of the ring finger that he wished to give him?

The Xu family...how powerful is it? Simply unimaginable! !

The attitude of the girl in black became respectful. Ever since she saw the sapphire finger in Chu Chen's hand, she seemed to be a different person.

Seeing that the demonic monks around him were very depressed, what is the origin of this kid.

Everyone came to the scolding meeting, and she was scolded like a dog, but to this kid, the girl in black was like a dog that could only wag its tail.

After the girl in black entertained Chu Chen courteously and respectfully for a while, she quickly found a beautiful woman in black with a graceful temperament.

Although the beauty's aura is not ostentatious, her spirit is restrained, and she is obviously a master above the Shadow River level.

With a smile on her face, she bowed slightly to salute Chu Chen, and a large snow-white area on her chest immediately came into view, which made Chu Chen stunned, it was so bold and unrestrained.

"It's really a sin to miss the honored guests when they come. Please don't blame me. My concubine is Zhao Xuexin, one of the four great magic envoys of the Black Blood Auction House. She is specially here to entertain the honored guests today."

I have to say that this beautiful woman in black is really beautiful. She looks about twenty-seven or eighteen years old.

Although she was a few years older than Chu Chen, her skin was as white as jade, her face was full of charms, and her eyes could make moving ripples, which made the hearts of the men around her tremble.

The most attractive thing is that she exudes a very mature charm all the time. This charm is different from young women like Shen Qian and Xu Wish. This is a truly mature and perfect feminine style.

Just like the fully ripe fruit, it is plump and full of seductive charm, and one cannot help but want to pounce on it and take a bite.

Chu Chen felt a little embarrassed and looked directly at her.

... ()

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