Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1181 Super Ancient Clock

As soon as the Void Ancient Cunning Beast came out, the entire auction house became popular again, and everyone lamented that the Black Blood Auction House really lived up to its reputation!

There are even such miraculous beasts that have long been extinct in legends.

Therefore, in just a short while, the price of this cunning head was raised to more than ten thousand spirit jades.

And while the others were shouting their prices in full swing, Chu Chen remained motionless and did not participate...

It's very simple, although cunning's "virtualization" ability is against the sky, but this kind of power has one of the biggest shortcomings, that is, once you meet a strong person with natural soul power, if the opponent directly kills with the soul secret technique, Then this virtual effect will completely lose its effect!

In addition, when encountering a strong person in the late stage of the Linghe Great Realm, its nihilistic effect will be greatly reduced.

More importantly, there are not many Lingyu in Chu Chen's hand, so just take a look.

In the end, this cunning head was successfully auctioned by a mysterious man whose whole body was shrouded in shadows at the price of 20,000 Lingyu.

It is said that that person is the new Tianjiao of the famous assassination lineage in the Western Wilderness. With the help of the cunning and virtual power, his assassination power will be greatly improved!

After the successful auction of the rare cunning in the world, the third auction item once again attracted everyone's attention.

From the outside, the thing looked like a huge bronze bell.

The whole body of the copper bell is khaki, about eight feet high, and it is embroidered with simple and incomparable patterns.

It seems that the carving traces of the sun, moon and stars, birds and animals, vegetation, insects and fish can be seen faintly, which looks extremely mysterious.

But when everyone saw the sculpture on the big brass clock, they gasped almost at the same time: "Qian Lu Gu Zhong!" !

The Qianlu Ancient Bell is a magical weapon in the legend. It is said that at the end of the ancient mythology era, the gods fell and the real immortals withered. Twenty-nine thousand and six hundred pieces, the number of one yuan.

Later, there was a peerless power who worked hard to collect all the fragments of the Chaos Clock. With each fragment as the core, he cast a whole 129,600 Qianlu bells, and assembled all the bells into the A set of extremely powerful and peerless magic formation, which killed several real gods in one fell swoop, shaking the world! !

in the Legends,

Every Qianlu bell is at least a legendary magic weapon, and these bells are connected with each other and are interlocking.

If the 129,600 big clocks are perfectly assembled and operated, they can reproduce part of the power of the Chaos Clock, the innate treasure of the year, and possess the power of earth-shattering and earth-shattering!

Therefore, one can imagine how excited these evil powerhouses were when they saw the legendary bell appearing in the Black Blood Auction House.

Almost everyone's hearts tensed up instantly. It's just that after everyone carefully observed the Qianlu bell, many people shook their heads helplessly and sighed with regret.

"It's a pity, it's a pity! This is the Qianlu Great Clock, but it's just a defective product! There is no real core 'chaos clock fragment' inside this big clock. After buying it, it will be compared with an ordinary ancient method. It makes no difference!"

A white-haired old man shook his head with regret on his face.

Speaking of which, the most important thing about the Qianlu Great Clock is the fragments of the Chaos Clock inside. After all, they are fragments of innate treasures, containing unimaginable power.

Now that the most critical point is missing, the greatest value of this big clock is gone.

"It's not certain. It's not impossible to repair this Qianlu Great Clock. As long as it can be repaired successfully, there is still hope for the dissipated pieces of the Chaos Clock to be regenerated. It will be a legendary magic weapon by then. .”

A young man in purple looked at the big brass clock on the ground with piercing eyes, his expression full of anticipation.

"So I think this big clock is still worth bidding. Taking a step back, even if there is no fragment of the chaotic clock, this is a powerful magic weapon, and it is also a special rhythm magic weapon, which is amazingly powerful!"

The young man's words made several demon cultivators who were still hesitating grit their teeth one after another and opened their bids.

"I will offer three thousand spirit jades!"

"Three thousand and five!"

"I offer five thousand!!"


Although many people expressed their pity for the incompleteness of the Qianlu Great Bell, many people also showed strong interest, and finally the incomplete ancient clock was successfully auctioned at the price of 9,000 pieces of Lingyu.

Chu Chen was looking forward to the next lot with great interest.

After the auction of Qianlu Guzhong was over, the next auction item was a light gray jade slip.

The light emanating from this jade slip carried a faint profound energy, which made people involuntarily feel startled, as if they faintly sensed an extremely dangerous aura.

"This jade slip is a set of ancient exercises that we unintentionally found from the 'Soul Devouring Demon Nest'."

The woman in black's tone was flat, but when she said these words, there was a faint gleam in her eyes, and one's spirit could not help but focus on what she said.

"According to the conclusions obtained after joint exploration by several great supernatural beings in our auction house, the exercise in this jade slip is the well-known 'chaos magic formula' in the Middle Ages."

"What, it's actually the Chaos Magic Art? It's the skill that is obviously in the Lingxi realm, but as long as you can practice it to the end, go one step further, and then break the boat and go against the meridians, you will have a half chance of being directly promoted to the Linghe realm. Chaos magic formula?"

"It's actually this kind of ancient magic skill! But this kind of skill is very dangerous. Although there is a half probability of being promoted to the Linghe realm, if it fails, then the whole body's Qi veins will flow backwards, and the cultivation base will be ruined at least. Then the soul will fly away!"

"Practice this set of exercises, that is a big gamble! Either you will be promoted to the Linghe Realm, or you will completely cut off the path of cultivation! The probability of five or five points..."

"Five to five points is already amazing. You must know that if ordinary monks want to successfully advance to the Linghe realm, even one in a thousand people may not succeed. This set of exercises increases the probability by five hundred times, which is enough Take your life to block it!!!"


The atmosphere of the entire auction house became extremely lively again. Almost everyone was discussing this set of exercises. Even Chu Chen's heart was shocked when he heard this set of exercises.

Undoubtedly, the Chaos Demon Jue set of exercises can be regarded as an extraordinary skill in the history of the monk world, because this set of exercises was created entirely for the purpose of creating invincible powerhouses in the Linghe realm.

Chu Chen couldn't help but think of it. Although the Heavenly Demon Sutra and Chaos Demon Jue obtained by Ling Xuan are legendary, they are completely different from the most mysterious and powerful magic scripture "Tianmo Sutra".


Chapter 1180 Super Ancient Clock:

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