Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1185 Brother Feng, I'll Save You

The Green Devil Saintess, who took the photo of the charming horse demon before, is not small in interest in this puppet bat. She seems to be willing to bid for the item that she is really interested in, and her red lips lightly part.

"Forty-two thousand pieces of spiritual jade."

"Forty-five thousand spiritual jade."

The son of the demon, Feng Tianyou narrowed his eyes, and he actually joined the battle.

The value of this puppet bat is obvious, and Feng Tianyou was also very moved. This ground bat that can detect terrain can be used not only in the Little Immortal World, but also in many dangerous places.

Plus, Chu Chen? pig? pig? island? The novel ww.uua. has already been shot, and his sniper plan has started again.

Chu Chen felt the hostility in Feng Tianyou's eyes, and knew that the son of the demon, whom he had tricked before, was going to take the opportunity to take revenge on him this time.

"Fifty thousand spiritual jade."

Chu Chen smiled faintly at Feng Tianyou, and quoted his price.

All the demon cultivators in the auction were taken aback, they didn't expect the price of this puppet bat to soar so fast!

Although everyone knew that it was a good thing, it only cost 30,000 Lingyu to die. Unexpectedly, it reached 50,000 in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the confrontation between Feng Tianyou and Chu Chen, the Qingmo Saintess and others consciously stopped their bids and withdrew from the competition.

The battlefield was consciously handed over to these two enemies.

"Now my bid is 50,000, Brother Feng, it's your turn."

Chu Chen made a gesture of invitation to Feng Tianyou, and a sneer flashed across the corner of his mouth, as if inviting you into the urn.

Feng Tianyou was startled, is this kid trying to trick me again?

Feng Tianyou had already used up half of the spirit jade he brought, and if he spent another 60,000 yuan or even a higher price to compete with Chu Chen for the puppet bat, he would completely lose his competitiveness.

If there is any important auction, you may have to miss it.

The most frightening thing is that the boy may continue to bully himself. After the price is raised, the boy will leave as soon as he says, and he will be miserable.

"Senior Brother Feng, if you don't bid, I will accept the puppet bat for 50,000 Lingyu.


Under Chu Chen's urging, Feng Tianyou's expression suddenly became unnatural.

"Fifty-two thousand."

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Feng Tianyou had no choice but to bite the bullet and bid again.

"Fifty-five thousand."

Chu Chen blurted out without any hesitation.

Everyone's eyes shifted to Feng Tianyou again. For him, the spirit jade in his hand fell on this puppet bat, and it was obvious that he could not return to Tianmo Peak to confess.

But he put on the posture of attacking Chu Chen, and if he retreated like this, the aura of the son of the demon would be exhausted.

He took a light breath, "Fifty-eight thousand Lingyu..."

Before Feng Tianyou finished speaking, he saw Chu Chen smile, "Senior Brother Feng, it looks like I can't beat you, fifty-eight thousand Lingyu, the master of this puppet bat, it is very likely that you will... "

Chu Chen's humble words almost made Feng Tianyou's eyes darken, and his face turned green. The fifty-eight thousand Lingyu had already been exported, and he couldn't take it back even if he wanted to.

Sweat broke out from Feng Tianyou's palm, this little bastard really tricked me again!

Everyone noticed Feng Tianyou's gaffe, but Feng Tianyou couldn't care less. At this moment, he just wanted to kill Chu Chen.

I'm a strong man in the Linghe realm, so I'm going to be manipulated by you, a kid in the Lingquan realm?

Feng Tianyou's murderous aura was suddenly felt, but he immediately realized that this was the black blood auction house.

Not only can he not cause trouble, but he can only accept his own bid, because the Black Blood Auction has extremely cruel rules for those who renege on their bids.

Even though he was the son of the Heavenly Demon of the Underworld Sect, he would not dare to make a fuss at the Black Blood Auction.

After taking a deep breath, Feng Tianyou could only tell himself that he could only be resisted by Chu Chen, and he must pay back a hundredfold after leaving.

"Senior Brother Feng, isn't it very embarrassing, the spirit jade on your body is almost spent?"

Chu Chen looked at the legendary son of the demon, with ever-changing expressions, and couldn't help but feel funny. In fact, this puppet bat himself was determined to win, but in the process of bidding, he could make the son of the demon go crazy. It's very satisfying.

"I'll just be a good person, 60,000 Lingyu, and help Senior Brother Feng. If you want to bid again, no one in this world can help you."

Chu Chen's indifferent tone made Feng Tianyou's heart skip a beat.

He felt another sense of relief, and another feeling that he had become a pawn in Chu Chen's chess game.

He knew that Chu Chen gave out 60,000 Lingyu to shoot puppet bats, of course it was not to help him, but Chu Chen really wanted it.

But he has lost the courage to bid again.

There is a huge gap between my realm and strength compared to this kid, why do I still feel powerless under his control?

This kid may be the most terrifying opponent, but luckily he is too weak, so we must strangle him in his infancy and prevent him from growing up.

Feng Tianyou constantly adjusted his breathing to calm himself down.

"Congratulations to this young master for winning the puppet bat."

The voice of the girl in black without much emotion made Feng Tianyou's heart ache again. He hastily grabbed the armrest of the chair and made himself sit still.

And on Chu Chen's shoulder, the little hamster couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, "Boy, you're getting more and more cunning."

"It's wisdom."

Chu Chen didn't say much to the little hamster, but continued to pay attention to the new lot.

The lot after the puppet bat is a dark red long sword.

This long sword is not considered a magical weapon, but its material is extremely special, it is cast from a different kind of red copper from ancient times.

This kind of heterogeneous red copper can't release such a strong sword energy, but it can greatly increase the power of blood curse-like exercises.

For some blood curse skills such as blood burning technique, red blood escape technique, and blood coagulation magic technique, if this long sword is used to perform them, the power is absolutely different.

In the world of magic, there are quite a lot of blood-sucking skills. For example, the Demon Underworld has two ancient peaks, the Giant Blood Peak and the Demon Blood Peak, which specialize in practicing the blood curse technique, and the Giant Blood Peak is still a heaven-level ancient peak.

In some other small sects, there are more blood curse secret techniques, so this long sword also attracted many people's bidding, and finally it was auctioned with 24,000 Lingyu.

After the red copper blood sword passed, the girl in black came over with a jade altar of more than a square meter in her hand. The jade altar was crystal clear, and half of it could be seen that there was a liquid like mercury shining inside, which was extremely gorgeous.

"We bought this jade altar from a casual cultivator. It is said that he got it from a secret place. We don't know exactly what the liquid inside is. Now the starting price is 10 spirits Jade."

"Hmph, will your Black Blood Auction House come up with this trick? Randomly get some things from that unknown ghost place that you don't even know the function of, and put them up for auction. Are you taking us all for a fool?"

Sitting at the very front, the cold-faced young man named Xuanling Moshao was extremely dissatisfied.

However, the little hamster's eyes blinked a few times quickly.

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