Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1220 Angry! angry! angry!

The Jianguang brand and the Jinpeng brand are different in origin, and there is another biggest difference!

That sword light is the peerless sword energy released by the ancient powerhouse in order to destroy Du Xufeng, so if it is provoked, it will activate the will contained in the sword light, making it attack Du Xufeng.

However, the imprint left by the golden-winged roc was left unintentionally, and there is no such strong special purpose.

If someone tries to capture this brand in vain, then the will of the golden-winged roc in this brand will wake up, and then attack the person who refined this figure!

What kind of existence is the golden-winged roc, it is the real king of beasts, its will, pig, pig, island, novel ww.zhuzhuda contains the arrogance and dignity unique to the king of beasts.

Once someone wants to refine this will and brand, it is equivalent to provoking the majesty of the king of beasts, and he will definitely be chased and killed by him! !

Just as the so-called tiger's butt cannot be touched, the golden-winged roc's brand is even more untouchable!

It’s fine if you just observe it, but if you look at refining, I’m afraid you will suffer unimaginable consequences! !

Using his spiritual sense to examine the brand mark in the void again, the corners of Chu Chen's mouth were slightly pursed, and his expression flashed with determination.

"Zixi, if I really have an accident during the refining process and am seriously injured and lose the ability to resist, then please take me and run away quickly. I... I entrust my life to you."

"You, you really don't want to die!"

Seeing that Chu Chen was going to refine the brand of the golden-winged roc no matter what, Zixi felt anxious, and a heavy worry suddenly flashed in her usually calm eyes...


Purple pupils burst out from Chu Chen's eye sockets, like a sharp purple sword tearing through the void.

After many times of exploration, now Chu Chen's control over the God of Peeping Eyes has become more and more exquisite. The naked eye can see the purple light passing through the depths of the void, and the disappearing shadows that seemed a little hazy at first seem to be affected by it. The blessing of some kind of mystical power began to become conspicuous in the light of the flash.

Hey! !

When that ray of purple light soared into the sky and pierced into a certain part of the deepest part of the void, a high-pitched and ear-piercing cry suddenly resounded from the nine heavens,

Shocked the whole world!

At that moment, Zixi almost subconsciously blocked her ears with her hands, her indifferent eyes were full of shock and fear.

That cry was too piercing and violent, it sounded a bit like an eagle's cry, but it was much more aggressive than an eagle's cry.

Even through an infinite distance, you can still hear the endless unruly meaning contained in that chirping, as if you can jump nine heavens and break free from the shackles of the whole world.

And at the moment when that chirping sound appeared, one could vaguely see above the unattainable nine heavens, a huge figure stretched out its gigantic wings, filling the entire sky!

That's right, "stuffed".

When seeing that shadow, such a strange-looking word will spontaneously appear in everyone's mind.

Even though the sky seems vast, even though the nine days seem unattainable, even though the sky and the earth seem immeasurable. But that figure still seemed to completely "fill up" the entire void, like, like...

This world can't hold it at all! !

"It finally appeared, the brand of the Golden Winged Roc..."

Seeing the black shadow above the sky completely cover the whole world, Chu Chen couldn't help but feel a gleam of joy in his heart.

The supernatural powers of the ancient golden-winged roc are really unpredictable. When he was able to detect this brand, he could only detect a blur of light and shadow.

Now, under the investigation of pure sky-peeping eyes, the manifested figure of the brand has filled the whole world, which itself is an unimaginable sight.

What disappointed him was that although he saw the brand mark, all he could see was a black figure covering the sky and the sun. That figure was so huge that Chu Chen couldn't see it clearly at all. Full face!

He felt like an ant crawling onto an elephant, and he could only rely on instinct to know that this figure was incomparably huge, and he couldn't see anything else clearly.

He couldn't even see the complete figure clearly, and he didn't even have a clue about the combat skills or charm left by the golden-winged roc...

No, it's absolutely impossible to go on like this!

The will contained in the golden-winged roc's brand is too scattered and vast, so that the will that spread to the entire world cannot be refined or enlightened at all.

Only... Only by finding a way to stimulate this will and make it condense can we proceed to the next step!

Such a thought flashed across his mind, Chu Chen's heart moved, and the purple eyes suddenly changed, instantly changing from the original appearance of a beam of light to that of a sharp sword.

From a distance, it seemed like two sharp long swords staggered across the void, and then slashed heavily on the giant wings branded by the Golden Winged Roc that covered the sky and the earth!


A low muffled sound resounded through the void, and the next moment, the huge figure in the void suddenly froze for a moment, and then under Zixi's shocking eyes, the huge figure quickly shrank and condensed!

From the boundless figure that filled the entire world, it finally turned into a huge divine bird with a body length of several feet, and its whole body seemed to be poured with gold, shining bright golden light.

At this moment, in the pair of pure golden pupils of the divine bird, an incomparable flame of anger was shining.

And what that angry gaze was looking at was Chu Chen who was staring at the sky in a daze!

"No, it's a big disaster!!"

Seeing this scene, Zixi's complexion instantly became as pale as paper, and no trace of blood could be seen anymore.

What kind of existence is the golden-winged roc, since ancient times, it has been one of the supreme beasts in the world. Throughout the ancient history of the world, only a few supreme beasts such as the real dragon, phoenix, and golden crow can compete with it!

But now, in front of this brand mark, Chu Chen actually used the light in his eyes to transform into two swords to slash the wings of the golden-winged roc...

Although the gaze didn't have any effect, but for the brand of the Golden Winged Roc, it was equivalent to a very serious provocation, a provocation to the supreme beast of heaven and earth! !

But at this moment, feeling the provocation of Chu Chen, the "ant", the will of the golden-winged roc that was scattered between the sky and the earth began to gather together, and finally manifested the figure of this ancient divine beast.

The roc's body length is only a few feet long, and its wings are only ten feet wide. It is undoubtedly extremely "petite" for its originally huge body that can fill the entire world.

But it made Zixi feel extremely frightened!

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