Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1280 It's the best policy to go

The gray light bursting in the abyss illuminated the seventy-two peaks of Moming, and also illuminated the whole world!

At this moment, at the reception hall on Duxu Peak, the moment he noticed that Han Dian's aura had completely disappeared, the second senior brother Zhao Shixin's eyes sank, and he couldn't help turning his head to look at Zixi.

Zixi nodded indifferently. She was relieved, but found that Zhao Shi's eyes became serious.

Her eyes became puzzled.

"Han Dian, the son of Nether...was killed by the elder brother."

Zhao Shi ignored her, but turned to everyone, announcing the latest news.

A faint sentence, the voice was not very loud, but it resounded clearly in the ears of every Duxu Peak disciple.

Everyone's figures were shocked, and they were completely stunned.

Is this... is this true?

Son of the Nether!

In the future, the true ruler of the Moming Sect, Feng Tianyou, the son of the Heavenly Demon, is just a facade, and Han Dian is the new master that Mo Ming will focus on protecting and cultivating with all his strength!

He also died in the hands of the eldest brother Chu Chen?

What did the big brother do?

Obviously, he hasn't even stepped into the Lingxi Realm, and the strongest Linghe Great Realm monks among the twelve younger generations are all in his hands.

Even the elder brothers of Tianmo Peak and Nether Peak both fell!

Is Chu Chen really human?

It can't be the legendary ten thousand year old ghost, come to avenge Du Xufeng!

The avengers will surely bring a deeper blood feud...

A huge shadow of uneasiness passed over the hearts of all the disciples of Duxu Peak.

Of the twelve most powerful ancient peaks in the Demon Sect, Chu Chen killed more than half of the ten ancient peaks. The two most powerful masters, the Tianmo Peak and Youming Peak, all fell to Chu Chen alone. hand.

They were all dead!

And they all died at the hands of Chu Chen alone! !

What does this mean?

The strongest person representing the younger generation of Mo Mingzong, the mainstay of the future Mo Mingzong, was almost completely destroyed by Chu Chen alone.

From then on, the younger generation of Mo Mingzong has no successors, which is almost equivalent to destroying the future foundation of Mo Mingzong! !

No matter how stunning and stunning Chu Chen is, he is only one person after all, and no matter how against the sky, it is impossible to support the Seventy-two Peaks of Moming with his own strength.

In a sense, Chu Chen acted as the destroyer of the Demon Underworld Sect!

The suzerain and the elders of the Demon Sect will obviously not embarrass Chu Chen, but the vengeance anger of the 12th Heavenly Ancient Peak has already been ignited. If the master of the Twelve Peaks wants to avenge Chu Chen, the senior management of the Demon Sect will not intervene of.

This also means that crossing the virtual peak will soon be a catastrophe.

For the peak masters of the twelve-day-level ancient peak, anyone who came here could easily wash Duxu Peak with blood, but this time, it was definitely more than one peak master who came to take revenge!

A group of Duxu Peak disciples looked up at the sky outside the hall. At this moment, it seemed that the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the sky felt oppressive.

A huge sense of fear surged like a tsunami, covering everyone's hearts.

All the disciples of Du Xu Peak felt a heavy stone in their hearts.

And Han Ye, the third senior brother who was the least courageous among the crowd, began to tremble all over, with an expression of horror that couldn't be concealed all over his face.

Clenching her palms tightly, Zixi's expression was still very calm, but her eyes became more and more hollow. Looking at the distant sky, she seemed to have seen the final outcome of Duxu Peak.

Accompanied by Master Changsheng all the year round,

She is well aware of how terrifying the master level of the Momingtian level ancient peak is!

Although Chu Chen was able to kill Feng Tianyou and Han Dian in the middle of the Linghe Realm with the help of the Jushan Furnace and the Jinpeng brand, the peak masters of the twelve-day-level ancient peaks are probably at least all abnormal existences above the Tianhe Realm.

Chu Chen couldn't even compete with the monks in the late Linghe period. The twelve old demons in the Tianhe realm could only end up with Chu Chen's death without a place to bury him.


An untimely dry laugh broke the silence and uneasiness of everyone in the hall.

"Eldest brother can even kill Han Dian, the son of the Nether, it's really powerful! You all have nothing to be afraid of! Looking at the posture of those heaven-level ancient peak elder brothers, they have long been ready to completely destroy us. Feng is in the same line, and everyone has killed to the gate, so are we still afraid of counterattack??"

In the solemn atmosphere, Feng Qiang continued to laugh a few times, and waved vigorously at the crowd, as if to dispel the uneasiness and worries in the hearts of the crowd.

"I'm afraid! Killing one is killing, killing twelve is also killing! It's a big deal to the end, after killing the puppy, continue to kill the old dog, and completely kill the Demon Underworld Sect. Killing him will turn the world upside down!! No matter what you think , anyway, I will definitely advance and retreat with the elder brother!"

After Feng Qiang made a declaration to go all out, the atmosphere around him was still extremely dignified.

A group of disciples who crossed the void peak were still immersed in the intense fear and shock, unable to extricate themselves at all.

The third senior brother Han Ye moved his lips feebly a few times, looked around, and suddenly sighed and asked, "I don't know what the second senior brother thinks... Hey, where is the second senior brother?"

"By the way, where did Second Senior Brother go?"

Hearing Han Ye's words, everyone looked in the direction where Zhao Shi was originally, only to realize that Zhao Shi, who was originally sitting in the main hall of the hall, had disappeared.

The large chair was empty, and there were obvious dents on the large animal skin cushion. It was obvious that Zhao Shi had not left for a long time.

"Just now I saw senior brother Zhao there, why did he disappear in a blink of an eye, did he go to help senior brother?"

A slightly chubby disciple looked around with wide eyes in surprise, "I have no memory of when he left."

"The son of Nether has already been killed by the elder brother, what else can he do to help? The next few people are not opponents of the elder brother at all!"

A handsome disciple with several scars on his face exclaimed, "Could it be...Could it be that Senior Brother Zhao knew that Senior Brother had caused a catastrophe, so he hastened to escape?"

As soon as these words were said, everyone fell silent.

To be honest, now that the Son of Nether has just fallen, those peak masters, elders, deputy suzerains, and suzerains have not reacted yet, and it is the best time to escape.

Once the trial of Du Xufeng by the Demon Underworld Sect begins, even if he wants to escape, he may not be able to escape.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the reception hall suddenly became much more subtle.

Although the old disciples didn't believe that Zhao Shi would leave at the most critical moment, the new disciples were very nervous. At such a critical moment, everything became very suspicious.

Wouldn't he just be abandoned in this ancient peak that was bound to be bloodbathed?

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