Zhu Han's vast soul power was rippling, like a big hot stove roasting the souls of everyone, making everyone feel warm from the bottom of their hearts, without the slightest sense of fear.

It can be clearly seen that Zhu Han really did his best this time, he almost wrapped everyone up and galloped together with his own strength!

Driven by the vast power of the soul, everyone was able to run extremely fast almost without any effort, far exceeding their original speed.

After galloping like this for about two hours, Zhu Han's speed suddenly stopped, and his face became completely gloomy.

Everyone *pig*pig*shima *small* said that ww.huzu didn't know it at first, so when they looked around, everyone's expressions became even uglier in an instant!

This time, they returned to the point where they just entered the bloody jungle! !

how so?

The invincible powerhouse in the Linghe realm urged his spiritual sense to open the way with all his strength, but he returned to the original point again?

This dense forest is so weird that even Zhu Han can't see through it? ?

This time, Bao Shaolong's face, which has always been strong, turned pale, almost without the slightest trace of blood.

Li Jiao, who had always been relatively quiet in the team, was also a little panicked at this time. She looked at the people around her and sighed softly.

"This is too bad. This ancient dense forest is really weird. I'm afraid we won't be able to get through it. Why don't we retreat first?"

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, and turned their attention to the straw Zhu Han again.

Zhu Han looked around with his brows tightly locked, and nodded decisively: "Well, let's retreat! I would rather walk a little longer and bypass this bloody dense forest!"

It has to be said that Zhu Han is indeed a hero, not as headstrong as other young Tianjiao, knowing that the situation is beyond his control and not reluctantly, he retreats very decisively.

And everyone followed him back in the opposite direction one after another, everyone wanted to leave this hellish place as soon as possible.

It's just that half an hour later, the team that was galloping stopped again, and this time, everyone's faces became extremely pale!

Because this time,

They returned to the original point at the entrance of the bloody dense forest again! !

Zhu Han's complexion had completely darkened, and a wave of panic continued to ferment among the crowd, eventually turning into an uncontrollable panic...

"How did this happen, why did this damn place come back here again!"

"Damn it, have we been going around in circles? It used to take three hours to walk back, but then it took two hours to walk back, and now we have reached the origin in half an hour... We are trapped!"

"Oops, what the hell kind of place is this? We obviously walked in a straight line, so why did we end up back where we started?"

"We're not going to be stuck here forever until we die of old age..."


Among the panicked monks, Lu Yan bit her lip slightly.

Her face was also a little pale, but she was not flustered.

When she subconsciously looked at Chu Chen, she trembled.

At this time, Chu Chen's face didn't show the slightest panic at all, and even his face seemed normal, with a pair of clear black eyes carrying an indifference that knew the world.

"Junior Brother Chu, what should we do now, do you know how to get out of this dense forest?"

Lu Yan's voice was not too low, and the distance between the crowd was not too far because of their panic.

When they heard that Lu Yan actually asked Chu Chen, who had the lowest level of cultivation in the team, most of the people were stunned for a moment, and Zhu Han, who was not far away, had an extremely dark face.

In this team, Zhu Han has always been the unquestionable core figure of the entire team, no matter in terms of cultivation, knowledge, aptitude, and bearing.

And it is precisely because of his leadership that this team has not encountered any danger until now.

At such a critical moment, Lu Yan didn't come to ask herself, but instead asked the weakest kid in the team. This is really...

Even he, an invincible strongman in the majestic Linghe realm, is helpless against this weird dense forest. What can a kid who has just stepped into the initial stage of Lingxi do?

Usually, Lu Yan seems to be a very wise woman, but why is she acting so nonsense at a critical moment? She really went to the doctor in a hurry! !

Chu Chen looked around, but couldn't see any special expression on his indifferent face.

"If my judgment is correct, this scarlet rainforest should be an ancient formation. This formation is extremely complicated, mysterious, and extremely difficult to decipher!"

"What, this rainforest is actually an entire ancient array??"

After hearing Chu Chen's words, everyone was shocked. How big is this dense forest?

It is impossible to speculate at all. You must know that at the beginning, everyone galloped at full speed for three hours before returning to the original point.

In terms of the strength of the people who are the lowest and the super strong in the Lingxi realm, even if it takes three hours to run a circle, the area occupied by this circle is already huge!

Cultivator Lingxi walks like flying, and can run tens of hundreds of feet in one vertical leap. It took three full hours to run down, which may not be as long as tens of thousands of miles.

The length of tens of thousands of miles forms a circle, and its area can already cover an empire in the secular world!

What kind of formation can actually cover an area as large as an empire?

This is simply unimaginable!

In today's world of monks, it is impossible for someone to have such a huge handwriting, and only those god-level figures who picked up the stars and moon, and moved mountains and seas in ancient times could lay down such a vast and unimaginable trap!

"Then Junior Brother Chu, do you have a way to break this formation?"

Seeing Chu Chen's determined expression, Lu Yan's heart moved, and she asked a question quickly. But seeing Chu Chen helplessly shook his head.

"Although I have a little research on the way of formation, it is only superficial. How can I solve this ancient trap so quickly? In my opinion, even if I study hard without sleep, I want to really understand and understand it. I am afraid that this formation will take at least ten days and half a month!"

"It's full of nonsense, and none of it is useful!"

Seeing Chu Chen talking eloquently, Zhu Han, the leader of the team, finally couldn't help but sneer, looking at him with contempt.

"To put it bluntly, you are just pretending to understand. You just said those words to show off in front of Junior Sister Lu. Who can't see that this formation is so profound? The key is whether it can be cracked..."

"Brother Zhu, don't say that..."

Seeing Zhu Han scolding Chu Chen with a sneer all over his face, Lu Yan froze for a moment, and quickly said something softly.

It's just that before she finished speaking, Zhu Han gave her a sharp look, with an angry expression on his face:

"Junior Sister Lu, can't you see it? This kid is a waste who can only talk about it! Don't be fooled by his smooth talk. At this time, how can he, a kid at the beginning of Lingxi Realm, What's the use? You actually ran over to ask him, you are so confused!!"

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