Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 69 Fragment of Laojun Furnace

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The oven is majestic and vast, so vast that one can't tell how tall and how big it is at first glance. There are incomparably mysterious lines all over the purple-gold oven, the most obvious one is a huge Yin-Yang gossip, radiant and magnificent.

This is... This is the supreme treasure of Taishang Laojun, Taiyi Bagua Furnace!

Chu Chen was really overwhelmed. What is Taiyi Bagua Furnace? It is the supreme treasure forged by the Taishang Laojun from a piece of purple gold and copper mother that was born when the primordial monsoon opened. It collects the essence of heaven and earth, melts everything in the world, and can condense pills in the void.

In the myths and legends, all the famous pills, magic weapons, magical weapons, sharp weapons... - are all refined from that furnace.

In ancient myths and legends, the Taiyi Eight Diagrams Furnace is also called the melting pot of heaven and earth, and it is a treasure as famous as Tai Chi Diagram, Qiankun Ding, Pangu Banner, and Zhuxian Sword!

Chu Chen's heart was shaking, and he was about to take a closer look, but saw the light and shadow flowing in front of him. The light and shadow, which seemed real and unreal, shook slightly, and then disappeared like a bubble. When he came back to his senses, he saw the ubiquitous black magic mist in all directions, where was there even a trace of the Eight Diagrams Furnace?

Are those scenes just now real or fake? ? ?

Chu Chen felt a little dreamy. Just the next moment, a thought popped into his mind:

correct! The two phantoms that appeared just now are related to the legendary Taishang Laojun. Then, there must be some kind of treasure in front of him, with the aura of Taishang Laojun attached to it, so that such an illusion can be conjured up!

In other words, the treasure in front - belongs to the Supreme Lord!

As soon as this thought appeared, it immediately rushed through all of Chu Chen's thoughts like an electric current. Taishang Laojun's baby! He knew clearly that in the deepest part of the Black Mist Valley, on the ancient fairy mountain that suppressed the world, there really was the corpse of the Supreme Lord!

Thinking of this, Chu Chen was as excited as if he had been beaten with chicken blood. He didn't care about anything else, and walked forward bravely. No matter how you say it, you can't come in for nothing this time, you have to get the treasure that has the aura of the Taishang Laojun no matter what!

Chu Chen felt ruthless in his heart. Let the pressure in the void that seems to be tens of thousands of catties crazily squeeze his flesh, bones, and tendons. His body walked forward step by step, already exceeding the distance of nine feet.

Nine feet one foot, nine feet two feet, nine feet three feet, nine feet four feet, nine feet five feet...


After crossing the last foot distance, Chu Chen actually entered the tenth foot distance. His eyes lit up, and suddenly he relaxed, and a piece of iron the size of a palm came into view.

Looking down, this piece of iron is purple-gold throughout. It has been there for some time. Although it is covered with rust, it still emits a faint brilliance in the darkness. After careful induction, a vast, magnificent and ancient energy burst out. It was only a fragment, but it brought a burst of terrifying energy that seemed to be able to suppress nine heavens and ten earths.

This is……

Chu Chen's pupils shrank, and an incredible thought came to mind. In the illusion just now, he seemed to have seen the pattern on the Taiyi Eight Diagrams Furnace, which was consistent with the pattern on this purple-gold fragment. So, this piece of iron...is it actually a remnant of the Eight Diagrams Furnace?

Under the enormous pressure, Chu Chen didn't have time to think, pecked the eagle's beak, put the purple-gold iron piece in his mouth, turned around and walked behind. The distance of ten feet from the Black Mist Valley was already his limit. If he stayed any longer, he might not even have the strength to go back, and he would be crushed into meatloaf.

After flying out of the valley of black mist, Chu Chen quickly flew to the small courtyard where he lived with the purple gold fragment in his mouth, and put it down. Then, impatiently, he drove the body of the little eagle and flew to the mine, devoured a few pieces of iron to satisfy his hunger, and then flew back to the eagle's nest to rest at the fastest speed.

Long after his consciousness returned to his body, his body was still trembling. It took a long time to calm down. What a surprise, what a surprise. Chu Chen really didn't know how to express his ecstasy.

That's a fragment of Taishang Laojun's Taiyi Bagua Furnace! Although it is only a fragment, it is still immortal after all ages. There is even a trace of the special aura of the Supreme Lord, what kind of treasure is this?

Thinking of this, Chu Chen hurriedly got out of bed, came to the bedside, picked up the fragment of funds and looked at it carefully. This fragment is very thin, and the whole body has a purple-gold luster. When I weighed it in my hand, it was extremely heavy. A small piece of fragment is incredibly heavy as if it weighs tens of catties. If it weren't for Chu Chen's physical achievements, it might not be easy to handle.

The iron sheet was covered with rust, and with a slight shock, pieces of rust fell off, revealing the smooth as new purple-gold metallic color inside. Slightly injected some spiritual energy, but saw a light purple flame rising into the sky, and the temperature in the void instantly increased several levels!

It really is a fragment of the Eight Diagrams Furnace! Only such fragments can react so keenly to the aura, and can transform the aura into a blazing purple fire. If this kind of purple fire is used for alchemy, it can make the medicinal properties of the elixir more perfect. If it is used to refine weapons, it can make weapons sharper and tougher!

You know, this is the flame from the gossip furnace! According to legend, there is a trace of heaven and earth essence fire in the gossip furnace of Taishang Laojun, so he can emit seven-color fire, five-element fire, four-element fire, three-flavored real fire, yin-yang fairy fire, and chaotic fire at will.

Whether it is refining pills, casting weapons, or creating magic weapons, you can adjust the attributes of the flames as you like, which is very magical.

Although this purple fire is only one of the seven-color fires at the lowest level of the Bagua Furnace, and it is also a light purple flame that is not so pure, it was a surprise enough for Chu Chen.

If this fragment is fused into meteorite copper to create a special furnace for refining medicine, to what extent will the success rate of refining medicine be increased? Simply unimaginable!

As soon as the thought came to his mind, Chu Chen got up quickly, and regardless of the darkness outside, he hurriedly walked towards Zongpai Fangshi. ,

The most essential thing for an excellent alchemist is a medicine furnace that belongs to him alone. Only the medicine stove that I am used to can accurately control the temperature of each flame during the refining process, increasing the success rate of refining pills. Now that he has decided to take the path of a pharmacist, he must prepare a necessary medicine stove. Now that he has obtained the fragment of the Eight Diagrams stove, if he doesn't make good use of it, it will be a treasure.

Before he knew it, Chu Chen had more than six hundred spirit stones, which should be enough to build a medicine furnace.

Chu Chen went to the place in Fangshi that specializes in selling rare metals. Putting aside all the previous purchase plans, a good medicine furnace is of course more important, so Chu Chen also went all out.

The best metal for making medicine stoves is copper, because copper has the best thermal conductivity. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that "copper stoves and iron pots lead the world, and golden spoons and jade bowls are beautiful home". So when he arrived at the hardware store in Fangshi, Chu Chen entered the place where copper was resold since ancient times. ()

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