Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 124 Dou Dan

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The man in black turned red and was about to get angry when he saw the man in white beside him pull his clothes fiercely. He shook his head and turned his eyes to Chu Chen: "Little pretty boy, what qualifications do you have to stay by Lingxin's side? How dare you? How about a competition with my two brothers? If you can compare with any of my brothers, we will resign on our own and will not bother her from now on. If you are not even one-tenth as good as my brothers, we will leave the soul automatically. Heart, how are you doing, do you want to compare?"

His eyes were bright and clear, and there was a cold light in his eyes as he looked at Chu Chen.

He actually used the technique of provoking generals? Let’s see who will be more excited!


With a winner's smile on Chu Chen's face, the arm around Elder Lingxin's waist tightened again, "Xin'er is not a bet. She is my woman, no matter if I win or lose, she She will be my woman for the rest of her life."

Obviously knowing that Chu Chen was acting, Elder Lingxin's eyes fluctuated involuntarily.

She didn't know why, but when Chu Chen said these words, she felt her heartstrings, which were originally as calm as water, suddenly vibrate.

"But..." Midway through the words, Chu Chen smiled casually and suddenly changed his tone, "If I don't dare to challenge, wouldn't it mean that I'm afraid of you! The man in my heart is not a coward! Tell me, what are you comparing to me! "

These words were spoken loudly, sonorously, powerfully, and full of domineering power.

At this time, Lingxin was stunned for a moment. This kid is really good. Just let him pretend to be a couple, and he also has to fight with others.

These two people are not Senior Sister Huixin's apprentices. They have been immersed in medicine for many years. Chu Chen is obviously asking for humiliation if he wants to compete with them.

But deep down in Lingxin's heart, she has some expectations, because she remembers Chu Chen as someone who could always create miracles. Maybe this time...

But it's impossible. If Chu Chen could deal with these two bastards, it would be outrageous.

"This is what you promised yourself, Lingxin, you also heard it, we didn't force him." The man in black snorted coldly, showing his arrogance, "Young face, look at you like this, you have only been practicing for a few years, so we are no longer practicing I want to bully you! Since Lingxin says that your talent for refining medicine is extremely high, let’s see how high your talent is!”

The man in black waved his hand, and with a whoosh, he saw a flash of light in the void, and four white futons flew out in the shape of a "pin" and landed accurately in front of a few people.


The man in black waved his hand, waved his hem, and took the lead to sit on the futon.

The man in white on the other side waved his palm, and the storage ring between his fingers flickered. In an instant, he saw light and shadow moving in the void. Snow-white jade-like bamboos were arranged in rows, as if controlled by an invisible big hand. A simple bamboo tent was set up above several people's heads. In this way, a simple "challenge" is set up.

Seeing this scene, a ray of light flashed in Chu Chen's eyes, but he didn't refuse. He smiled casually and sat down on the futon.

The so-called "physician has the heart of a parent". Since ancient times, pharmacist has been a highly respected title. There has always been a saying that "one hundred holy medicines come first, and one hundred immortals respect one saint". Pharmacists are generally associated with "sages", and this is where the so-called "sage of medicine" comes from.

Therefore, the competition between orthodox medicine masters naturally cannot be like that of ordinary martial arts warriors who just show off their bravery with fists and kicks.

The competition between pharmacists is divided into two parts. The first is a medicine refining competition similar to a "fighting battle", which is to directly refine the elixir on the spot to see who can refine the better elixir.

The other type is similar to the "discussion of medicine" between "literary fights", where the competition is about the pharmacological knowledge between the two parties.

"Martial fighting" is okay, everyone just brings their own medicine refining furnace and refines it on the spot. There are many rules in "literary fighting". A white futon must be used as the seat and white bamboo can be used as the tent. White is the symbolic color of the pharmacist. Using “pure white and flawless” to symbolize the character of the “Medical Saint” is a tradition that has been passed down from ancient times.

The four of them sat down one after another, and saw the man in white slightly arching his hands: "Which one of us will come first?"

"The visitor is a guest. Since the two senior brothers are guests, it is natural for you to come first." Chu Chen smiled slightly.

The theory of medicine among pharmacists is also very particular. Usually, one pharmacist will first raise a difficult point in the medicine refining process to see if the other party can answer it and clear up the doubts. Then the other person will come up with their experiences and difficulties encountered during the process of refining the medicine.

In this way, after a discussion, whoever has more profound knowledge of pharmacology will naturally be able to cope with the difficulties raised by the other party. On the contrary, if you know nothing about pharmacology, you may not even know what the other person is saying. Therefore, it is naturally clear which side has profound pharmacological theory.

After listening to Chu Chen's words, the man in white nodded, not politely. He thought for a moment, and suddenly there was a sinister light in his eyes: "Recently, when I was refining a 'Qingyun Xiaguang Dan', When the burning medicine reaches 80% of the heat and the liquid medicine condenses into a ball, the moment it is completely condensed into an elixir, the elixir will always turn into ashes. No matter how precise the heat is, it will be useless. Please also ask fellow Taoists Clear up the confusion.”


Lingxin, who was sitting behind Chu Chen, trembled all over, with a hint of anger in his eyes.


"Qingyun Xiaguang Dan" is a third-level elixir, and it is also an extremely high-grade elixir among the third-level elixirs. Its function is to resolve Yuhan, and it can also help monks weaken realm barriers and break through to the next level faster. .

The level 3 elixir was far beyond the level of elixirs that Chu Chen had refined himself.

Before this, the highest-level elixirs that Chu Chen had refined were only the second-level "Cold Crystal Mysterious Pill" and "Snow Dragon Tempered Skin Pill". He had never tried the third-level elixirs! The reason is for no other reason than his limited cultivation.

The level at which a pharmacist refines elixirs is closely related to his own cultivation level, because the higher the level of elixirs, the higher the requirements for the quality and richness of the spiritual energy.

For third-level elixirs, generally only a few pharmacists who have surpassed the "Spiritual Water Realm" can provide such a large amount of spiritual power consumption. This is a hard "threshold."

The man in black and the man in white are the senior brothers of Elder Lingxin. Regardless of medicine, their own cultivation levels are also strong men who have surpassed the "Lingshui Realm", and they are at the level of sect elders.

With their eyesight, they would not be able to fail to see that Chu Chen's current cultivation level is only at the second level of spiritual water. It is generally impossible for such a pharmacist disciple to be involved in the refining physics of "third-level elixirs".

The man in white kept saying that he would not bully Chu Chen in terms of his cultivation, but he proposed such a difficult pharmacological problem that was far beyond his cultivation level. It was really extremely insidious. ()

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