Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 206 Trial in the Secret Medicine Realm

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Closing her eyes, she could recall every detail of the hands touching her body, the warmth and comfort that came from her soul.

She herself felt that something was wrong with her, but she couldn't erase the image in her mind.

This young girl who had just begun to love her was already uneasy about those big hands.

When she was looking at the scenery outside the window boredly, she suddenly saw a familiar figure not far away opposite, looking at her with a puzzled expression. She was slightly startled for a moment, and a blush appeared on her face involuntarily.

It's Chu Chen, that shameless pervert!

In an instant, Shen Qian's cheeks became hot. She suddenly felt that Chu Chen's eyes seemed to see through her thoughts, which made her suddenly feel panicked.

How did I become like this? I have been thinking about embarrassing things all day long. It would be terrible if this shameless pervert saw it.

Shen Qian, who felt guilty as a thief, couldn't stand it any longer and ran away. She hurriedly ran out of the door and quickly disappeared in front of Chu Chen, disappearing into the crowd in an instant. Chu Chen, who was left looking confused as a Zhang Er monk, didn't know what to do.

Why did she run away when she saw me? Did she recognize me? ...But it’s impossible, she was obviously unconscious at the time!

Chu Chen shook his head and patted his head vigorously. It was best for her not to recognize him, otherwise the little fairy would be entangled with him for the rest of his life.

The day after Chu Chen signed up, all the registration work for the entire Medicine Palace freshman trial was finally completed.

On the huge Yaogong Square, there was a sea of ​​people, shoulder to shoulder. All the registered pharmacists gathered here, waiting for the next trial arrangement of the Medicine Palace.

When all the registered disciples had gathered, an old man with a stern face came to the crowd. He was a dignified man with a meticulous expression. He was the previous reception elder.

He came in front of everyone, and after carefully looking at all the disciples present, he cleared his throat and began to explain the rules of the Medicine Palace trial disciples one by one.

Enrollment in the Medicine Palace is no small matter. Every freshman trial is a grand event for the entire Medicine Palace, and this year is even more important than in previous years.

In previous years, in each enrollment session, only 20,000 to 30,000 freshmen were registered at most.

The number of people this year is particularly large, reaching 50,000, which is double the number of previous years!

It was precisely because the number of people exceeded expectations that some of the trials for new students that Yaogong had prepared could not support so many disciples at the same time. After all, as the number of people increases, there will be many uncontrollable accidents, and if you are not careful, it may lead to catastrophe. The previous trial institution alone can no longer withstand the operation of so many disciples.

Therefore, after discussion with the top management of the Medicine Palace, they abandoned the previous trial model and directly sacrificed the Palace-shaking treasure of the Medicine Palace: the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map, and opened up a small man-made world "Secret Medicine Realm" inside to serve as the medicine palace for this session. Gong Xinsheng’s trial site!

The Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map is the palace-shaking treasure of the Medicine Palace and a secret that has not been passed down. According to legend, this secret treasure itself is the magic weapon of the ancient ancestor goddess Nuwa, and the mountains, rivers, lands, and thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are all in one map. With just one picture scroll, a complete world can be transformed, possessing incredible magical powers.

Later, the world changed greatly, and the Mountains, Rivers and State Map was also destroyed in a war that destroyed the world. Later, a certain senior of the Medicine Palace found a fragment of the Mountain and River Community Map in an ancient ruins that had been dilapidated for many years, and brought it to the Medicine Palace, where it was blessed and repaired by generations of great sages of the Medicine Palace. , finally showed some of the charm of this ancient secret treasure.

Upon hearing the news, the entire Yaogong Square burst into excitement! Everyone was excited to have the opportunity to see this eternally famous artifact, and the atmosphere instantly became heated!

Elder Jie Yin did not disappoint everyone. With a wave of his hand, a gray light burst out and exploded in the air, transforming into a scroll full of ancient meaning. It was suspended in the void and emitted slight fluctuations.

The ancient secret treasure is indeed an ancient secret treasure!

Chu Chen's eyelids twitched fiercely. This scroll in the void continues to emit strange spiritual power ripples all around.

This is an ancient ripple similar to the spiritual energy fluctuations on the ancient fairy mountain in Black Mist Valley. It is a real treasure from the ancient times!

"The location of this Medicine Palace trial is right here, the 'Secret Medicine Realm' in the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map!"

Seeing that everyone's attention was attracted, Elder Jie Ying waved his hand, and saw the ancient scroll in the void glowing with light and slowly stretching out. A terrifying wave as powerful as a prison, vast and unpredictable rippled slightly, and everyone could feel that the seemingly light painting actually possessed a terrifying and incredible power!

"The content of this Medicine Palace trial is very simple to say... that is to survive in the secret medicine realm!" Elder Jieyin waved his sleeves, and everyone saw the fully opened Mountains, Rivers and State Map. On the top, waves of light bloomed, gradually forming a huge space vortex, exuding a gray luster:

"This is the entrance to the Secret Medicine Realm. When all the disciples who have signed up for the trial have entered the Secret Medicine Realm, the entire Secret Medicine Realm will be in complete operation, and extremely bad weather will appear one after another... blizzards , tornadoes, mudslides, avalanches, volcanic eruptions, etc. When encountering these dangers, if someone feels that they can't bear it, they can just crush the jade talisman in their hand and they can be teleported directly outside the secret medicine realm, but this is not possible. It means that he has completely lost the opportunity to become a disciple of the Medicine Palace."

Elder Jie Yin looked serious, and then said, "As time goes by, the environment inside the Secret Medicine Realm will become worse and worse, and those who can't hold on will be continuously eliminated, until there are still some left in the Secret Medicine Realm." Only one hundred people will stop this harsh environment...and the one hundred disciples who persisted until the end are the new disciples of the Medicine Palace!"

When Elder Jie Yin finished speaking, everyone in the huge Medicine Palace Square fell silent for an instant.

This trial sounds extremely simple. Just keep at it in tough situations! But when many people think about it, they immediately taste something different:

You know, they are all monks! The pharmacists who come to participate in the Medicine Palace trial are all elites and geniuses from all over the world.

Among these people, those with the lowest cultivation level have the strength of fifth and sixth levels of spiritual water. Almost half of the powerful people who have reached the top ten levels of Lingshui! Just look at the "Complete List of Candidate Disciples of the Medicine Palace" to understand how valuable this year's Medicine Palace trial is. ()

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