Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 247 The strength of the new lord

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"Red Flame Burning Heart Jue?" Leng Qianxue frowned slightly. There was a fierce burning sensation all over this young man's body, and it was obvious that he had extremely skilled fire-based skills. The air around him was constantly distorted by the high temperature, forming light red vortex shapes.

Spring vortex! This guy... is obviously a strong man in the Xuquan realm!

"As expected of the eldest lady, she has good eyesight. It is the Chi Yan Fen Xin Jue." The young man named Duan Xuan smiled slightly, his tone full of pride.

Chu Chen's heart was moved by the scene in the stands. When he bought the Lingshui period's exercises in the wish-making market, he had heard of this kind of exercise. It was said to be the most powerful fire-based exercise in the Lingshui period. One, possessing great explosive power and destructive power.

This explosive type of strong man is the most difficult to deal with. You must defeat him completely with thunderous means in the shortest possible time, otherwise you must be mentally prepared to face his storm-like offensive.

"bring it on!"

Leng Qianxue looked solemn, waved her hands slightly, her fingertips shone with light, and a long sword that was all bright and shiny white appeared in her hand. It was the Xuantian Sect's Zongzong Divine Sword, the Snow Prison Divine Sword, which was famous all over the world.

"Then I won't be polite. Miss, I am offended because I have no eyesight on the stage!" Duan Xuan shouted, his eyes flashed with a glare, and a crimson beam of light burst out from his dantian, breaking out of his body. , transformed into three blazing shadows of the sun in the void, paused slightly, and then shot towards Leng Qianxue:

"Sanyang Kaitai!!"

A lion fights a rabbit with all his strength. Duan Xuan understands this very well, so even though the Leng Qianxue opposite him only has the seventh level of spiritual water cultivation, he still pushes the skills in his body to the extreme.

The strong man in the Xuquan Realm took action with all his strength, and the entire space fell silent instantly. The huge power of the flaming sun poured out towards Leng Qianxue like a mountain, making her figure instantly shaken!

It was too strong. Just the momentum made her feel like she couldn't resist it. How could she fight?

"Take a step back, turn left, and thrust upward to the right!"

Just when Leng Qianxue was in a state of shock, a cold voice passed through the void and reached her ears very clearly.

During the crisis, Leng Qianxue had no time to think. She subconsciously retreated and turned around to stab. The spiritual power in her body instantly exploded and roared into the Snow Prison Sword.


A bright sword light burst out,

Easily cutting into the three phantoms of the sun that were bombarded, in just an instant, the sword light swept across, crushing the three phantoms one by one like piercing balloons.

Success! How could he break such a move so easily! !

Leng Qianxue was excited in her heart when another loud shout came to her ears: "Five steps to the right, sweep across the back and front!" Her figure was shocked, and she immediately rushed five steps to the right and forward without hesitation, waving her long arms with both hands. A sharp stroke of the sword!


A bright sword light cut through the void, and Duan Xuan's figure, who was about to attack Leng Qianxue, suddenly teleported to Leng Qianxue's side like a ghost, and his eyes widened in disbelief.

The long sword, which was white and crystal clear and radiant with cold light, was piercing deeply into the left side of his chest, piercing into the heart with incomparable accuracy. He could clearly feel that all the heat in his body was rapidly flowing away from the wound on his chest.


He only had time to shout out this word before Duan Xuan's figure collapsed.


Leng Qianxue slowly drew out the long sword. The snow-white sword body shook slightly, and then she shook off the blood beads on the blade, leaving no blood on it.

At this moment, she felt extremely calm in her heart. She knew that with the divine sword left by her father and the teachings of the master, she would be invincible, and no one could resist her step to become the leader of the clan!

"Now..." She waved the long sword in her hand gently, and a continuous bright sword light appeared in front of her, "Who else wants to challenge me?"

"Let me try."

A dull voice came, Leng Qianxue raised her eyebrows, and saw a man with an ordinary face slowly walking out of the crowd. He was dressed in a black cloth robe with no extraneous decorations. But the whole body exudes a calm and heavy aura, like a towering green mountain, unbreakable.

"Yue Wei!"

After seeing this person, Leng Qianxue suddenly took a breath of air.

Among the Xuantian Sect, the name "Yue Wei" is definitely known as thunder. There is no other reason. This person is known as the second person in the younger generation of the entire Xuantian Sect. Apart from Bai Xuan, who has been promoted to the Lingquan realm, he is the strongest among the younger generation and has been invincible in the entire Xuantian Sect.

Yue Wei's cultivation has reached the peak of the Xuquan realm. In fact, he has actually touched the threshold of the Lingquan realm, and is only one step away from the final breakthrough... Many elders of the sect even asserted that maybe only It only takes a battle, or maybe just the triggering of a certain event... In short, this proud man of heaven can break through the last level of imprisonment and advance to the spiritual spring realm at any time and at any time!

"Senior Brother Yue, I didn't expect that even you would become Bai Xuan's lackey!"

Watching the ordinary-looking Yue Wei step into the ring, Leng Qianxue snorted softly. If there was anyone in the entire sect whom she admired most except her father, then the answer was undoubtedly the man in front of her.

Yue Wei has a very peaceful personality. Although he is known as a rare genius of the Xuantian Sect, he has no airs at all. He is always polite to everyone. From the famous elders of the Xuantian Sect to An ordinary servant who fetched water and firewood, and thousands of people up and down, all admired this easy-going young genius.

Hearing Leng Qianxue's cold snort, Yue Wei sighed slightly: "Junior sister, please listen to my senior brother. Your strength is too weak. It is better to give up the position of sect leader to Bai Xuan. He is the only spiritual leader of our sect." He is a master of the Spring Realm and has promised me that he will carry forward the Xuantian Sect."

"Senior Brother Yue, I respect your character, but Bai Xuan, a true disciple who has not returned to the sect for several years, actually do you believe that he will carry forward Xuantian Sect?"

Leng Qianxue sneered and said, "The key to whether a sect can develop well is whether the leader of the sect is willing to devote himself to the construction of the sect. The sect will have a good future unless the leader is strong enough."

"Junior Sister, the world of cultivators is a world where the jungle prevails. Although I believe that Junior Sister is sincere to the sect, you are too weak..."

"Stop it!"

Leng Qianxue shouted loudly, her voice as clear and crisp as cutting through ice and snow, "It's useless to talk more, let's see the truth behind our hands!"

"That's fine." Yue Wei nodded after hearing this, his expression gradually becoming solemn, "I came here today mainly to see the skills left behind by the old sect master. You have mastered a few percent of the fire... Well, as long as you can break through I will no longer advise you to give up my 'Shijing Fist' defense." ()

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