Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 278 God blocks God and destroys God

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And now, when Chu Chen once again knocked down the strong man on the dragon list with a crisp punch, everyone once again recalled the god-defying fist brother. For a moment, the entire illusory fairy world once again Boiling.

Brother Fist is back! Moreover, he has officially begun to enter the dragon list! !

This news is undoubtedly very topical for the Little Fairy World, because so far, no one has seen Chu Chen make his second move.

From beginning to end, no matter what opponent he faced, he defeated him with one punch.

Therefore, at this time, a thought emerged in everyone's mind almost at the same time, that is, after reaching the Dragon Ranking, how long can Riot Brother's myth of winning with one punch be maintained?

As a result, the number of people watching Chu Chen's battle began to rise sharply.

Everyone wants to see how he can defeat his opponent with one punch, and they also want to see which one of the strong men on the Dragon List will end his one-punch journey.

Chu Chen didn't care about what everyone was paying attention to. For him, as long as he solved the battle quickly, Chu Chen had already reached the 440th place in just half a day!

And because Shen Qian entered the Dragon Ranking first, she rushed to the 420th place ahead of Chu Chen.

Every ranking change on the Dragon Ranking attracts everyone's attention.

But this afternoon, the entire ranking of the Dragon Ranking was completely messed up. It was messed up by Shen Qian and Chu Chen who were madly rushing to the ranking.

Some people who were interested did a little research on the information and were surprised to find that Shen Qian and Chu Chen were very similar when they rushed to the list. They almost entered the dragon list less than half an hour apart.

And they are all rushing forward rapidly, which makes people think, what's going on? Could it be that Riot Brother and Little Fairy are competing to rush to the top? This works too!

An extremely heated scene appeared in the entire illusory fairy world. In countless arenas suspended in the void, the two arenas of Shen Qian and Chu Chen were crowded with people. But the other arenas were deserted, with only a few onlookers.

In fact, even some strong men on the Dragon Ranking couldn't help their curiosity and ran to the arena to watch the two of them separately. Everyone was curious about what ranking these two people could achieve on the Dragon Ranking.


Accompanied by Shen Qian's clear scolding,

A huge crescent moon rose, and in the dim blue moonlight, a tall silver-haired man flew backwards, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Shen Qiansheng!"

When the system prompts in the fairy world, Shen Qian, whose light clothes are flying, still has fighting enthusiasm in her eyes. Such fighting makes her feel like she can't stop.

The most important thing is that she doesn't want to lose to Chu Chen, although she knows that there is a certain gap in strength between her and Chu Chen.

But for her persistence in fighting in the fairy world, the girl would never admit that she would lose to Chu Chen.

What's more, if he loses, he will have to agree to any of Chu Chen's requests. If he dies, there is no guarantee that he will not put forward any conditions!

But... forget it, Shen Qian decided not to think too much. After taking a deep breath of cold air, he turned his attention to the Dragon List and began to search for the next opponent.

At the same time, Chu Chen, who was rushing to the rankings, also encountered a new opponent, Guo Ying, who was ranked 450th.

Everyone thinks that the myth of Riot Brother may be shattered because of Guo Ying, not because Guo Ying is so powerful, but because Guo Ying cannot be defeated with one punch.

Guo Ying is a descendant of an ancient family. This family is an ancient family of killers. The inherited skills are extremely special. They can completely blend people into shadows and are extremely good at assassinations and tracking. As soon as the battle began, his figure flickered, and his entire body completely merged into the shadow on the ground and disappeared.

“Is this the end of Brother Fist’s one-punch legend?”

"Not to mention one punch, even ten punches can't hit Guo Ying!"

"Even if Guo Ying is not a match for Brother Fist, he will at least break his one-punch myth."

Everyone in the audience was talking a lot, either beaming or worried, as if they were ready to witness the end of One Punch Brother's legend.

This battle seemed extremely strange.

Outsiders only saw Chu Chen squinting his eyes slightly and looking around carefully on the ring, while the other person disappeared.

A one person fight?

However, most monks see and understand the dangers involved. The purpose of the killer family is not to take action easily, but to kill with a sure blow.

Chu Chen seemed to be in a daze in the ring alone, as if he was about to fall asleep because he couldn't find an opponent. Suddenly, six feet away from Chu Chen's side, a bright sword light suddenly emerged from the dark shadow. burst out. The sword light surged, condensed as ice, as straight as a line, cutting through many spaces, and slashed directly towards Chu Chen's neck!

"Well come."

Seeing the cold sword light coming suddenly, Chu Chen's eyes were like lightning. He turned his right palm slightly, turned it into a fist in an instant, and hit the cold sword light with incomparable precision.


The cold sword energy shattered suddenly, along with the sword energy, and the long sword in the killer's hand. That ordinary-looking fist directly shattered all the opponent's attacks and hit the chest of the manifested figure hard.

The light scattered in all directions, just like the stars in the sky were shattered.

The powerful force directly blasted Guo Ying out of hiding, spraying blood all over the sky and flying backwards.

The powerful force penetrated into his body and directly shook away all his cultivation. He was unable to control his body at all and collapsed to the ground.

All the spectators under the ring opened their mouths, so that’s okay.

Chu Chen seemed not to bother looking for Guo Ying from the beginning. He just waited for Guo Ying to fall into the trap. After Guo Ying made his move, he knocked him down with one punch.

"This fist brother looks very rude and domineering, but he is actually very cunning."

"Strong and cunning, this time the Little Fairyland is really going to have a new overlord."

"Oh, I originally wanted to see the myth shattered with one punch. Forget it, let's wait for the show."

The audience was discussing and disappeared from the battle room one by one with disappointment. No one cared about Guo Ying's feelings at all.

Chu Chen also quickly returned to the huge stone tablet on the Dragon List and began to search for the next opponent.

Time passed quickly. Both Chu Chen and Shen Qian were almost crazy, challenging the strong men on the dragon list. Chu Chen continued the myth of "One Punch Brother", and the little fairy was also unstoppable, trampling on every strong man. Underfoot.

I don’t know how it started, but a gossiping monk called the two of them a fighting couple, and the idea of ​​a fighting couple began to spread in the fairy world.

Chu Chen, who was completely unaware, went straight to the illusory fairyland after fighting for two consecutive days, washed himself and fell asleep deeply.

Who cares about the gossip in the fairy world? ()

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