Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 743 Teacher Chu’s little trick

When Chu Chen came to the Far North for the first time, he saw that Senior Brother Little Tongzi had prepared this kind of tent for them, so he specially prepared a few more tents for this time when he came to the Far North.

But when everyone actually started to set up tents, the excitement on everyone's faces almost disappeared.

For some unknown reason, the ground on this glacier is too hard. With the cultivation level of most of the students here who have not even reached the Spiritual Spring stage, it is almost impossible to penetrate the ice with nails!

Relatively speaking, Duanmu Qing, who has the highest cultivation level, seems to be more relaxed. With his Tianquan level cultivation level, it doesn't take much time to hammer nails.

And Feng Qiang was born with a "fire spirit body", so his body naturally contains the power of the innate fire spirit, and he doesn't need to expend much effort when piercing the ice layer with ice properties.

As for Leng Qianxue, it seemed that it was very difficult. It took a lot of effort to drive the nails made of refined tungsten steel into the ice.

Except for these three people, most of the students could only pierce dazzling sparks on the ice when they pushed their spiritual power to the extreme. The huge power made everyone's arms numb. The tungsten steel spikes Can't even nail it in!

There is still some kind of ice layer here, it is simply harder than the ground made of fine iron!

Seeing many students looking at him helplessly with sad faces, Chu Chen raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and waved his hands to everyone: "I taught you the cold-resisting mental method before, and you will be able to use it later. At the same time, you have to carefully look at how I exert my force and keep it in my mind.”

After saying these words, thick blue light began to appear around Chu Chen's body. His face was slightly stern. He raised his hand to pick up a tungsten steel spike that was about two feet long and as thick as a pigeon egg. He raised his palm slightly. After rising, press down hard!


With a flash of dazzling blue light, the spike in Chu Chen's hand turned into a streak of ink light and stabbed steadily into the ice as hard as fine iron.

Under the bombardment of the aftermath of that tyrannical power, a deep handprint was even blasted around the spike. Broken ice fragments scattered in all directions, and a small mushroom cloud seemed to explode on the spot.

What a wonderful luck skill!

The eyes of all the students who saw this scene burst out with dazzling lights.

Chu Chen only used the power of the Nine Great Perfections of Lingshui, and did not even use the cultivation level of the Lingquan stage.

However, through his seemingly simple but infinitely mysterious movement skills,

The tungsten steel spike was driven into the ice easily. This scene is really amazing!

"This technique of transporting energy is called 'Broken Xuan Jin'."

Chu Chen waved his hand, and a red light formed a faint shadow around him. The shadow imitated his behavior just now, repeating his action of raising his hand and then pressing it down violently over and over again.

Among the red figures, a faint blue light extended from his heart to the palm of his hand, simulating the power trajectory of that palm.

The intermediate medicinal talisman "Shadow Condensing Talisman" can condense the monk's actions over a period of time into phantoms and play them repeatedly. It is a very practical medicinal talisman.

Under the influence of this Condensing Talisman, Chu Chen's technique of "Breaking Mysterious Strength" was fully displayed in front of many students, making everyone's eyes light up.

This is...it turns out to be this!

After watching the movements of the phantom several times, Leng Qianxue's heart moved slightly, and she silently raised her palm slowly according to the movements of the phantom.

Thick spiritual energy surged in his arms, rolling like hot lava. As her palms pressed down fiercely, Leng Qianxue felt a sudden heat on her arms, and those hot spiritual powers suddenly erupted from her palms like a volcanic eruption!


Under the huge eruption of power, the two-foot-long tungsten steel spike pierced the ice to a depth of three inches. Seeing this scene, Leng Qianxue's pupils shrank violently. She was really surprised and happy in her heart, and there was a look in her eyes. A flash of shock quickly passed over:

Amazing! This seemingly simple lifting and pressing is definitely an extremely advanced attack technique among monks in the Lingquan realm, and it may even evolve into a high-level combat skill!

This young mentor is so powerful, he can actually use such superb combat skills casually!

"This, this, this... this is really too powerful. Could it be the legendary high-level combat skill 'Broken Xuan Palm' in the Lingquan Realm? No, this seems to be simpler and more practical than the Broken Xuan Palm!"

"You can move your energy in the palm of your hand and send and receive it from your heart. It's so mysterious!"

"This is a high-level combat skill that even the Lingquan level may not be able to practice!"

Amid the exclamations, Duanmu Qing's pupils shrank slightly.

To be honest, he was dismissive of Chu Chen's seemingly simple luck skills at first, but now that he saw that even Leng Qianxue, who had always been arrogant and arrogant, started to use it, he also had the attitude of giving it a try. He imitated it and used his strength.

I saw his palm raised slightly, and hit the spike with a loud bang. The two-foot-long tungsten steel spike sank into the ice very quickly and completely, as if piercing the sand, leaving only a handle exposed!

This... this set of luck skills is so powerful!

There was a look of surprise in Duanmu Qing's pupils. You must know that even if he uses all his strength to hit the spike, he can only hit one-third of it in one time. It takes three to four hits to completely penetrate a tungsten steel spike. Pierce the ice. Now that this set of Po Xuan Jin is in operation, it can all be shot in with one palm!

This unknown mentor... is so powerful that among the younger generation in the entire Medicine Palace, only Senior Brother Chu Chen and Chu from the Biquan Immortal Sect may be the only one who can overpower him!

A thought came to his mind slightly, Duanmu Qing raised his head slightly, but was stunned for a moment.

At this time, the entire open space was completely filled with the reverence of many students for Chu Chen. In the hearts of these students, Chu Chen had almost become synonymous with a god-level mentor. Everything he did was of no significance. This is something a mere low-level pharmacist can do!

But at this moment, Chu Chen, who was standing in the open space, disappeared! Looking around, Chu Chen and his black donkey were not found. This scene surprised everyone:

This mentor... where has he gone?

At the top of the gray glacier, Chu Chen stood silently on a large piece of ten-thousand-year-old black ice, his brows furrowed deeply.

The evil spirit of this glacier is so strong that it dyes the entire glacier gray. You can imagine how terrifying it is.

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