Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 234 Pill Fire Phantom

The bearded elder spoke with a strong southern hometown accent, and he spoke very fast. Therefore, when he heard the elder's name at first, Chu Chen and the others were stunned for a moment, and their lips moved a few times. In the end, I still didn't ask the exit.

"Today is the first day of your studies. I will take you to the furnace room first. I will teach you some basic things first." The bearded man's style of doing things is very straightforward, without any nonsense, he just waved his hand and motioned for a few people to follow superior.

The furnace room is located in the center of Dingcheng. It covers an area of ​​tens of acres. It looks like a huge square, very grand and spectacular. As soon as they came here, everyone's eyes widened, and there was an unconscious look of shock in their pupils. w "Fiction" novel chapters are updated the fastest

I saw huge medicine stoves rising from the ground in the huge square. Each one is more than ten feet high, which is the standard size of a medicine furnace.

At a glance, there are thousands of medicine furnaces burning in the entire furnace room, and flames of different colors rise into the sky, and the strong medicinal fragrance and pill energy are entangled and coiled in the void, turning into different colors of flames. Phantom, incomparably spectacular.

The most amazing thing is that there is no pharmacist waiting beside these burning medicine stoves. Beside each medicine stove, there is an illusory figure sitting cross-legged. With both hands, one after another mysterious magic formulas were continuously drawn out, and they were thrown into the medicine furnace. Those phantoms seemed real and illusory, and their faces were blurred, but the movement of hands making seals was extremely clear, which turned out to be a series of mysterious formulas for refining medicine!

"These phantoms are all imprints of spiritual power left by the amazing brothers and sisters in the medicine palace. (Baidu search updates the fastest and most stable)" Seeing the shock in the eyes of several people, the bearded instructor nodded , a look of solemnity appeared on his face, "In order to ensure that the medicine palace will be passed on from generation to generation, the inheritance will continue. After every outstanding student graduates, they must leave a brand clone, and share their understanding of the way of refining medicine, The experience is preserved for future generations to admire and emulate."

"When you have free time on weekdays, you can come here to see more about the medicine refining techniques of the seniors. Most of these phantoms are for students to watch for free. However, the top 100 phantoms contain the most exquisite medicine refining secrets. technique, you need contribution points to watch it."

"Oh? Then tell me, mentor, how many contribution points do you need to watch the top 100 alchemy phantoms?" Tang Rou, who was the coldest among the crowd, asked with great interest.

The bearded man smiled mysteriously: "You guys will know this in the future. The top 100 alchemy techniques are too profound and mysterious. At your current level, even if you show them to you for free, you won't understand them. Wait for you to grow up." When you reach a certain level, you will naturally come into contact with these.”

Tang Rou nodded with some understanding. In fact, since today is the first day of "school" in Yaogong, besides them, other freshmen also followed their instructors to the furnace room to watch.

Everyone looked at the lights and shadows concentrating on refining medicine in front of the medicine stoves, and they couldn't help but be attracted by some of the exquisite techniques, and watched with all their attention.

After glancing at the refining techniques of these phantoms, Chu Chen was not interested. Inside his furnace, there was a phantom of the Supreme Lord demonstrating the secret art of refining medicine, which was not comparable to these phantoms at all. Besides him, there was another person who was not interested in these alchemy phantoms, but it was Zhou Mei, who had always been very mysterious among the crowd.

This woman seemed to be concentrating on listening to the lecture, but her eyes were moving around, as if she was secretly looking for something, only when the bearded man looked at him, she smiled charmingly, full of charm.

After watching in the furnace room for a while, the bearded man led the crowd to a slightly remote alchemy room. This alchemy room covers an area of ​​about tens of feet. In the middle of the room is a blue-gray medicine stove, and beside it are a series of equipment for refining medicine, such as a medicine cauldron and a shovel. Apart from that, there are no other sundries.

"Next, I will introduce to you the fundamentals of refining medicine." After arriving at the refining room, the bearded man's expression suddenly flashed an inexplicable obscenity. The next moment, he slightly pulled a formula with both hands, and shot out a piece of green spiritual power that fell into the medicine furnace. boom! Amidst a slight explosion sound, a white light gushed out from above the medicine furnace, and when it exploded in the air, it transformed into a phantom of a beautiful woman, wearing a light gauze, with skin that could be broken by blowing bombs, and an extremely hot figure. Convex back, a standard S-shaped beauty. After the woman appeared, she smiled at the bearded man, and her cherry lips parted slightly: ", Yingxue has been waiting for you for a long time."

The voice of this beautiful woman's phantom is extremely soft, and the voice is so sweet that it makes people feel like there are countless little ants crawling in their hearts in an instant. This scene made the eyes of several people suddenly strange.

"Uh... Yingxue is an illusion I created with my spiritual power. With her, you can have a deeper understanding of the basics of refining medicine." The bearded instructor's complexion was slightly red, and he coughed slightly.

It's fine if he didn't explain, but when he opened his mouth to explain, it seemed like he was trying to cover it up, which made Chu Chen and the others look even weirder. And Zhou Mei looked at the phantom of the charming beauty with great interest, her eyes kept looking back and forth between her and herself, as if secretly comparing something.

"Okay, I will start teaching you now. First of all, I want to ask you a question. What is refining medicine? Many pharmacists have refined medicine for a lifetime, but in the end they don't understand the true meaning of refining medicine at all. The grass and then burn it into a ball of medicinal liquid and wait for it to solidify? In fact, this is not refining medicine, it is just dispensing medicine."

In order to hide his embarrassment, the bearded man focused his eyes and became serious in an instant, "The real refining of medicine is not simply mixing the main medicine, compounding medicine, and auxiliary medicine together to burn off the impurities. Refining medicine The Way of Heaven is a way of heaven and earth. In fact, the process of refining medicine is the process of splitting, reorganizing, and merging the rules between heaven and earth. This 'rule' is embodied in the pill, which is the concrete manifestation of various medicinal properties."

"There are countless kinds of medicinal properties in the world. Those who like cold, those who are afraid of yin, those who are light-loving, those who are afraid of fire...etc. However, these various medicinal properties can be summed up as the harmony of yin and yang, It’s just that the five elements generate and restrain each other, once you understand this basic principle, you will also understand the basic rules of the way of refining medicine..." As the bearded tutor started speaking, the phantom of a beautiful woman named Yingxue in front of him also began to appear continuously. Pull your fingers to create complex handprints.

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