Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1057 Ancient City Longwei

Arriving at Huangcheng, an ancient city that has existed forever, the monks felt an indescribable feeling of shock.

From the outside, the deserted city doesn't look like a city at all, it looks like a giant war fortress!

A huge and boundless city!

The outermost wall of the entire deserted city is made of iron-gray stones that are more than ten feet high. Each stone has been polished into a square shape. There is no adhesion between the stones. They fit together perfectly, and the cracks in the stone are so fine that not even a thin blade can be inserted into them.

The walls of the deserted city are more than a hundred feet high. The thick iron-gray walls are covered with countless fine marks. Some of them look like they were grabbed with sharp claws, some of them look like they were cut by swords, and some of them look like they were struck by thunder and lightning and burned by flames. Burnt.

Obviously, this ancient city has experienced unimaginable wars. Some of the blood stains on it even showed a bright red color, and they have not completely dried up to this day!

The most surprising thing is that directly above the huge gate of the deserted city, a dragon head that is about three feet high hangs on the city wall, exuding an extremely powerful spiritual pressure.

The dragon's head looked like it had been cut off forcibly, and irregular sharp cuts could even be seen at the fracture! !

This dragon head has been hanging on the city wall for who knows how many years, and its entire body is gray-black in color. appoint

Anyone who takes a quick look at it can feel a strong smell of time from this faucet, as if it has experienced an extremely long time.

Experienced endless ups and downs. The skin on the dragon's head has completely dried up and become wrinkled. At first glance, it looks like a gray-black stone sculpture.

When everyone's riding pets saw this seemingly dead dragon head, they all screamed and fell from the air, lying on the ground, trembling all over.

The eyes of these riding pets showed strong fear almost at the same time. The fear originating from the deepest soul made all the riding pets almost dare not make the slightest move. It seemed that as long as the slightest disrespect, they would be in trouble. A devastating disaster.

It is said that this dragon head was obtained by killing an evil dragon that was killed by the founder of Huangcheng. That evil dragon was almost on the verge of completely purifying its bloodline and condensing the body of a real dragon. Therefore, this dragon head inherently contains extremely powerful dragon power. It is enough to make many powerful wild beasts dare not approach.

Even now, after endless years, the flesh and blood on the dragon's head has withered, but the dragon's power is still condensed, gathering on the deserted city, protecting the humans in this ancient city.

Let the wild beasts in the wilderness dare not attack from the city gate!

Seeing that all the riding pets, including Elder Lingxin's Linghe Xueyu, were unable to lift their heads due to the pressure of the dragon's power contained on the dragon's head, Chu Chen's brows moved slightly, his figure moved slightly, and there was a faint, almost invisible golden light. Ripples shot out and enveloped all the riding pets.

Being rushed by this ripple, many riding pets were immediately shocked, and one by one stood up with renewed energy.

"Huh? These riding pets can actually resist the oppression of Longwei so quickly?"

"Is Long Wei offset by something?"

The monks were stunned for a moment, greatly surprised.

Although most of these people have never been to Huangcheng, they have more or less looked up information about this city from some ancient books.

The dragon head on the gate of this deserted city has a great reputation. The dragon's power inherent in it can oppress the wild beasts and ferocious beasts that dare not come close. It also has great oppressive power on the monks' riding beasts and war pets.

According to legend, the riding pets and spiritual beasts that enter the deserted city for the first time have to crawl on the ground for about half an hour under this pressure before they can regain their strength and slowly get rid of the suppression of the dragon's power.

These riding pets stand up when they are told to stand up? !

Could it be that because the dragon head has gone through too many years, there is not much dragon power left? ?

Among the crowd, only Qiu San was clear-eyed. After entering the fantasy stream realm, the child tiger's control of spiritual power became even more superb, and he calmly resisted the power of the dragon for all the riding pets.

When everyone actually stepped into the huge deserted city, it felt like they had entered a whole new world.

Wherever there is a city, it is basically like a country!

The place is crowded with people and bustling with people.

At the same time, a noisy and lively atmosphere rushed over.

The climate in the Western Wasteland is harsh and wild beasts are rampant. Therefore, the folk customs are extremely tough. Generally speaking, the people living on this land are physically stronger.

Even some women are generally tall, a head taller than the people in the Eastern Plains Territory.

Their clothing style is extremely rugged, and most of them wear clothes made of various animal skins. Clothes or silk clothes are rarely seen.

Everywhere along the way, you can see a man who looks like an iron tower with his upper body bare, and the sight of his strong and strong muscles like steel made several girls blush with shame, and they all covered their mouths and snickered uncontrollably.

In fact, except for Elder Lingxin, who had come to the Western Wasteland to collect medicine, others had read a lot of records about the Western Wasteland in some ancient books and materials, but they had never actually been there.

When they came to this deserted city full of exotic customs, many monks were very interested and tried to look around.

"It's not easy... After a lot of hardships along the way, we finally reached Huangcheng."

Heaving a long sigh of relief, Qiu San looked around and found that everyone around him was equally curious about the deserted city.

So he waved his hand decisively.

"Okay, everyone, let's walk around and take a look. We will gather here in the evening. The customs and customs of this deserted city are very different from those of our Dongyuan region. It's hard to come here and feel it!"

Before Qiu San finished speaking, the monks immediately dispersed with a bang, and most of them disappeared into the sea of ​​people in an instant.

This trip to the Western Wasteland is definitely a thrilling one.

Seas of blood, storms, barren mountains, buried masters... a series of dangers that can be called a narrow escape.

At this moment, no matter how determined a person is, he will feel tired from his heart when encountering such a change, and must relax.

Several female monks held hands and walked toward the largest and most prosperous equipment store in the city with smiles, while most of the male monks rushed toward weapons, wild pets and other stores.

Of course, there were also a few energetic young monks who tacitly rushed to several charming pink lofts in the city...

Just when all the monks were scattered, Elder Lingxin controlled the huge spiritual crane and continued to fly with Chu Chen.

"Let's go, I'll take you somewhere."

The cold face of Elder Lingxin has a touch of mystery and looks even more chilling.

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