Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1133 1 poor and 2 white

After all, making money requires long-term planning. Maybe you will have an idea when you wake up, and the idea will be better while sleeping.

After sleeping well all night, Chu Chen still felt a little tired after waking up.

In total, it has been nearly a week since Chu Chen came to Duxu Peak. These days, he has been working hard to capture the immortal brand of the golden-winged roc. He consumes his energy to the limit every night and sleeps soundly during the day. After a day, there is no way to replenish the lost energy.

So Chu Chen meditated and adjusted his breath for another half an hour before he completely recovered and opened his eyes again, his eyes were like lightning!

After exhaling a long breath, Chu Chen was about to leave his cave again.

There is no other reason for this, because the day for Senior Brother to solve the mystery once every three days on Duxu Peak has come again.

Since he occupies the position of senior brother on Duxu Peak, he still has to abide by this obligation to resolve doubts.

After washing up, when Chu Chen walked out of the cave, he found that Feng Qiang had been waiting outside the cave door.

Seeing Chu Chen come out, his eyes lit up: "Boss, you look like a dragon and a tiger. It seems that the yin and yang have been harmonized. What's the matter? Living in the same cave with such a beautiful woman, you finally can't hold it anymore, right? , have you been living a wild life these past few days...do you think I'm going to have a master's wife?"

"Master, how big are you?"

Chu Chen glared at him angrily, and waved his hand subconsciously, "Stop talking nonsense, go and clear up your doubts as soon as possible. When you are done, finish the work early, and I will give you some guidance on your doubts about elixirs."

Seeing that Chu Chen seemed to be in a bad mood, Feng Qiang wisely stopped joking, nodded repeatedly, and followed Chu Chen obediently to the simple and towering book tower.

As soon as he arrived at the book tower, Chu Chen clearly noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

I saw that both the new disciples and the old disciples all had ugly faces. They stood silently in the main hall, and no one said much, which was very different from the bustling and discussing in the usual days.

"What's going on? Everyone is crying? Is it a collective obsession?"

Feng Qiang looked at everyone's expressions and curled the corners of his mouth with disdain.

"As for that? My boss just came a little late.

Are your faces so ugly? Besides, my boss still..."

Before Feng Qiang could finish his words, he saw Chu Chen waving to him, glancing around and looking at a middle-aged man with a goatee in the crowd: "Junior Brother Ye, tell me what's going on. ."

This middle-aged man wears a blue robe and has a goatee. From his appearance, he looks like a secular Confucian scholar.

This person's name is Ye Hao, and he is the person who has stayed here the longest except Zhao Shi on Duxu Peak. Therefore, he is also regarded as the third senior brother by most of the other disciples.

It's just that this third senior brother doesn't have much prestige on Duxu Peak because he is timid and afraid of getting into trouble.

Seeing Chu Chen looking over at this time, he quickly said with a complacent smile: "Uh... senior brother, it's nothing, it's not a big deal, haha..."

"If it's not a big deal, why do you guys look so ugly?" Feng Qiang curled his lips, and Chu Chen frowned slightly when he heard this: "What the hell is going on, tell the truth."

"Is such that……"

Ye Hao sighed helplessly after hearing this, and finally told the whole story truthfully.

After listening to his words, Chu Chen's face gradually became colder.

There has always been no senior brother in Duxu Peak.

Because there is a rule that the senior brother must accept challenges from other peak disciples at any time, no one in Duxu Peak has the strength and courage to be qualified for the position of senior brother.

This resulted in the status of the disciples on Duxu Peak being very low in the Moming Sect. Basically, anyone could bully them.

And some other ancient peaks have spotted a big "business opportunity" here!

That is, since you don't have a senior brother to teach your disciples to practice, then we will send people here to give you "guidance". Accordingly, you should also pay some "guidance fees" to us as reward.

In fact, the so-called "guidance fee" is just a nice word. To put it bluntly, it is actually disciples from other peaks who want to collect protection fees...

If I give you money, I'll let you live a peaceful life for a few days.

If you don't give it, then there will be people coming here anytime, anywhere to make trouble and cause trouble...

The Demonic Sect is a sect world that respects strength. This is a naked world that respects the strong.

As long as your fists are big, you can do whatever you want, bully men and dominate women, plunder resources, and practice magical skills.

And if you are weak, then I'm sorry, you should bear all this...

In this world, ignorance is not a sin, evil is not a sin, and tyranny is not a sin.

Only weakness, only weakness is the original sin of everything...

And now, several elite disciples from the "Dazzling Shadow Peak", an ancient peak not far from Duxu Peak, have spotted this opportunity and want to come to Duxu Peak to collect protection fees.

In fact, Duxu Peak's behavior of being charged protection fees has been going on for a long time, and most of Duxu Peak's disciples have the mentality of losing money to avoid disasters. In the past, every time someone came to collect protection fees, , they all reluctantly handed over some spiritual stones or jade to avoid disasters.

Although I feel very unwilling, it is bearable if I can be bullied less.

But this time is different, maybe because there is a big competition within the sect, so the consumption of spiritual jade is very large, and every family is trying to cross the Xu Peak.

Before the disciples from Xuanying Peak arrived, two waves of people had already arrived.

This Shadow Peak is the third wave!

Duxu Peak was originally the most declining and weakest branch among the seventy-two peaks of Moming Sect. How could it be possible for Duxu Peak to hand over so much money in such a short period of time?

And this is the most important reason why everyone feels heavy in the heart and looks ugly!

"A disciple of Shadow Peak?"

Chu Chen's expression was always calm. After listening to Ye Hao's narration, he slowly turned his head and glanced at the third child.

"What level of ancient peak is this from Moming Sect? How is its strength?"

"Xuan Yingfeng is very powerful."

Ye Hao was in a very heavy mood, so his face didn't look very good.

"The seventy-two peaks of Moming Sect are divided into three levels: heaven, earth and people. There are twelve heaven-level ancient peaks, with Netherworld Peak and Tianmo Peak as the most respected peaks. There are twenty-four earth-level ancient peaks, with Giant Blood Peak, Demonic War Peak, Mad Soul Peak and other powerful ancient peaks are respected. There are thirty-six human-level ancient peaks, and this Dazzling Shadow Peak is one of the most powerful ancient peaks among the human-level ancient peaks. It can be called the supreme ancient peak!"

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