Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1212 Senior Brother’s Big Deal

Sure enough, after Zixi left.

In the reception hall, several disciples from Duxu Peak who saw Chu Chen returning looked at Chu Chen with eyes that any man would understand, and there was an ambiguous smile on each of their faces.

"Elder brother is going out this time, so he will receive quite a lot of goods."

A slightly squat disciple winked at Chu Chen.

This person's name is Zhuang Feng, and he is the liveliest person among the disciples of Duxu Peak this time. Although he is a bit average on weekdays, he is very cheerful, and he is the most popular one in the entire Duxu Peak.

"Haha, yes, I have gained something this time." Chu Chen smiled and nodded, "Madman, please inform everyone that everyone will come here the day after tomorrow. I went out to bring you some gifts this time."

"Haha, boss, are you going to share the treasures with everyone?" Zhuang Feng was overjoyed when he heard this, "I will inform everyone now."

As he spoke, Zhuang Feng's short and fat body rushed out of the hall in a hurry.

After a while, his loud voice began to be heard throughout Duxu Peak.

"Eldest brother is back. Eldest brother will give out gifts to everyone the day after tomorrow. No one should be absent."

Listening to Zhuang Feng's excited voice, Chu Chen could only smile, turned and left the reception hall, returned to his cave, and prepared to rest.

This trip to the Black Blood Auction can be regarded as a turmoil, so I need to take a good rest and adjust.

Two days later, Chu Chen left the cave and came to the reception hall. He found that dozens of disciples on Duxu Peak, except Zixi, had all come to the reception hall.

Everyone saw the senior brother in unison, and looked at Chu Chen's face full of expectations.

"This time I went out for training, and I had some adventures. I brought some small gifts for everyone by the way."

Chu Chen waved for everyone to get up, with a faint smile on his face, "Feng Qiang, come here."

"Okay, boss." Feng Qiang walked up to Chu Chen with excitement and smiled with a red face, "What are your orders, boss?"

"I've been traveling across Xu Peak with me for so long, and I haven't given you anything good. Just take this first."

Chu Chen said,

Then he handed him a lavender storage ring.

"Oh? Look what good things the boss has prepared for me."

Feng Qiang took the storage ring and input his spiritual power. Immediately, a lavender light spread out. The air spread slowly like water waves, and several items shining with precious light suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Sounds of gasps came one after another. At this moment, everyone's eyes suddenly straightened up! !

There were three treasures in total, and the first one was a pair of red gloves.

The glove looked like it was woven from some kind of red metal thread. On the fist on the back of the hand, a lifelike red dragon claw shone with a faint light.

The blade of the dragon claw protruded from the back of the hand and was more than a foot long, shining with an icy cold light.

The second piece is a pair of jade-white wrist guards.

The wrist guard looks like it is carved from the finest white jade, with bright red threads flowing slowly like tiny blood vessels. At a glance, it seems that this is an illusion. The bracer is a living thing with a life of its own.

The third treasure is a fiery red belt. The whole belt is woven with bright red silk threads and is about as wide as a palm. In the center of the belt, a red gem the size of an egg ripples with rich flames. breath.

"This, this is..."

Feng Qiang's lips trembled a little as he looked at the three treasures emitting gleaming light in the void.

He didn't know what these three treasures were, but he still had basic eyesight. At least he knew that these three treasures were definitely rare magic weapons that were rare to see.

"You have never liked using weapons. You like to fight with others with bare hands."

Chu Chen said slowly, "In this way, if you fight against some magical weapons, you will always be at a disadvantage. This fire dragon claw is extremely exquisitely designed. It will not affect your movements at all when you wear it. It can also be used Use weapons. If you don’t use weapons, the dragon claw blade on the back of this glove can become the most powerful weapon. This is a semi-legendary magic weapon!"

"Half...half legendary level..."

Feng Qiang was completely stunned. In fact, not only Feng Qiang, but everyone was stunned for an instant after hearing what Chu Chen said.

If a semi-legendary divine weapon is placed outside of the Moming Sect, it will inevitably attract covetation and robbery from the master of the sect!

This is a real magic weapon!

In fact, according to the rules of the monk world, most of the weapons that a super strong person in the Lingxi realm can use are spiritual weapon-level weapons if they don't have any unexpected encounters.

Some elites who are lucky enough to obtain certain genius treasures have to work for decades before they have the financial resources to buy a treasure-level magic weapon, which is enough for them to fight for a lifetime.

As for the semi-legendary magic weapon...this is a peerless weapon that many powerful men in the Spirit River Realm don't have!

In the world of monks, if anyone can possess a semi-legendary divine weapon, it can almost be passed down as a treasure from generation to generation!

At this moment, all the disciples looking at Feng Qiang had strong looks of envy in their eyes. To be honest, when everyone heard that Chu Chen was going to give him some gifts, no one had much hope.

In their thoughts, it would be amazing enough if Chu Chen could come up with a few spiritual weapon-level weapons. Who knew that he would actually become a semi-legendary weapon once he got it! !

"This wristband is called the Chalcedony Blood Wrist. The wonderful thing about this treasure is that once a monk puts it on, this wristband can be completely integrated with the flesh and blood of the monk's wrist. Not only can it have an excellent effect on the wrist, It has a protective effect and can also increase the power of the spiritual power input into the palm. The matching magic weapon that matches this fire dragon claw can greatly increase its power."

Amid everyone's envious gazes, Chu Chen pointed at the jade-white wristband again.

At this moment, Feng Qiang's breathing suddenly became heavy.

What is the most vulnerable part of a monk's body?

Feng Qiang knew very well that for a monk who often relied on fists to fight, the most fragile and easily injured part of the body was actually the wrist.

In fact, whether he is holding a weapon in his hand or simply fighting with his fists, the monk's power is greatest on his wrist.

The wrist is actually an important joint node. It does not have the protection of transverse bones like the knees. It only relies on the pulling force of the muscles and skin. Once it is bombarded by a huge force, the wrist will definitely be the first to be destroyed.

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