Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 94 Giving guidance to senior experts

Tong's dream was right. Chu Chen didn't know how to play chess at all.

Only in my rare spare time, I saw other disciples play a few times, but I had never even picked up a chess piece.

It's just that although Chu Chen doesn't know the art of chess, he understands one truth, that is, when playing chess, what is played is not chess, but a "momentum".

Playing chess may be the oldest and most mysterious pastime in the world. The little black and white two sons don't look conspicuous, but they have infinite mysteries. The way of chess is the way of Yin and Yang, and it is also the way of creation. It is the most fundamental and basic "Tao".

When practitioners play chess, they play this "Tao". Inject your own spiritual will into the chess pieces, and develop your own understanding of "Tao" on a small chessboard. Therefore, for practitioners, as long as they have a profound grasp of Taoism, their chess skills can be mastered without a teacher.

Chu Chen's chess skills were not good, and if he was good at wheel playing, he would naturally not be able to compare with this unfathomable old man. But Chu Chen has a "perverted" level of terrifying spiritual awareness.

Once your spiritual sense is opened, you can easily see that the seemingly ordinary chessboard is criss-crossed with countless shining threads of spiritual light. This is the old man's spiritual will left on the chess pieces when he was playing chess.

If you look closely, you will see that these criss-crossing spiritual light threads faintly outline the path of the human body's spiritual power!

After Chu Chen thought about it, he understood that the old man probably also understood that he was showing signs of being possessed, but he didn't know how to resolve it. After thinking about it day and night, his spirit and will naturally changed. With this imprint, it left this on the chessboard.

Some thoughts came to Chu Chen's mind. With his "perverted" spiritual sense, he can naturally see where the old man went crazy and went wrong. However, the identity gap between the two lies here. Although he doesn't know what the old man's identity is?

But even if he is possessed, he can still exude such a terrifying aura. His status must be extremely high, and he must be above the elders of the sect.

Given his status, if he rashly gave him advice on how to resolve his obsession, even if he had good intentions, it would still be inappropriate.

After all, people need to be brave. A famous senior with profound cultivation needs the guidance of a young disciple to resolve a difficult situation. If this spreads out, wouldn’t it be a huge loss of face? How will he meet people in the future?

Well, since I can't point it out face to face, let me point out the key point of his obsession in this chess game!

Chu Chen thought like this,

With a black piece in hand and a smile on his face, he concentrated on playing chess.

The old man has been immersed in the art of chess for who knows how many years. His understanding of the art of chess is not comparable to that of Chu Chen.

Therefore, in just a short moment, a few white stones fell, and the black and white chess situation, which was originally even and indifferent, suddenly changed. However, seeing that the white stones were as powerful as a rainbow, they firmly grasped several extremely important key nodes. It was as if he had seized several important fortresses during the confrontation between the two armies, and instantly made himself invincible.

In such a chess game, people who know a little bit about chess skills can usually tell that when White reaches this level, he is already in an invincible position and has a sure chance of victory.

Because even if all the remaining gaps are filled by black stones, they will only be on par with white stones. As long as White makes a few more random moves, he can completely block all of Black's escape routes!

However, the chess played by Chu Chen was extremely weird. Whenever the black stones fell, there were no other black stones around to watch and help, and a few lonely chess pieces penetrated deep into the hinterland of the white stones.

This way of playing chess is like when two armies are facing off, only a few soldiers are sent to the hinterland of the place alone, without any rules or patterns. There is not even a single backup, which can be described as a complete act of seeking death.

And Chu Chen always had a faint smile on his face, as if he didn't care about the life and death of his base camp, and just blindly dropped the black ones in the hinterland of the white ones. At first glance, he looked like a man who didn't care at all. It looks like someone who doesn't know how to play chess is messing around. However, he looked like he was sure of victory and full of confidence, which made people think that he had some backup plan to make a comeback. They never thought that this guy actually didn't even know any chess skills.

"This kid-..."

The old man frowned, realizing for the first time that he seemed unable to understand the young boy in front of him.

Although Chu Chen's chess game seemed to have no rules, it gave him a unique feeling. It seemed that these seemingly stupid moves actually contained unimaginable mysteries! But what the mystery was, he couldn't understand for a while.

What kind of chess position is this? I have played games with others all my life, and I have never seen such chess skills before!

But after a while, when more and more sunspots fell on Chu Chen, the expression on the old man's face became more and more moved. In the end, it was even full of incomparable excitement and surprise!

After all, this chess game was set up by the old man himself, so naturally he knew better than anyone else what kind of spiritual will was contained in the chess position.

This end game is called "Six Rivers", which the old man deduced from the fragments of the famous chess game "Kai Tian" in ancient times. The allusion of this chess game comes from ancient times. After the legendary ancestor god Pangu created the world, his body transformed into mountains, rivers, and all living creatures.

This "Six Rivers" chess game is the six rivers in the "Open Heaven" residual score. According to myths and legends, the rivers in the world are actually the meridians and blood vessels of the ancestor god Pangu.

Therefore, what this Six Rivers chess game essentially embodies is also the manifestation of the image of the six most important meridians of the human body. The chess game is naturally filled with the path of the spiritual energy running in the old man's body.

It's just that this trajectory is extremely obscure and secretive. Even the old man himself couldn't see it very accurately.

But what moved the old man was that Chu Chen's few sunspots seemed to fall randomly, acting haphazardly without any planning. But the place where each child falls is the most important checkpoint for the movement of human body's spiritual energy. These sunspots were gathered or scattered, alone or in groups, and unknowingly, the entire "Six Rivers" chess game came to life completely. Just like an invisible human body, its internal blood vessels, meridians and other important places are dredged and guided. This causes all the qi and blood in the whole body to become active!

When the old man subconsciously circulated the spiritual power and blood in his body according to Chu Chen Luozi's method, he was surprised to find that the pain of his obsession was relieved slightly, and he suddenly became extremely excited.

This... this kid is not playing chess. He is clearly telling himself how to get through this obsessive situation!

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