Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 393 Activated Evil Talisman

Viewed from the outside, the entire library hall only occupies four or five acres of land.

But once you walk inside, you will feel that it is extremely spacious.

This hall seems to contain some extremely advanced space formation, a bit like the "Mustard Na Sumeru" formation. A small space hides a huge space.

After wandering around the library hall for half an hour, Chu Chen gradually felt something strange.

His sensitive sense suddenly felt that something seemed to be hidden somewhere in the library hall, and he pondered for a moment.

When he came to a dead end near the bookshelf, he did not turn, but walked straight to the wall in front...

The moment he stepped out, he seemed to have passed through a thin layer of restriction.

Behind that "wall", there is actually a wider hall. Bookshelves that are ten feet high are lined up, and you can't even see the edge at a glance!

This...this library hall actually hides a larger and broader library hall! !

Chu Chen was slightly surprised. This hidden hall was really too big. He walked in the huge hall, surrounded by endless huge bookshelves.

After walking for an hour, the scenery around me didn't change at all. He was dazzled by the catalogs of rare ancient books.

However, when he reached a certain corner of the hall, a strange feeling suddenly surged from deep within his heart. At that moment, he suddenly felt cold all over his body, and a cold air ran directly from his spine to the back of his head, making him shiver.

Um? How is this going?

I don't know why, but at that moment, Chu Chen's keen spiritual sense seemed to feel an aura full of darkness, coldness, and evil feeling flickering slightly in the void, and then quickly disappeared.

That breath appeared too suddenly and disappeared too quickly.

So when Chu Chen reacted, he didn't know if it was just his illusion or if there was indeed an evil spirit.

how so? All the book collection halls of the Medicine Palace were covered with extremely sophisticated ancient prohibition formations.

Moreover, the "Four Treasures of the Study" themselves have the function of warding off evil spirits and suppressing evil spirits.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for evil monks to appear in such a place filled with the scent of "Xuanling Ink". Because the fragrance of Xuanling ink, which has endless benefits for people of the right way, is like poison and cannot be resisted by people of the wrong way.

Is it an illusion?

Chu Chen slowed down and walked step by step towards the direction of the evil energy he sensed.

As we walked further, the dark, cold, evil, and violent aura in the void became heavier and heavier. In the end, I could easily feel it without even using my spiritual sense.

This discovery shocked Chu Chen. If the library hall of Medicine Palace was invaded by evil powerful men, it would probably cause an unimaginable disaster! !

When he thought of this, Chu Chen did not dare to neglect, and quickly activated all his mysterious skills to the extreme state, and carefully walked towards the place where the evil atmosphere was the strongest...


Just when Chu Chen was about to move forward, a slight trembling sound suddenly came from the air.

The next moment... the storage ring in his hand suddenly started to vibrate crazily.

Um? what happened? ?

I originally thought that I would be attacked, but I didn't expect that the storage ring would change.

He could feel something in the inner space of the storage ring frantically hitting the entrance of the space, trying to break through the shackles of the storage ring.

What's this?

When Chu Chen opened the exit of the storage ring, a black light burst out and transformed into a black object in the void.

At first glance, this thing looks like some kind of fragment, about half the size of a palm. The whole body is dark in color, and there are some damaged lines on it, which look like some kind of broken rune fragments.

This is……

Chu Chen frowned and thought for a moment before he remembered where this thing came from.

When his Black Eagle clone evolved to the point where it could penetrate sixty feet deep into the Black Mist Valley, it took out such a mysterious black talisman.

This broken talisman had been sitting in the depths of his storage ring without any movement, which made him almost forget that there was such a thing. Now that he saw the broken talisman fly out on its own, he suddenly remembered it.

The black, palm-sized remnant talisman flew out of the storage ring, as if it suddenly had a life of its own, and its entire body emitted a jet-black light.

This light is different from the black spiritual light in Chu Chen's body.

Although the true form of Chu Chen's spiritual spring is also black, it is filled with a majestic, vast and unpredictable grand artistic conception. It is an upright and righteous mysterious skill.

But the light emanating from this remnant talisman was actually filled with an unparalleled dark, cold, and evil flavor. It seems that there is a vicious evil spirit lurking inside, watching the world with eager eyes.

When the dark light spread slowly, Chu Chen was stunned and frightened by a sudden change! !

When the black remnants of the talisman floated in the void, the ancient books on the tall bookshelves next to them seemed to be attracted by invisible forces, floating in mid-air and starting to turn automatically.

Every time a page is turned, the handwriting written by "Xuanling Ink" on those pages begins to gradually disappear.

At the same time, slender ink lines began to spread out from the book one after another and submerged themselves into the remaining talismans.

This...this weird remnant talisman can actually swallow Xuan Mo's spiritual power on its own!

Chu Chen's surprise was nothing trivial. The remaining talisman swallowed Xuan Lingmo very quickly. It took almost one breath to swallow all the Xuan Lingmo from several ancient books.

By the time Chu Chen began to react and violently activated his spiritual power to suppress the remaining talismans in the void, all the mysterious ink in hundreds of ancient books had been swallowed up.

Those ancient books were scattered on the ground, and the white porcelain paper with light cyan light was white and clean, without a single word.

how so!

Chu Chen was really panicking now. As we all know, the "Four Treasures of the Study" have always been the carrier of human civilization. Therefore, they are blessed by the destiny of the human race and are full of the awe-inspiring righteousness of human civilization.

This awe-inspiring righteousness is incompatible with the evil and evil spirits of evil ways and demons, and they restrain each other. Therefore, in this book collection hall that is full of the fragrance of Xuanling ink, it is generally impossible for evil people to appear. For them, this place is equivalent to a huge poison cave!

However, the evil energy on this strange remnant talisman is not only not restrained by the awe-inspiring righteousness contained in the Xuanling Ink, but can actually swallow the Xuanling Ink on its own. How pure is the evil energy on it? ancient? ?

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