Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 399 Chu Chen VS God of Fishing

If spiritual power is not poured into it, it will naturally droop down.


Seeing Chu Chen actually holding a soft willow branch into the water, the people around him were more or less surprised! To be honest, I have seen people fishing, but I have never seen fishing like this.

According to ancient legend, when the ancient sage Jiang Ziya was fishing, his fishhook was straight and hanging three feet above the water.

Just like this, there are still fish taking the bait automatically!

Now Huangfu Yin and Chu Chen are competing for fishing. One purely uses his spiritual power to condense into a fishing rod, fish line and fish hook, while the other directly uses a slender and long willow branch to fish, which is enough to become a major figure in the Medicine Palace. Strange story.

"These two people... I'm afraid they are at loggerheads!"

At this time, no matter how dull you are, you may have noticed the tit-for-tat atmosphere between Huangfu Yin and Chu Chen.

A disciple whispered softly, "I have long heard that Senior Brother Huangfu from Zongheng Tianyuan has a conflict with a new student who entered the Medicine Palace. The two have fought secretly for several times. I didn't expect to see these two people in person today. Let’s compete!”

"Yes, but this guy only uses a willow branch to fish. This is too crazy... Although the most important thing for fishing Xuanjing fish is the need for spiritual power, fishing lines, hooks, and baits are useless in this regard. The use is a bit too exaggerated.”

"But this guy is quite scheming. Senior Brother Huangfu spent so much effort to create the void to condense the fishing rod. If the fish caught are not as many as this guy can catch with willow branches, then the situation will be turned around. ! But such a situation is probably impossible!"

"That's right! Senior Brother Huangfu's fishing skills back then dominated the entire Medicine Palace! Now that his cultivation has become even deeper, I'm afraid no one can match his fishing skills! How can that new student compare to him!"

"This new student is so pitiful. If he competes with Senior Brother Huangfu, he will surely end up miserable!"

Amidst everyone's whispers, Huangfu Yin and Chu Chen began to concentrate on fishing.

To be honest, Huangfu Yin's claim that Yaogong's fishing skills were the best at that time was not a joke.

His fishing rod with condensed spiritual power only lasted about a moment before he suddenly raised it, and a crucian carp with a bright silver glare all over his body was thrown out by him.

"I caught a fish! It's a silver-backed grizzly carp! This is a silver-crystal-level black crystal fish! As expected of senior brother Huangfu!!" Exclaims of surprise sounded from all directions.

The black crystal fish in the Yaogong Ling River is not just a specific fish, it is a general name.

According to the quality of the fish crystal bones contained in each type of black crystal fish, these fish are divided into several levels from low to high: copper crystal, silver crystal, gold crystal, jade crystal, amethyst, and holy crystal.

Copper crystal is the worst, and holy crystal is the best! The higher the quality of the fish crystal bone, the easier it is to refine it into top-quality medicinal charms, and the higher its value is.

Huangfu Yin was able to drop a silver crystal-level black crystal fish with just one move, which really amazed everyone!

You know, most disciples would be very lucky if they could catch a bronze crystal-level black crystal fish in a day of fishing.

Here Huangfu Yin began to gain something. When everyone looked towards Chu Chen, they saw him leisurely holding the long willow branch without making any movement.

"Looking at his leisurely look, I thought he was very capable. Who knew he was not capable at all!"

"A person like this also comes to compete with Senior Brother Huangfu in fishing? He is surely bringing humiliation upon himself!"

"Look, Senior Brother Huangfu has caught another fish! It's a silver-eyed koi! It's another silver-level black crystal fish!"

"What? It's like a silver crystal fish as soon as you strike. Do you want anyone else to live..."

In the midst of everyone's exclamation, Huangfu Yin smiled and picked off a very beautiful koi carp with silver light shining all over the pole and put it back into the water.

He came here to fish this time just to give Chu Chen a show of strength, not really for the fish crystal bones, so there was no need to keep these fish.

And so far, Chu Chen’s willow branch fishing rod has not been touched...

Finally, just when Huangfuyin lifted the fishing rod for the third time, he lifted a rare silver-winged salmon out of the water.

The part of Chu Chen's willow branch hanging down into the water suddenly burst into water, and it seemed as if a fish had bitten the willow branch.

Chu Chen's eyes lit up without any hesitation. With a gentle pull, spiritual power quickly poured into the willow branch, causing the soft willow branch to collapse in an instant, and pulled the willow branch out of the water.

Um? ? ?

When everyone saw what was on the willow branch, they burst into laughter. It turned out that the fish that was biting the end of the willow branch was not a fish, but a palm-sized, dark green turtle!

The little turtle's mouth was tightly biting the willow branch. Under the stimulation of Chu Chen's Kung Fu, the entire mouth was firmly stuck and it was impossible to break free. It was so anxious that its four short legs kept fluttering.

"Hahaha... This is too funny. I caught a little turtle while fishing, and I want to compare with Senior Brother Huangfu!"

"It's really embarrassing. I don't know where he got the air from. He doesn't know the heights of the world."

"Fishing in front of Senior Brother Huangfu is definitely a trick and... eh??"

Just when everyone was about to laugh out loud at the funny scene, they saw the scene in the river suddenly change.

When Chu Chen shook the willow branch slightly, a large splash of water suddenly surged on the calm river. A huge figure suddenly emerged from the river and bit the little turtle in mid-air!

"what is that……!!!"

Amidst the screams, Chu Chen's spiritual power surged wildly, and in an instant, a huge spiritual power light network was formed at the end of the willow branch, completely covering the huge figure.

At this time, everyone finally saw the true face of the huge figure, and everyone gasped in an instant.

It was a huge shark, with a dazzling bright silver color all over its body.

This shark is about one foot long and has a streamlined body. There are three bright silver bone protrusions on its fat head, which look like three shining daggers.

"The Silver Crystal Shark is actually the Silver Crystal Shark, how is that possible!"

Shouts of exclamation could no longer be suppressed and soared into the sky.

In the entire Spirit River, although the Silver Crystal Black Shark is only a Silver Crystal level Black Crystal fish, its number is extremely rare, even rarer than many gold crystal and jade crystal level Black Crystal fish!

There is no other reason. As we all know, sharks are originally marine creatures.

The Ling River in the Medicine Palace is an inland river. Although this river leads to the endless sea in the east, there are still thousands of miles from the Medicine Palace to the ocean.

With such a long distance span, even if some sharks accidentally swim into the Linghe River while looking for food, it will be difficult to reach the Medicine Palace.

But now, a silver crystal black shark that only grows in the deep sea appears in front of everyone.

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