Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 257 Fat Man in Black

"Oh no, this dragon vine is already highly spiritualized. It can perfectly control any vine on its body. Everyone, please use all your strength to break free as soon as possible!"

Tang Rou shouted loudly, and a blazing cyan light exploded, instantly shattering countless dense vines around it. (Baidu search updates are the fastest and most stable)

However, at the next moment, something happened that made her desperate. Although the cage around her was shattered by her, a bloody python violently wrapped around her body!

In just one breath, the "python"-like rattans had already tightly bound several people, and they were raised high into the sky and waved wildly.

"F***, how can this ghost be so powerful!"

Shen Hou screamed in mid-air, this dragon vine was really too strong, every vine on its body was as sensitive as a tentacle.

And there are just too many of these canes. The Blood Dragon Vine has a total of eight main vines. Each main vine has thousands of auxiliary vines. The total number of vines on the eight main vines is simply an extremely terrifying number. There are countless continuous vines. Continuously weaving into giant webs one after another, they finally completely bound the four people.


A huge sword energy, as black as ink, burst out in an instant and spread dozens of feet. Along the way, bloody rattans were cut and smashed like tofu.

Behind the black sword energy, a gray figure rushed out and rushed toward the center of the bloody rattan!

"Chu Chen, what are you doing?"

Tang Rou's eyes wandered, and she screamed in horror when she saw this scene. The root of the main vine of the bloody dragon vine that spreads more than ten feet long is a huge red meat ball. What is shocking is that the center of the meat ball is , is a big bloody mouth covered with fangs. The part Chu Chen rushed towards was exactly that big bloody mouth!

"I'm going to destroy it!"

Chu Chen's body flew forward crazily. He had already opened his spiritual senses and keenly discovered that the weakness of this huge and heaven-defying spiritual dragon vine was the most terrifying-looking bloody mouth at the root. Among them, he rushed away at the fastest speed without any hesitation.

However, Chu Chen's impact speed became slower and slower. Although the black sword in his hand was strong, his body was entangled with more and more blood vines.

Finally, he stopped about thirty feet away from the "Bloody Mouth". His whole body was tightly bound by blood vines, and he could no longer move.


While Chu Chen was trapped,

A scream came out.

Everyone turned around and saw that almost all of Zhou Mei's body was tightly wrapped in rattan rods as thick as a giant python, and even her arms were restrained. In front of her, several blood-red vines were entangled and twisted with each other, twisting into a thick thorn, stabbing towards Zhou Mei!

Shen Hou and Tang Rou were entangled in endless vines and had no time to rescue them. The situation instantly became critical!

"Zhou Mei!"

"Miss Zhou!"

Several screams came out, Tang Rou sighed and closed her eyes in despair. The next moment, just when everyone thought that Zhou Mei would definitely die, a blazing sword energy burst out, traveling through many spaces and instantly cutting off all the vines behind Zhou Mei.


Zhou Mei freed herself from the dense vines on her body as quickly as possible. The frightened Zhou Mei turned around and saw a tall figure appearing in front of her.

This is a fat man who looks a bit ferocious, with a sinister face and an expressionless face. He held a huge two-handed sword as big as a door panel in both hands. With a wave of his hand, he saw blazing sword light burst out, forcing the surrounding vines to prevent him from getting close at all.


Zhou Mei reluctantly smiled, but when she saw that the fat man beside her didn't care at all, his eyes turned cold, and he also rushed towards the root of the dragon vine.

He also understood very well that the vines around the Blood Dragon Vine were endless and had no weaknesses at all. The only weakness can only be at the roots!

And this is also the innate characteristic of most plant-like spiritual beasts.


Just as the fat man with a cold breath passed by Chu Chen, the blood vines wrapped around his body were instantly cut off. The fat man seemed to have sword energy in every pore, so powerful that he could control the surrounding space.

"Go, I'll clear the way for you!"

The fat man shouted loudly and threw the giant sword in his hand. The giant sword spun and flew towards the dragon vine base, cutting off countless blood vines abruptly and clearing a way for Chu Chen.


Chu Chen clenched the nameless black sword in his hand, and like a ray of light, it flew in the "path" opened by the giant sword, and in an instant it had reached the core of the bloody dragon vine.


Chu Chen tried his best to slash away with his sword, and immediately carved deep scars in the huge fang-covered mouth of the "Dragon Vine", and large volumes of blood spurted out.

Under the trauma, the blood-colored dragon vine went completely crazy, spitting out blood-colored light cannons one after another, and blasted towards Chu Chen crazily, but he nimbly dodged them again and again.

The root of the blood-colored dragon vine was so big that it looked like a lump of meat that was three feet high. Chu Chen slashed it with his sword with all his strength. Even if it penetrated the hilt of the sword, it could only cause a wound, and it was impossible to cut it. It kills directly.

"I'm here to help you!"

When Chu Chen caught a glimpse of Qi Fei, dressed in black, rushing towards him, his eyes suddenly lit up. The long sword shook slightly, transforming into a continuous torrent of sword energy, instantly crushing all the bloody fangs around him. !

The next moment, Qi Fei roared angrily, and the huge black iron sword in his hand shone brightly, transforming into a thick lightsaber ten feet long in the void, falling from the sky, and piercing deeply into the huge mouth of the dragon vine!


The giant dragon vine's mouth was instantly shattered by the sharp sword energy. With an earth-shattering roar, the huge dragon vine's center paused slightly before exploding.

The blood vines all over the sky quickly withered and collapsed to the ground because their center had been destroyed. From a distance, they looked like a bloody lake.

Huh... finally got rid of this thing!

Chu Chen gasped for air. This dragon vine was really terrifying. Fortunately, Qi Fei took action.

"Qi Fei, thank you."

Chu Chen looked at the fat man in black and whispered.

"As I said, my name is not Qi Fei. You got the wrong person." The fat man in black snorted coldly and glanced at him, "Also, I'm not here to help you, I'm just here to get this thing."

Qi Fei directly took out a blood-colored gold-spotted egg from the root of the dragon vine. "Once this dragon vine beast is cultivated and matured, it will be more terrifying than many spiritual beasts. You should take care of yourself."

After watching Qi Fei's figure rise and fall, he quickly disappeared from sight. Chu Chen could only helplessly shake his head. "Everyone, let's start collecting."

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