Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 277 It’s not for you to be on the Dragon List

In just a cup of tea, the news that the famous "Little Fairy" Shen Qian in the Fantasy Fairy World made a comeback, and that she was on the Dragon List, spread throughout the Fantasy Fairy World as if she had grown wings.

As one of the few famous Sanren, Little Fairy Shen Qian's combat prowess has attracted the attention of everyone in the Little Fairy World a long time ago.

Many people estimate that if this little girl, who looks cute but is actually very ferocious, is on the Dragon Ranking, her ranking should be at least within the top fifty. Therefore, many people want to see how far she can hit.

Starting from the second battle, each of Shen Qian's battles attracted a larger number of people to watch. After all, every battle of a strong man with a red name is an extremely valuable experience for many people.

Observing their battles can quickly improve one's own fighting awareness. What's more, Shen Qian's beauty has many suitors and admirers in the illusory fairy world, so it soon set off a huge storm in the entire fairy world.

Every time Shen Qian fights, the virtual arena is almost filled with enthusiastic crowds who come after hearing the news.

In fact, Shen Qian did not disappoint them. In every subsequent battle, almost all opponents will be quickly eliminated with swift and violent attacks like a violent storm. Every bright and bright crescent moon rising into the sky represents a figure flying high!

Although Shen Qian looks cute and cute, her attacks are very heavy and ruthless, often fatal with one blow. Some even completely ignore her own defense and attack desperately, using the three words "fast, ruthless and accurate". If it weren't for a virtual world like the Little Fairy World, her opponents would probably be dead or disabled.

This scene also made the onlookers stunned. This little fairy is really cruel. He looks so cute, but when he fights, he doesn't care about his image at all!

After several battles with Shen Qian, Chu Chen felt relieved. Judging from this momentum, Shen Qian would basically not encounter any obstacles unless he was one of the top fifty on the Dragon Ranking.

Therefore, he settled down and prepared for the battle to reach the Dragon Ranking. He looked at the huge light screen and quickly saw the name of the last person on the list, "Ding Quan", and gently clicked on " Challenge" on the light button.

After being beaten violently by Shen Qian, Ding Quan was finally awakened by her and no longer rested on his laurels.

He also had a sense of being a strong man in his heart, so immediately after being kicked off the Dragon Ranking by Shen Qian, he recovered from his injuries in the virtual fairy world and began to move toward the person who was originally ranked before him on the Dragon Ranking. The famous monk "Xu Hao" launched a challenge.

In the past, Ding Quan was ranked 500th and Xu Hao was ranked 499th on the Dragon Ranking. Their combat power was basically evenly matched.

After Ding Quan was knocked off the dragon list by Shen Qian, Xu Hao was squeezed to the last place.

Later, Ding Quan's fighting spirit was burning, and his Ice-Cracking Cold Spring Sword Technique was extremely effective. He defeated Xu Hao neatly and regained his ranking at the bottom of the Dragon Ranking.

Just when he wanted to recharge his batteries and start to charge forward, the name of a person he had never seen before suddenly flashed in the position of "Challenger".

This made Ding Quan couldn't help but laugh angrily, thinking that I, Ding Quan, was easy to bully!

He can't defeat Shen Qian, a famous Sanren strongman. How can I not even defeat an unknown challenger?

Therefore, without any hesitation, he directly pressed the "challenge" button.

In the flash of light, after arriving on the ring, Ding Quan shook the Longquan sword in his hand, raised his eyebrows slightly, and smiled coldly at the young man named Chu Chen opposite him: "Boy, how can you climb the Dragon Ranking?" Come on, don’t watch others rush to the Dragon Ranking and feel itchy, thinking that you can do it too. Today I will tell you that there are some things that you cannot do.”


"Speak! I saw a strong man who didn't even dare to say anything, so why did he come here to challenge me on the dragon list?"

Ding Quan, who became more and more arrogant as he spoke, finally took action. With a shake of his sword, a cold sword light suddenly filled the air.

Ding Quan, who was in a feverish fighting spirit, made up his mind to teach this ignorant boy a lesson in order to defend his dignity and status as a strong man on the Dragon List.

This time, his performance was beyond the standard. The sword energy in front of him surged out in a mighty and mighty manner. It directly passed the "cold spring" stage and transformed into an endless stream of sword energy, which continued to grow and rush towards Chu Chen. go!

"Tsk...Such a sword move is really full of flaws!"

Chu Chen frowned slightly, and saw Ding Quan behind the sword light with a confident expression on his face. He shook his head, and his figure suddenly turned and turned into a gray shadow and came to him in an instant.

A huge fist slammed into the sword light, and all the sword light was immediately smashed into pieces. Chu Chen's fist easily penetrated the sword light and punched him directly in the face.

Everyone under the ring could hear that when the fist hit Ding Quan's cheek, a crisp sound of bone breaking resounded through the void.

Ding Quan's figure suddenly flew backwards, blood splattered everywhere, and when he fell to the ground, his whole face was beaten into a concave shape, and he passed out neatly again.

One punch to win!

The spectators under the ring shook their heads. Ding Quan was really a tragedy, and it was getting worse and worse. All he encountered were monster-level opponents.

For Chu Chen, this battle was not satisfying at all, but he was also noticed by the monks in the Little Fairy World because he was on the Dragon List.

"Eh, Chu Chen? It seems like I've seen this name somewhere before..." A monk stood in front of the huge Dragon Climbing Stone Tablet, frowning and thinking for a moment, his expression suddenly showed a look of shock, "This... this Isn’t this guy the same ‘Brother Fist’ from back then!”

"Ah? Brother Fist? Yes, that's him! I remembered, that guy who can knock out any opponent with one punch!" The person next to him was reminded by him, and suddenly thought of a legend from more than two months ago.

Two months ago, Chu Chen rose rapidly with an unstoppable attitude. With the absolute power of killing with one blow, he quickly defeated many long-established Sanren in the fairy world.

Even the famous Sanren powerhouses, including the little fairy Shen Qian and the Human Chariot, could not withstand the power of his punch, which really shocked the entire illusory fairy world.

However, just when most people thought that he would enter the Dragon Ranking with great speed, this newcomer who rose like a meteor disappeared in the next two months and never appeared again.

Legend has it that he was hunted down by an enemy in the arena and was already dead. This news made people shocked and couldn't help but sigh. Coupled with Ji Hao's strong rise later, most people gradually forgot about this rising star in the arena who rose quickly and fell quickly.

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