Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 650: Dismantling formations is a technical job

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"But you don't have to worry too much. No matter how powerful the Evil God's Underworld Thunder Formation is, it has experienced so many years of baptism, and its power has been almost eliminated. And according to my opinion, the Evil God's Underworld Thunder Formation also seemed to have been affected by that person. The imprisoned ancient god's attack has almost wiped out the fine art of the formation, and it can only exert a superficial power."

The old man with evil bones spoke to appease everyone.

"Well, this formation has lost its original essence and doesn't have much power anymore."

Xiong Tiangang nodded in agreement.

"But having said that, that ancient god from the ancient times was really powerful and terrifying. The Evil God Underworld Thunder Formation constructed by Yin Emperor was almost unable to suppress him, and most of the essence of the formation was wiped out by him. If it weren't for Yin Emperor's cultivation Because it is so powerful that it reaches the heavens and the earth, I’m afraid I won’t be able to trap him! I think that even if the ancient god’s cultivation is not as good as that of the Yin Emperor, it’s almost there!!”

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

To be honest, if we had not come to explore the secret world of Yin Mountain, I am afraid that this shocking secret of the ancient times would not have emerged at all. Who could have imagined that the Yin Emperor actually imprisoned an ancient man whose cultivation was not much weaker than his. God, just a little imagination can make everyone's blood boil and their mouths dry.

Men are born like this, even if they are gods, they will still be imprisoned for you to see! !

"The Evil God Underworld Thunder Formation is now only a scratch. With our abilities, we should be able to find a solution."

The evil-bone old man walked around the hall with the ancient flag in his hands and carefully explored it. Then he came to an open space and shook the ancient flag in his hand three times. He saw a black light explode with a bang, heading towards Spread around.

Wherever the black energy passed, the void rippled slightly like water waves, and ink-black lines gradually appeared from the void.

Those lines, as thick as arms, criss-crossed in mid-air. At first glance, they seemed to be carved from black gold with a metallic light, and there was even a faint black thunder light flowing on it.

There are lines all over the void of the hall, and except for the footholds of a few people, there is no open space at all.

A strong evil aura, death aura, and demonic aura are like ancient ferocious beasts trapped in a cage. From these black lines that fill the void, an extremely strong smell of pure evil is faintly exuded, even to the point of letting people in. Several evil powerhouses in the field felt very uncomfortable and frowned.

"What a strong evil aura! It is indeed the Evil God's Underworld Thunder Formation, which is said to be able to kill gods.

Even if there is only a trace of fur left, it can possess such pure power of death. "

The evil-bone old man sighed slightly, and as he turned his palms, black air emerged from his palms, entangled in the sky.

A small formation soon appeared on his palm, which was exactly the same as the black lines around it.

"Well, Qian San Kun Liu, reverse the shape of the Nine Palaces, turn from Yang to Yin... Huh? No, there is actually the power of the dark **, the nine winding winds... tsk tsk..."

After perfectly copying the formation in the void, the evil-bone old man began to frown and comprehend. At this time, others also understood that the old man wanted to understand the mystery of this formation and come up with a way to crack it. Therefore, everyone held their breath and looked at the old man nervously.

After about two sticks of incense, the evil bone old man's eyes lit up, and he saw a few quick strokes in his hand, and streaks of black energy appeared in the formation constructed with lines.

But before a hint of joy appeared on his face, he saw the miniature evil god formation in his hand shake violently and explode into pieces with a bang.

Breaking the formation failed!

The evil bone old man's expression changed, and he once again drew a miniature Evil God Underworld Thunder Formation with a swish of his palm. He began to comprehend it carefully. This time, it took him three cups of tea to comprehend, and then he shot out a series of formations. Black energy, just a moment later, the formation roared again and was blown to pieces.

After going back and forth like this for a long time, the evil bone old man tried several different ways to break the formation, but the final result was still the formation explosion.

His complexion finally changed, and sweat oozed from his forehead. It was obvious that the complexity of the Evil God's Underworld Thunder Formation was far beyond his imagination. Even if there was only a trace of fur left, it was not something that could be understood thoroughly.

Is it because of his own powerlessness that everyone is trapped in this formation?

Seeing the evil bone old man fail several times in a row, Lan Xuan also had a look of anxiety on his face. He wanted to speak out several times but held it back in the end.

After all, the evil-bone old man is the strongest person with the most profound knowledge of formations among all the people. If even he can't break the formation, then there is nothing anyone else can do.

Xiong Tiangang looked at the old man Xie Gu blankly. This muscular man had never been interested in formations and other things, so he couldn't understand what the old man Xie Gu was doing.

However, it was obvious that the Evil Bone Old Man had failed several times in a row, so his expression became slightly nervous.

As for Xie Xueyun, she looked even more worried. Although she didn't know much about the formation, she had heard about the horror and horror of this evil god's underworld thunder formation.

This formation is the most sinister and evil formation, and it has the power to restrain all creatures that break into the formation.

It is said that once you fall into this formation, even if you do nothing to trigger the restrictions in the formation, over time you will be automatically led into the realm of death by the power of evil spirits in the formation!

This formation was very strange. Seeing the Evil Bone Old Man fail to break the formation again, Xie Xueyun's eyelids twitched and a bad feeling suddenly emerged in his heart.

Looking back, I saw that the door of the ancient palace had been filled with dark lines at some point. As expected, everyone had no way out!

The Evil God's Underworld Thunder Formation has been completely triggered. It will either break the formation or be consumed alive!

The only one who was relatively calm among everyone present was probably Ling Xuan. The expression on this cold-faced girl's face seemed to always be the same.

Even when the Evil Bone Old Man failed to break the formation many times, her eyes did not waver at all, as if everything that happened in front of her had nothing to do with her.

As for Chu Chen, who was next to Ling Xuan, he was sitting next to her with his head drooped, his eyes half-open and half-closed, looking bored and as if he was about to fall asleep at any moment.

The huge eagle's head hung down on Ling Xuan's side, causing the girl's mouth to curl up with a hint of playfulness. She stretched out her hand and patted the giant eagle's stiff feathers comfortingly.

"By the way, the old man hasn't broken the formation yet? I've already fallen asleep."

Chu Chen, who was bored out of his mind, couldn't help it anymore. He lowered his head slightly and rubbed Ling Xuan's body. Then he stretched himself, preparing to give some guidance to the old man who was almost dizzy.

There was no fluctuation at all, as if everything happening in front of her had nothing to do with her.

As for Chu Chen, who was next to Ling Xuan, he was sitting next to her with his head drooped, his eyes half-open and half-closed, looking bored and as if he was about to fall asleep at any moment.

The huge eagle's head hung down on Ling Xuan's side, causing the girl's mouth to curl up with a hint of playfulness. She stretched out her hand and patted the giant eagle's stiff feathers comfortingly.

"By the way, the old man hasn't broken the formation yet? I've already fallen asleep."

Chu Chen, who was bored out of his mind, couldn't help it anymore. He lowered his head slightly and rubbed Ling Xuan's body. Then he stretched himself, preparing to give some guidance to the old man who was almost dizzy.

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