Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 839: Learned bad things from Chu Chen

"Go three hundred feet in that direction, just enough to avoid the other two teams and save unnecessary trouble." The little hamster raised its paw and pointed in the southeast direction.

Everyone quickly ran in the direction it pointed, and soon came to the edge of a broken building.

"Okay, let's read the information on the surrounding medicine brands."

The little hamster waved his hand, Chu Chen nodded slightly, and slightly moved his spiritual power to inject it into the medicine tablet in his hand. At the same time, he drank softly: "Senior Medicine Soul, please read the information about the ancient medicines around you!"


In the sight of the three of them, on top of a dense tree about 60 feet away from the dilapidated tower, several disciples of the Tianyuan were chatting in low voices with excited faces.

Three spiritual lights actually emitted from their heads, manifesting the light and shadow of three ancient medicinal plants.

The elixir on the head of one of them is small and delicate, and the whole body is as lifelike as a phoenix spreading its wings and about to fly. It is the phoenix grass that Chu Chen and the others need.

"Three auras...this means they have successfully snatched two medicine cards. What should we do now?"

Tang Rou was a little nervous. Those who could enter the ruins of the Ancient Medicine Palace were all elites. The fact that the three Tianyuan disciples were able to win two battles showed that their strength must not be weak, and they could be called the elite among the elite.

"How about I come and make some plans, as the military book says..." Before Shen Hou could finish his words, Chu Chen waved his hand slightly: "Okay, it's not that troublesome, just grab it."

"Just grab it?"

After hearing Chu Chen's words, the two people's eyes widened instantly, and Tang Rou covered her mouth in surprise, "Judging from the auras emanating from them, they are all strong men in the Fantasy Stream Realm. Three Great Fantasy Creek Realm... Wouldn't it be too risky for us to grab it openly?"

"Haha... your confidence in your captain is too weak."

Hearing this, the little hamster couldn't help but look at Chu Chen with contempt, as if you were a failure, "With Chu Chen's strength, let alone three people in the Fantasy Stream Realm, even three super strong people in the Lingxi Realm." If the guy is there, he can just go and grab it, so you have nothing to worry about."

"There is a saying in the book of war: attack the heart in the upper battle, attack the reason in the middle battle, and attack the soldiers in the lower battle. The so-called good warrior has no great achievements. If he can defeat the enemy's army without fighting, then that is the real best strategy. How about we discuss it? Just ask them to hand it over for a moment." Shen Hou chuckled.

While several people were discussing in low voices,

However, they saw that the three Tianyuan disciples in the Fantasy Stream Realm seemed to have discovered the hiding place of Chu Chen and the others, and actually started to walk towards this direction first.

The three Tianyuan disciples are all dressed in blue and white Tianyuan robes. The leader is a nine-foot-tall man. His appearance is extremely masculine and upright, with a Chinese character face, silkworm eyebrows, and a pair of pupils as bright as stars.

However, a ferocious scar on the big man's face completely destroyed the majestic appearance and temperament, and instead exuded a strong and sinister aura.

The man and woman behind him were even more strange: the man had sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, a handsome face, and an outstanding temperament, but there was a blood-red line between his eyebrows, which looked like the mark of some kind of cult organization. There was a vicious air.

The woman's face was soft and moving, as delicate as Xiaojiabiyu, but there was a strange black rose pattern on the left cheek, which completely destroyed her even temperament, and instead exuded a strange and strange look. The meaning of charm.

As the three figures continued to approach, the sneers on their faces became more intense.

They looked at Chu Chen and his group with eyes full of arrogance from the bottom of their hearts, as if a noble noble looked down on a thief.

"Haha...I wonder who dares to sneak around and hide near our team. It turns out they are some losers in the courtyard."

The man with the blood lines between his eyebrows glanced at Chu Chen and the other three, and a strong look of disdain suddenly appeared in his pupils, "No wonder they only dare to hide it secretly, they don't dare to be honest in front of us at all." passed by."

"I thought it might be some strong team that could finally have a good fight, but I didn't expect it to be a few weaklings from the underground. It's really boring."

The woman with black rose lines on her face shook her head in disappointment, looking at Chu Chen and others like they were looking at a few insects, "Since we snatched the medicine cards from Luo Feng and Qin Yu's teams, we are I haven’t even met a decent opponent yet.”

"Hey... how about it, your hands are itchy? Why don't I leave these three soft-footed shrimps for you to practice with." The blood-striped man chuckled, "Just don't kill them, you can have fun with them."

"What's the fun of a few cowards from the underground courtyard? They're wasting spiritual energy. If I don't stop in time and kill them, wouldn't it be troublesome?" The black rose woman turned her head and glanced at the scarred man leading her. "Boss, what are you going to do with these weaklings?"

"It's up to you. Just don't harvest them in broad daylight." The scarred man waved his hand casually, his eyes just scanning the three of them and showing no interest anymore.

Seeing these three Tianyuan disciples giving random instructions in front of them as if no one else was around, as if they were treating themselves like fish on the chopping board and could be disposed of at will, Tang Rou and Shen Hou secretly clenched their fists.

Chu Chen, on the other hand, looked indifferent and looked at the three of them with a slight sneer.

"Hey, you guys should hand over the medicine brand of Ancient Blood Golden Ginseng right away. Our boss has a bad temper, and I will be so compassionate as to spare your lives, so I won't play tricks on you anymore."

The Black Rose woman waved her hand boredly, then stretched out her hand in front of Chu Chen with a whoosh, "Move quickly, we don't want to waste more time on a useless team like you."

A beautiful white palm stretched out.

Chu Chen remained silent, but the sneer at the corner of his mouth became more intense as he looked at the black rose girl.

They are all authentic disciples of Tianyuan, but why do they all insist on making themselves look like gangsters and bandits? They are just like non-mainstream boys and girls who have gone astray...

Just as Chu Chen sighed slightly in his heart, the girl stretched out her hand for a long time, but found that Chu Chen actually refused to hand over the medicine card, and her eyes suddenly filled with murderous intent.

At this time, the scarred man beside him let out a heavy sigh, "I heard that the recent Earth Academy students are starting to become less and less ignorant of the rules and more arrogant. I still don't believe it, but now I have actually encountered it. !”

The scarred man sighed again as he spoke, "It is said that it was all caused by that boy named Chu Chen. After he repeatedly suppressed Huangfu Yin, all the students in the Diyuan are now extremely high-spirited. When I meet the senior brothers in Tianyuan, they dare to look at each other face to face, without knowing the hierarchy at all!"

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