Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 572: Nine Giant Pythons

After five days and five nights of uninterrupted practice, Chu Chen finally devoured enough pure flaming energy for his first sip of the spring. If he practiced outside, the time would probably be extended by dozens or hundreds of times!


Accompanied by Chu Chen's body trembling violently, a dazzling purple-red light gushed out from the Baihui acupoint on the top of his head, transforming into a huge Tai Chi diagram in the void.

The whole body of the Tai Chi picture is purple, with one red and one basket of two dazzling yin and yang fishes entangled with each other. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated the fastest

This round of Taiji Diagram is his original spiritual spring...the manifestation of Zixuyan ice spring.

At this time, because it has absorbed too much fire-attributed pure flame energy, the red sun fish is so radiant, and the blazing red light almost overwhelms the purple background.

"Zixuyan ice spring, turn!"

Seeing that the vast amount of pure flaming energy had been accumulated to the extreme, Chu Chen slammed loudly and the Taiji diagram above his head suddenly made a loud bang.

The next moment, it was as if a long-standing shackle was completely opened, and endless red rays of light gushed out, instantly enveloping the entire Tai Chi Diagram, and transforming it into an endless spring burning with raging flames!

And the blue light that originally represented the power of yin in the Taiji diagram was instantly compressed to the extreme, forming a tiny "seed" hidden in the sea of ​​​​qi in his dantian, waiting to be "awakened" again in the future .

It worked!

Even though Chu Chen's mood was as firm as iron, at this moment, he couldn't help but feel excited.

After absorbing the endless pure flaming essence, he finally stimulated the pure yang power in the first mouthful of Zixuyan ice spring to the strongest state, and took a crucial step!

"Finally, I successfully transformed one of the springs. In the following time, I will transform the remaining three springs of spiritual power into pure flame attributes, and cultivate them into the legendary 'Pure Flame Spirit Body' to practice the Nine Suns Burning Heaven Seal!"

Thoughts turned in Chu Chen's mind. He has a celestial fire in his body as his natal fire, so his body has long been imprinted with extremely pure flame rules. Now it is better to transform the spiritual spring into a pure flame attribute. Without any setbacks, according to this momentum, it should not take a few days for him to meet the requirements for cultivating the Nine Suns Burning Heaven Seal.

While running the exercises slightly, purple Taiji diagrams emerged from his body one after another.

This time Chu Chen directly summoned the remaining three springs,

The three purple Taiji diagrams filled with spiritual power look incomparably gorgeous and noble.

"Oh, it's a big loss, it's a big loss! Why did I make this deal in a flash of brain... It's a big loss now!"

Just when Chu Chen was about to plunge into cultivation again, long sighs and short sighs came to his ears, Chu Chen turned his head and saw a blazing red volcano in the distance, a man in black robe with a wry smile on his face. looking ahead.

On the huge volcano not far from him, an extremely huge python was staring at him viciously.

The giant python was incomparably huge, bigger than any beast Chu Chen had ever seen. Its long body was wrapped around a thousand-foot-high volcano, and its whole body exuded a terrifying aura like a tsunami. .

There are huge cracks and fractures everywhere on the thousand-foot-high volcano, which makes people's eyelids jump wildly as if they can't bear the power of the giant python at all.

The whole body of the python is gray-brown. Apart from its huge and suffocating body, the most terrifying thing about it is that it has nine heads. The nine hideous snake heads are in nine colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, and white. ** Filled with endless bloody, tyrannical, and evil aura, it spread to the surroundings like a tsunami.

The whole sky seemed to be getting a little darker, and the evil spirit on the giant python's body seemed to be real, and it turned into a faint black shadow in the void, like an invisible sky.

Endless resentful spirits and evil spirits hide in it, and there are bursts of piercing and mournful roars of resentful spirits.


Chu Chen's pupils contracted fiercely. This is a legendary nine-headed python is a hybrid descendant of the ancient mythical beast "Nine-Colored Heaven-Swallowing Python". Its nine heads of different colors can spray Spits out nine types of breaths of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, poisonous acid, and is a king comparable to ""!


The nine-headed giant python roared to the sky, and its nine huge heads almost filled the entire sky. Just a slight shake of its body caused a violent storm to howl like a landslide.

At this moment, the giant beast coiled around the volcano and was staring at Duan Ji in front of him. Nine pairs of icy snake pupils showed uncontrollable anger and fear.

When Duan Ji saw the volcanic giant, he ran away because he was injured while exploring the secret realm of blood mist in the small world on the ninth floor. Now that he has fully recovered from his injuries, it is no longer possible to see this peerless beast that is as famous as the volcanic giant. fear.

A black robe swayed in the wind amidst the evil spirit of the nine-headed python, which seemed to have a certain momentum.

"Nine-headed giant python... This is a super ferocious beast that can make you run away in shock. Confronting such a ferocious creature, my few pieces of purple jade essence are really too bad..."

Different from the indifferent and elegant appearance, Duan Ji stared at the eighteen cold snake eyes with a bitter face at this time, and kept thinking in his mouth.

Seeing this scene, Chu Chen shook his head slightly with a smile: This old man's strength is really unbelievable, he can make even the nine-headed python fearful, it seems that with such an old man guarding him beside him, he can devote himself wholeheartedly put into practice

Therefore, he was slightly relieved, and once again devoted himself to the intense cultivation.

There is no time to practice, and Chu Chen put all his mind into devouring the pure flaming essence, transforming and refining the natal spring.

With the transformation experience of the first mouthful of "flame spring", Chu Chen's Sùdù practiced instantly became much faster. Relying on the power of the vast pure flaming essence accumulated in his body, after another half month of practice, he finally passed the The remaining three springs were all successfully transformed into "flame springs"!

The four endless springs sprayed out several feet high blazing flames, as if even the void was burned and collapsed.

The pure yang power of Zixuyan Bingquan was completely activated, and the pure yin power temporarily turned into "seeds" and disappeared in the sea of ​​​​qi. The most yang, the strongest and the strongest masculine taste.

boom! There was a dull loud noise, and the whole sky suddenly went dark, and it rained rarely. It's just that the rain in this Yankeng secret realm is different from the rain outside: this rain is not water, but red flames! This is a rare "hot rain"!

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