Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 392 The Arrogant Four

Seeing that his words had made the group of elders excited again, the arbitration elder quickly waved his hand, "... Of course, we have no right to judge what elder Qing Mo did, but this behavior is indeed unfair. In this case, I just had a spiritual exchange with Elder Qingmo, and he also agreed to let the Book Collection Hall be opened for a short period of time. After you teachers return, you can select at most two elite disciples to go to the Book Collection Hall to practice once..."

"Um, two?"

After hearing the words of the arbitration elder, several elders immediately started arguing like a pot exploding!

"Elder Arbitration, I'm afraid this is not appropriate! Elder Feng Ci only has four disciples under his name, and all four of his disciples have entered the library hall to practice!"

"There is even a female disciple inside who sleeps all day long and does not practice hard at all! Even such a person can get in, why can only two disciples like me get in at most??"

"No matter how bad our disciples are, they are at least better than that female disciple who only knows how to sleep!"


The face of the Arbiter Elder suddenly turned cold, "You all know that several of Elder Feng Ci's disciples were able to get in, all because of his friendship with Elder Qing Mo! It is already the limit for each mentor to have two disciples. Moreover, each person has to pay 300,000 contribution points. If anyone is not convinced, just go and tell Elder Feng Ci! If you have the ability, go fight that bearded man yourself!"

As soon as the Arbiter Elder said these words, the whole scene instantly turned cold. All the elders looked at me and I looked at you, with big eyes and small eyes, but they couldn't say a word.

In fact, Elder Feng Ci definitely has a "remarkable reputation" in the Medicine Palace. Everyone knows that Elder Feng Ci was originally the mentor of the "Tianyuan" and his cultivation is unfathomable.

Later, due to an accident, he was demoted to the "Diyuan" as a teacher. His status was reduced, but his own cultivation level was not reduced! Going to fight with him is tantamount to courting death!

"Okay, since everyone has no objections, it's been decided." The arbitration elder looked at everyone's stares at each other, sneered and walked away.

There is only a room full of mentors who dare to be angry but dare not speak out.

"Comparing people with each other is so irritating. Everyone is a mentor. Why is Feng Ci so easy to get along with!"

"We should leave early. It's really embarrassing to let our students know that other people's students can enter the study hall casually and they have to pay 300,000 contribution points."

"never mind,

Let's admit it, everyone, who makes us not have the courage to go and fight with the bearded man? After all, no one cares about longevity. "

A small storm quickly subsided.

For Chu Chen and others who were devoted to copying ancient rune books in the library hall and working hard to practice, they did not know what specifically happened among the instructors of the Medicine Palace.

But a few people gradually felt that as time went by, the originally quiet and deserted library hall began to slowly become lively.

The disciples in the Medicine Palace shuttled back and forth in the library hall, looking for ancient books on the techniques that suited their practice among the rows of tall bookshelves.

"Hey, you see, this senior brother has been copying this ancient book for a long time. I think he has written hundreds of ancient characters and seals in a row. He is not tired at all, and he can write so well!"

"No, you've written hundreds of words? Brother Fengling, who just entered the spiritual spring realm not long ago, couldn't bear the heavy weight of the Four Treasures of the Study after writing just two words. Why is this guy so powerful!"

"I tried it just now, but I couldn't even pick up the pen with all my strength... This is so speechless."

Gradually, people began to notice Chu Chen who devoted himself to copying ancient calligraphy.

After taking a closer look, I couldn't help but be surprised!

Most people would feel unbearably tired even after completing a complete ancient Chinese character seal script, but once Chu Chen started writing with a pen in his hand, he couldn't stop at all!

Between the flowing clouds and flowing water, each vigorous and powerful ancient character appears on the paper, with vigorous and vigorous writing power.

Even if it is any calligraphy, everyone will say "good" involuntarily after seeing it!

Among the onlookers, many people felt that Chu Chen's Qi had become one with the entire Shinto Book Hall.

As time passed day by day, Chu Chen wrote the ancient rune books faster and faster, and his writing became smoother and smoother.

The speed of practicing using the super "Four Treasures of the Study" is unimaginable by others. Chu Chen can almost feel the power of his physical body every time he writes a paragraph of ancient prose.

Even the spiritual power in his body is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the connection between his Purple Void Flame Ice Spring and the Heavenly Divine Fire is getting closer and more mellow. He can control his whole body's spiritual energy as he wishes with his arms and fingers.

There is no sun or moon in the library hall, and no one knows the time. Once you start practicing, you will not feel the passage of time at all.

Chu Chen only felt that people around him were coming and going. Tang Rou and Shen Hou had already completed the task of copying their own articles. However, they found that the speed of practice was extremely fast and they began to copy and update spontaneously without being urged by others. A lot of ancient prose.

During this period, Zhou Mei came to see Chu Chen several times. Every time I see him copying ancient Chinese prose wholeheartedly, I don't want to disturb him. I suddenly feel bored and wander around in the library hall all day long.

Once I find a deserted place, I secretly sleep in a small corner for the whole day.

Most of the books in the library hall are written with "Xuanling ink".

Known as one of the super "Four Treasures of the Study", the natural ink fragrance of this "ink treasure" has various magical effects such as soothing the mind, nourishing the soul, nourishing yin, beautifying the skin, moisturizing the soul, etc.

The so-called "the book has its own face like jade" means that books written with Xuanling ink can continuously nourish a person's face and make it as gentle as jade.

Therefore, when Zhou Mei found that after sleeping among the books a few times, her skin was getting better and better, and her energy, memory, and cultivation had slowly improved. She never tired of it, hiding in a small corner of the bookshelf whenever she had the chance. A deep sleep.

Seeing this scene, the old man in green shook his head. He spent all the precious time in the library hall to sleep. This Zhou Mei can be regarded as a strange flower.

Finally, after who knows how long, Chu Chen's practice reached a bottleneck.

He can now copy ancient characters and seal scripts at a speed of more than five volumes per day.

There are hundreds of volumes of ancient Chinese books that he has copied, and the strength and power of his body have increased by more than three times.

His spiritual power cultivation has also become extremely strong. Now his spiritual power cultivation is more than twice as strong as before entering the library hall!

After copying sleeplessly for so long, Chu Chen suddenly felt a little tired.

So after putting the ancient books he had copied back on the bookshelf one by one, he relaxed his muscles and bones a little, and then started shopping slowly.

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