Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 394 The evil spirit is fierce

This is simply unimaginable! Taking a closer look at the remnant talisman, Chu Chen found that there seemed to be a few thin black lines on the black remnant, as if trying to outline something.

But now Chu Chen can't control that much. In just a few breaths, hundreds of books were destroyed. If it were allowed to come out again, I don't know what it would be like! !

When he thought of this, Chu Chen quickly used his spiritual power to place a seal firmly on the remaining talisman. Moreover, he specially activated the Taichu Yin-Yang Avenue contained in the Purple Void Flame Ice Spring, and finally suppressed the entire remnant talisman firmly. He breathed a sigh of relief when he could no longer escape.

That's it, I'm quite busy now...

Looking at the pile of ancient books that had become blank sheets of paper on the ground, Chu Chen sighed helplessly. I went up and looked through the book list, and found that most of these ancient books had been read by me, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that he had to use Xuanling ink to copy these ancient books again, otherwise he would lose hundreds of books at once, and it would be hard for him to explain to Yaogong.

Fortunately, it was Chu Chen who was born with extremely powerful soul power, so he had an excellent memory and a photographic memory.

Only by keeping all the books I have read firmly in my mind can I restore so many books. If it were another person, I would have to confess to Yaogong and be punished.

The remaining talisman that was firmly sealed in the storage ring did not completely stop. It still trembled from time to time, as if the whole thing was "alive". In order to prevent further trouble, Chu Chen had no choice but to go back the way he came and quickly left the hidden library hall.

When Chu Chen stepped out of the wall-like void restriction and returned to the original library hall, the remaining talisman in the storage ring finally stopped completely, and there was no more movement at all.

This also made Chu Chen breathe a sigh of relief, but he didn't know why there was such an evil spirit in the hidden hall, which actually made his remaining talisman wake up.

But the immediate priority is not the time to think about this.

At that moment, Chu Chen piled up the ancient books that had turned into blank sheets of paper, and then began to write one by one according to his memory.

Fortunately, after so many days of training, he can now copy ancient books very quickly.

According to memory, five or six books can be restored in one day, and it only takes more than half a month to completely restore these more than one hundred books.

the following few days,

Chu Chen devoted himself wholeheartedly to the work of restoring ancient books.

Most of the ancient books that can occupy a place in the library of Medicine Palace are out-of-print ancient books left over from ancient times. Some books even have only a handful of unique copies in existence in the entire world.

Throughout the ages, many sages and great masters have read these ancient books, leaving behind many annotations and insights.

Although Chu Chen had an excellent memory, there was no problem in restoring the ancient books. However, restoring the scattered annotations really cost him a lot of energy and energy. After each book, he had to rest for a while to recover.

However, with such rapid copying, Chu Chen's physical strength and pure spiritual power have made another leap! !

After a few days like this, the person in charge of the Library Hall, dressed in Tsing Yi, walked slowly and slowly and began to come over for inspection.

During these days, since the library hall is open to the public for free, many disciples come in every day to read ancient books and copy talismans and seal scripts.

This also caused the library hall, which had always been well organized, to become a bit messy, which made the old man in green frown.

"Senior, did something happen in the northwest corner of this library hall...?"

While the old man in green was looking around at the ancient books, Chu Chen thought for a while and finally couldn't hold back his doubts and asked softly. The forbidden and hidden hall is located in the northwest corner of the entire library hall.

"Oh? You actually discovered that?"

The old man in green clothes was slightly startled, with a hint of admiration in his expression, "You have really good eyesight. I personally placed that restriction. Many instructors in the Medicine Palace didn't notice it when they came here. I didn't expect that you would show it to me." arrive."

"In fact, back then, this library hall was the largest and most extensive library hall in the entire Medicine Palace..." The old man seemed to be reminded of his memories and sighed slightly.

"At that time, a big change occurred in this library hall. An elite disciple in the 'Tianyuan' fell into the devil's way for some reason. When he entered the library hall to read ancient books, he became crazy and kept He killed more than a dozen elders and mentors and finally escaped. Because the disciple used demonic techniques, the souls of the dozens of mentors who were killed could not fall into reincarnation. Over time, they turned into extremely vicious monsters. Wraith."

Speaking of this, the old man in green sighed again: "Later, the Medicine Palace spent a lot of money to resolve the pent-up resentment of the dozens of resentful spirits and liberate their souls. However, this also caused the library hall to be destroyed. Evil pollution, there is always a stubborn evil that cannot be completely eradicated. In order to prevent that evil from harming people, I have placed a ban on most of the book collection hall. In order to use the awe-inspiring power contained in these thousands of ancient books The righteousness will completely resolve the evil and stubborn disease."

After hearing the words of the old man in green, Chu Chen nodded slightly, showing a look of understanding. Tang Rou just frowned and said nothing. But Zhou Mei's reaction was bigger. Her face was full of horror and her beauty turned pale.

"Elder, is what you said true? I slept in the northwest corner several times. Isn't it infected by some evil spirit? Come and check for me."

"Haha, don't worry. The place where you sleep is outside the restriction. As long as you don't enter the restriction I set, you will definitely not be invaded by evil spirits." The old man in green shook his head after hearing this, feeling angry and funny at the same time. .

"What happened to the Tianyuan disciple who fell into the devil's way? Was he caught?" Shen Hou was more concerned about the important point and asked quickly.

The old man sighed and shook his head: "That disciple can be regarded as an outstanding person of his generation. He is extremely talented and knows the methods of chasing and killing Yao Palace very well. Therefore, he can always escape danger at critical moments, so that now Yao Palace's The law enforcement team has not yet completely brought him to justice. Maybe... maybe you will meet him when you reach that level of cultivation in the future."

"It is said that the bearded man left Tianyuan because of a disciple who betrayed the Medicine Palace. Could it be..." Shen Hou in the corner suddenly thought of something and murmured to himself in a low voice.

Several people looked at each other with something on their mind.

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