Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1173 The Bad Waters of the Desolate Lake

"I just took her down the mountain to play. Hey, if I could believe you, that would be a hell."

The little hamster laughed when he heard this.

"You are full of bad intentions. You must have some conspiracy this time. I want to see what kind of medicine you are selling in this gourd?"

Amidst the disdainful complaints from the little hamster, Zixi, who returned to the cave, quickly packed up the things she wanted to bring, came back to Chu Chen's side and nodded lightly.

"Let's go."

The Western Wilderness Territory has a vast terrain and many dangerous places. Some places are even known as restricted areas. Even a monk with a high level of cultivation will be in danger of life if he steps in. There will be no return.

However, when Chu Chen was in the book tower, he had read a lot of books about the Western Wasteland, including some general descriptions of the landforms, so he had a preliminary understanding of the terrain of the entire Western Wasteland.

After running around the Western Wasteland for two days with Zixi, he arrived at the destination of his trip, the bank of the deserted lake.

The so-called Wild Lake is the largest inland lake in the entire Western Wilderness Continent. It's just that although it's called a lake, its area is almost larger than the ocean.

Even Chu Chen, who inherited the amazing eyesight of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan, could not see the edge at a glance.

Standing on the bank of the deserted lake, you can see a vast expanse of water in front of you, connecting the sky and the earth, vast and endless.

Wherever you look, you can see waves of water several feet high sweeping over the entire body of water at all times, with an extremely majestic momentum.

In fact, this was just a wave of water near the shore. From what Chu Chen could see, ten miles away from the shore, huge waves up to a hundred feet high were rising one after another.

Those waves were extremely ferocious, carrying boundless air waves. The huge water waves even transformed into ancient mountains, ancient demons, ancient beasts and other shapes of various shapes colliding and bombarding each other, as if many strong men from ancient times were fighting each other!

Seeing such an astonishing sight for the first time, even Chu Chen felt greatly shocked!

What kind of lake is this? It's like a vast and endless battlefield!

The giant beasts, trolls, and phantoms of ancient gods that transformed from the water waves are so similar that they can be called lifelike.

It makes people wonder whether it is the real ancient demon whose soul survived after his death.

With the help of the lake water, he transformed his body again to continue the battle that happened eons ago.

I have to say that this scene is really amazing and shocking from the bottom of my heart.

And Chu Chen knew from the information he read in the ancient books in the book tower that the bombardment power of these water waves was extremely astonishing. Huge waves hundreds of feet high could easily have a force of tens of millions, and even those that could cross the West Sea No steel building ship dared to sail in this deserted lake easily, otherwise it would be in danger of capsizing at every turn!

This wasteland has always been the most dangerous, violent, and bloody place in the entire Western Wasteland because the water waves here are extremely terrifying.

General sects, dynasties and other powerful forces simply did not dare to send people to manage this place, so over time this place became a no-nonsense zone.

If criminals and prisoners from major sects, dynasties, and aristocratic families commit heinous crimes, they will hide here directly, so that it will be difficult for others to find them.

This is a paradise for criminals, a place for prisoners, a place where the bloodiest, most evil, violent, and cruel people in the world gather. It is a real demonic land.

However, the most important reason why Chu Chen came to such a magical land is that this deserted lake hides the most powerful underground auction house in the entire Western Wasteland... Black Blood Auction House.

It is said that Black Blood Auction House is the only person behind the entire Wild Lake. No one knows when it was founded or who founded it.

Everyone knows that once you enter the area of ​​​​Desolate Lake, no matter how powerful you are, how high your cultivation level, or how unruly your temper is, you can only follow the rules of the Black Blood Auction House.

This is a truly chaotic place, but there is absolute order amidst the chaos.

As long as you abide by the rules of the Black Blood Auction House here, you can live a comfortable life.

Of course, if someone leaves the Black Blood Auction House's sphere of influence, they will never have jurisdiction again.

Therefore, this place has always been regarded as a hell for the weak. People with insufficient cultivation will not dare to come here to auction good things.

Because even if you finally get the treasure at auction, after you leave the sphere of influence of the Black Blood Auction House, you will inevitably be attacked by others!

When Chu Chen brought Zi Xi to an open space beside Huanghu Lake, they found that there were many people waiting here early.

Each of these people were covered in black robes, and their bodies were full of majestic aura, exuding a powerful spiritual pressure like a tidal wave.

Right in front of everyone, a huge whirlpool in the vast lake filled the entire sight.

The diameter of the whirlpool was over a hundred feet long, and it was completely pitch black. At first glance, it looked like a black abyss standing on the bank of a deserted lake.


Violent roars resounded throughout the sky, and the vortex was spinning all the time. You could see with the naked eye that around the black abyss, waves of water were rushing and roaring, surrounded by waves of immense air waves flowing in all directions. .

Looking at it fiercely, the center of the black whirlpool really looked like the legendary underground demonic realm, exuding a frightening and terrifying aura.

And right in front of this terrifying black abyss, a figure wrapped in black robe paused for a moment, then jumped towards the center of the whirlpool like a moth flying into a flame.

Brilliant spiritual light shields spurted out one after another. The naked eye could see that when they passed through the vortex, the protective spiritual light around them was continuously squeezed and deformed by the huge pressure generated by the vortex.

The protective spiritual light of some people with weak cultivation levels has even been squeezed into a flat shape, and it looks like it will break at any time.

"What are these people doing jumping in there?"

Seeing the silent black figure jumping into the whirlpool, Zi Xi asked lightly, "The power of this whirlpool is very powerful. People who have not reached the Lingxi realm cannot enter at all."

"Well, this is the entrance to the legendary Black Blood Auction House."

Chu Chen twitched the corner of his mouth and introduced softly.

"The Black Blood Auction House forms such a portal with the natural whirlpool of the deserted lake. It is also a natural filter. Only the super strong and above can enter. Those who do not have enough cultivation will seek death if they enter. So what is inside They are all truly strong, and it is no exaggeration to describe them as strong as clouds."

Zi Xi raised her eyebrows when she heard this and glanced at him lightly: "You haven't advanced to the Lingxi realm yet?"

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