Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1238 The Wrath of the Son of the Demon

"You...you, the senior brother of Fei Peak, dare to be so rude. How long ago was the glory of Duxu Peak? You can't even figure out the situation. It seems that I need to teach you what is new." The rules! Go ahead and take his mouth off!"

The woman in pink clothes was so angry that her whole body was trembling slightly, with a fierce look in her eyes. She raised her palm fiercely, signaling the four women in white clothes behind her to capture Chu Chen.

But before the women in white could take action, he saw Chu Chen move faster. He opened his right palm and shot the woman in pink from afar!

A ray of light golden light burst out, transformed into a lifelike palm in the air, and then slapped neatly on the face of the pink-clothed woman!


With a dull explosion, the pink-clothed woman was sent flying by the slap. While she was still in the air, a stream of miserable blood spurted out, and then she fell heavily to the ground with a thud.

The entire void was as silent as death, and the four women in white fell completely into a daze. They looked at what was happening in front of them in disbelief and became at a loss.

"The rules of the Moming Sect are that if a humble maid is rude to the master, the master, the master, she will have her entire cultivation level revoked and be expelled from the sect, and in the worst case, she can be killed on the spot."

Chu Chen's expression became calm again. He looked at the sluggish girls coldly, with a chilling look on his face, "You..."

"Oh? Senior Brother Fei Feng is so majestic. I want to see what you are going to do with my people!"

Before Chu Chen finished speaking, a proud voice sounded from the void, and the next moment, a young man with a handsome face and a cold expression appeared in the sky in front of Chu Chen.

This figure is composed entirely of light transformed by pure spiritual power, and looks like a clone.

But it was just a clone, and its body was constantly emitting waves of terrifying pressure that was so powerful that it made people palpitate, as if the entire world was under his control.

This is... Senior Brother Tianmofeng, the son of the Demon of this generation, Feng Tianyou! !

Chu Chen's pupils shrank slightly, and the pink-clothed woman who was slapped by him and flew to the ground, who was about to get up and reprimand, suddenly became quiet as if dead, and carefully covered the wounds on her face. Dare not say another word.

These maids at Tianmo Peak know Feng Tianyou’s temper very well. They know that with his character,

They absolutely don't care about their life or death.

At this moment, the maids did not dare to express their anger, they just looked at the light and shadow in the air gently.

"Heh... the son of the devil is coming here, it's hard to welcome him from afar."

Seeing Feng Tianyou's phantom clone appear, Chu Chen's lips curved up and he smiled.

"The son of the Demon is so majestic that he has now begun to exercise the power of the sect leader and issue decrees. Could it be that you have already concluded that you are the next sect leader of the Demon Underworld Sect?"

"Hmph, no matter how clever you are, you can't change Duxu Peak's current status as a useless peak."

Feng Tianyou looked at Chu Chen coldly, his eyes full of contempt.

Back in the Black Blood Auction House, Feng Tianyou originally wanted to find an opportunity to give him a hard beating to make him, the new senior brother of Duxu Peak who was in the limelight, become more obedient and aware of current affairs.

But he didn't expect that not only did he fail to achieve the effect of beating Chu Chen, but he was also severely suppressed by Chu Chen. He was so angry that in the end he failed to get any of the auction items that he wanted. .

The worst thing was that he messed up the task assigned by the peak master. After he returned to Demonic Peak, the peak master didn't say much and even comforted him a few words.

But it was more uncomfortable for him than death, because the peak master was obviously a little disappointed in him. After he returned to the peak, the peak master found an excuse and stopped seeing anyone in seclusion.

All this was almost unbearable for him with his arrogant temperament, so when he saw Chu Chen at this time, his whole body was about to explode!

"My status in Duxu Peak can only be evaluated by the sect master. It seems that you, the son of the devil, have really put yourself in the position of the sect master. Do you think of the current sect master in your eyes?"

When Chu Chen asked back, Feng Tianyou was speechless for a moment. He himself couldn't understand why he was becoming disrespectful to the sect leader by talking! ?

Chu Chen chuckled and shrugged very casually, "Okay, stop talking nonsense, what do you want to do here? If you have something to say, say it quickly, if you have something to say, hurry up! Get out of here, I'm busy!"

"Chu Chen, I am here to tell you that in the next time, Tianmo Peak will temporarily take over Duxu Peak. Our disciples will move into Duxu Peak to welcome the return of Duxu Peak master."

Feng Tianyou didn't say anything more and went straight to the point.

"Oh? Your Heavenly Demon Peak wants to take over our Duxu Peak's territory, so what will happen to our Duxu Peak disciples?"

Chu Chen's smile never diminished, but he already knew what Feng Tianyou was planning.

"I, Heavenly Demon Peak, have always been kind, and I will not kill everyone on Duxu Peak this time."

Feng Tianyou glanced at him lightly, "You can leave ten disciples to do laundry, cooking and other chores for our disciples of Tianmo Peak. When Lingfeng awakens, these ten people can also absorb some of Lingfeng's spiritual energy. .Ten people is the limit that I, Heavenly Demon Peak, can accept, and everyone else should just get out of Duxu Peak!"

"Oh? What if we don't leave?"

Chu Chen's eyes quickly turned cold, and tiny lightning bolts even began to appear in the depths of his pupils.

"Anyone who doesn't leave will be shot without mercy!"

Feng Tianyou's face turned cold, and he stared at Chu Chen without any politeness at all. His eyes were filled with a condescending air, "I'll give you three days. Give me an answer after three days. I hope you know." , the last list of ten people left on Duxu Peak, if not, then all..."

"It won't take three days, I can answer you now!"

Before Feng Tianyou could finish his words, Chu Chen waved his hand casually, interrupting him.

"Humph, I guess you still know the truth."

Seeing that Chu Chen had made up his mind, Feng Tianyou curled up his lips and his eyes were full of a victor's disdain.

"People who are self-aware will live longer. It seems that you are on the right track at this point."

"My answer to you is that you get out of Duxu Peak right now!!"

Chu Chen's eyes were as sharp as thunder, and he looked firmly at Feng Tianyou.

"Listen to me, no matter it is Tianmo Peak or any other ancient peak, as long as I am still the senior brother of Duxu Peak, this is my territory!!"

The spiritual sea in Chu Chen's dantian rolled, and the sound was like a huge thunder, echoing across the entire Duxu Peak!

"Except for my disciples of Duxu Peak, no one can come to this peak and get the slightest advantage! During the awakening period of Lingfeng, if anyone dares to reach out to our Duxu Peak, then I will chop off his hand and throw it away. Go feed the dogs!”

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