Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1366 Rookie enters the Jedi

Behind Zhu Han, who was flying as fast as the bright sun, one of the Lingxi monks was talking softly while flying in the air. Everyone's tone was full of respect for Zhu Han. ????Reading a book

You must know that if ordinary people go to explore ancient ruins, basically a team will be severely injured by the various traps encountered on the road and the energy of the ancient beasts before they reach the entrance of the ruins!

And with Zhu Han opening the way ahead, they really have a lot of peace of mind. In this small fairy world, the role of a super strong man in the Linghe realm is really too great, almost in disguise, it strengthens the entire team exponentially. Strength! !

With Zhu Han leading the way, everyone flew very quickly, and most of them were able to ensure that the spiritual power in their bodies continued to grow and control their consumption within a certain level.

Chu Chen followed unhurriedly at the back of the team.

As a first-level Lingxi monk, it was not good for him to fly too fast. He just had to follow the team slowly and not fall behind.

Chu Chen was not in a hurry, and Lu Yan, who was following him quietly, was even more calm. The girl also followed him leisurely, keeping a distance from him.

This gentle and shy girl didn't speak much and just looked after him silently. She seemed to be very considerate and virtuous.

"Well, this girl is really well-behaved. How about teasing her?"

Chu Chen, who was flying by, had a thought in his mind, and saw that he was flying dozens of feet and was about to land on a horizontal branch. He didn't know why his feet suddenly slipped, and his body fell. He staggered and suddenly fell towards the forest!


Behind her, Lu Yan's heart skipped a beat, and the aura around her became strong, turning into a dazzling light that flew down quickly, and picked up Chu Chen at the last moment. ?????

Thick spiritual power spurted out, forming a circular light shield in the void that enveloped the body.

The girl hugged Chu Chen and flew forward quickly, while lowering her head and looking at him angrily.

"I told you not to be so pushy, but you didn't listen and something almost happened! What's going on? Is the spiritual power in your body weak?"

Unexpectedly, the boy who almost lost his footing did not show any panic, but instead smiled at her with interest.

"Actually, it's okay, but I see that you've been following me, Senior Sister Liu.

I was just afraid that he was interested in me, so I deliberately pretended to slip up and give senior sister a chance, hehe."

"You, you are so real"

At this time, Lu Yan finally realized that she had been teased. She was shocked and angry, and wanted to scold Chu Chen. ?????

It's just that she was gentle and shy by nature, so she really couldn't say anything harsh, so she could only bite her silver teeth, then throw the young man in her arms downwards with a "bang", and suddenly speed up and fly forward. When he left, he was so angry that he didn't want to care about him anymore.

Chu Chen, who was left behind by her, spun around a few times in mid-air, quickly recovered his figure, and landed firmly on the ground in the forest. He squinted and looked up, thoughtfully. He nodded and took out a jade slip from the storage ring.

With a golden-red spiritual power injected into it, a vast terrain map appeared in the void.

The reason why he deliberately angered Lu Yan was to check the jade slip.

This is the map of the Little Fairy World that he bought from Blackwater Auction House!

This jade slip is said to be the map left by several powerful men with great supernatural powers in heaven and earth who jointly explored the fairy world for the first time.

Now Chu Chen used his spiritual power to take a look and found that many places in this huge map had become blurry, and the entire map exuded a strong ancient aura.

The map is very big. After all, it is said to be the map of the entire Little Fairy Realm. It takes a lot of effort just to determine the scope of the safe zone and the current location.

However, Chu Chen's own spiritual power was extremely powerful, so he didn't waste much time and quickly found a red area on the map.

That red area is where the ancient ruins we are about to explore this time are located!

Judging from the distance to the ruins and the average speed of their flyby, it would probably take less than two days to get there.

"But the only problem is that the scope of this ruins seems to be larger than the legend! And it is a red danger level, which is a bit troublesome."

Chu Chen's brows furrowed tightly. In this map of the fairy world, various ancient ruins are marked in different colors due to the different levels of internal danger.

The danger levels from low to high are colorless, green, blue, red and black.

The black difficulty level is regarded as a restricted area of ​​life, and ordinary monks are prohibited from entering, because once they enter, there is no way to survive!

The red difficulty color means that this ancient ruins is extremely dangerous. Although it is not as good as black, even if a Tianhe-level expert enters, it may lead to life and death!

What's even more serious is that there is no such dangerous difficulty color marked on the cheap map of the fairy world that Zhu Han and the others are holding.

In other words, they know nothing about the danger ahead.

Now I'm in trouble, it's really big. I didn't expect that this kind of ancient ruins, which is close to the edge of the safe zone, actually has a red dangerous difficulty.

For ancient ruins of this difficulty, even the relatively strong exploration team in Xiaoxian Realm is in danger of being wiped out. If only a strong man like Zhu Han from the Linghe Realm is in charge now,

Unknowingly, Chu Chen's brows were covered with a thick cloud. Just when he was hesitant to tell everyone about this, a gentle voice suddenly came from above his head.

"Junior Brother Chu, what's wrong with you? What are you doing down there? Are you injured?"

Looking up, he saw a graceful figure flying quickly in his direction above the woods.

It was at the front that Lu Yanfei, who had not seen Chu Chen following the large army and was a little worried, came to look for him.

With a wave of his hand, Chu Chen put away the map in his hand and flew forward, leaving the forest and heading towards the concerned girl.

He responded to the girl with a chuckle, "Haha, Senior Sister Lu, don't worry, I'm fine. I just saw something special about a tree and couldn't help but stay and watch it for a while."

"You, you really have no integrity! There are dangers everywhere in this ancient forest, and you are not serious here. What if you encounter danger and no one has time to rescue you? Hurry up and follow everyone, it is safer this way Some."

Sighing softly, Lu Yan was also a little helpless. After rolling her eyes at him, she followed Chu Chen and flew forward at the same time, for fear that this reckless young man would do something outrageous again.

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