Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 258 Digging the Spring

Under Tang Rou's call, Shen Hou and Zhou Mei, who had survived the disaster, took the lead in collecting "Dragon Vine Beards".

The body of the Blood Dragon Vine looks huge, but most of the vines actually have no medicinal effect.

What can really be used as the main medicine of Digging Spring Pill is called "Beard of Dragon Vine". As the name suggests, it is the tentacles on these vines. Just like the hair on the human body, this amount is very small.

The five people worked together for more than three hours before finally collecting the tentacles on all the canes. When I finally gathered it together, I saw it weighed about twenty kilograms.

This amount can be said to be a bumper harvest. You must know that outside, the Dragon Vine Beards are calculated in grams.

Follow the unwritten rules of the Medicine Palace. This dragon vine was mainly killed by Chu Chen and Qi Fei working together. Therefore they had the right to share most of the spoils.

However, Qi Fei had already picked up the egg of the Dragon Vine Beast and left on his own, so Chu Chen directly received ten kilograms, and the remaining ten kilograms were divided equally between Shen Hou, Zhou Mei, and Tang Rou.

After the collection of Dragon Vine Beards was completed, the few who got the mission items did not hesitate and chose to leave immediately. After staying in the Outer Star Territory for more than ten days, it was time to leave.

When they left the secret realm of the outer space and returned to the "secret hall" filled with stars and rivers, everyone felt a sense of security in their hearts. After all, they had returned to a world they were familiar with.

Chu Chen took a deep breath of the "medicinal fragrance" floating in the secret hall, and finally felt completely down to earth.

This time, the harvest from the "Outer Star Territory" definitely exceeded Chu Chen's previous expectations.

The output of Dragon Vine Beard has always been very low. Generally, the output of ordinary Dragon Vine is based on two units. If he hadn't encountered that unprecedented spiritual blood-colored dragon vine, he wouldn't have been able to obtain twenty kilograms at once.

After a brief discussion, several people took out half a kilogram of their Dragon Vine Beards and brought them to the bearded instructor as a mission item.

Big Beard was very satisfied when he received the "Blood Dragon Vine". He did not expect that several of his precious disciples would leave and come back quickly.

You know, many Medicine Palace students often have to wander for a month or two to collect the Dragon Vine Beard after entering the Outer Space Star Territory.

Regardless of whether it was luck or whatever, the performance of these disciples made the bearded man completely intoxicated again, "For every teacher, there must be a disciple.


After clearing his throat and returning all his personal Dragon Vine Beards to them, the bearded man began to seriously explain the details of refining the Digging Spring Pill.

"In the process of a monk's cultivation, the gap between the spiritual spring state and the spiritual water state is huge. The spiritual water stage monks are mainly a process of 'condensation' of spiritual power. As long as they work hard and study diligently, No matter how talented you are, as long as you are willing to spend time using water grinding techniques to absorb Zhou Tian's spiritual energy, you will gradually reach the tenth level of spiritual water. The only difference between everyone is that they spend different time."

"The spirit spring realm is different. Generally speaking, after cultivating to the tenth level of spiritual water, it is already the limit of ordinary monks. At this level, no matter how hard you try to absorb spiritual energy, there will be no trace of spiritual power in your body. The growth...at this time,...is the time to 'dig the spring'!"

"The human body contains endless treasures of potential. The so-called digging of springs is actually to dig out the life potential of the human body itself, to dig out the dust-covered life essence, and to echo the endless spiritual power of Yaoyao in the sea of ​​​​dantian and the void around the sky. Here we are. In that state, the life potential of the human body is completely opened, and the spiritual power in the body can be endless, bursting out with huge power that far exceeds the spiritual water stage."

"The location of life potential is located in the dantian qi sea. The human body qi sea seems to be only a little big, but it contains the universe. The real internal space of the dantian qi sea is as deep as ten feet!" When he said this, the bearded man smiled slightly.

"Ten feet!" Upon hearing this sentence, everyone was stunned for a moment. Shen Hou gestured to his belly in a serious manner, slightly stunned.

Even Chu Chen was stunned for a moment. The bearded instructor explained in great detail, so he and Shen Hou listened carefully. For fear of missing something, after all, matters related to one's own cultivation cannot be careless.

Apart from them, Tang Rou was sitting aside meditating.

As a strong person in the Xuquan realm, she has already touched the field of digging springs, and with her personality, she will not spend much effort to listen to the knowledge she has already learned.

The other seat belonging to Zhou Mei was empty. This mysterious beauty habitually disappeared.

Big Beard's teaching method is very unique. He will analyze everything that needs to be said from the inside out and express all the knowledge in detail.

When he lectures, he never cares whether the students below him are listening or not. As long as he can complete the tasks assigned by him on time, he will not care if the students below him are sleeping or absent.

Ever since Zhou Mei learned about the temper of the bearded instructor, she began to disappear unscrupulously. Basically, unless there was a particularly important class, her seat would always be empty.

But the bearded mentor turned a blind eye to this.

Looking at Shen Hou and Chu Chen who were listening attentively to the lecture, the bearded instructor touched his beard and said: "There are four levels in the process of digging springs. According to the depth of potential that the monks have tapped, they are divided into one-foot spring, three-foot spring, three-foot spring, Wuzhangquan... all the way to the highest Shizhangquan. The deeper the potential is tapped, the greater the achievements in the future, but the more difficult it is to dig out. Shizhangquan can only be achieved by the most amazing geniuses. To the extent...

"Legends say that there are people who have broken through the limits and reached the unprecedented realm of Baizhang Spring. But that is only limited to legends. There have been no such legendary figures in recent ancient times for thousands of years..."

The bearded man sighed, and his expression became serious: "When digging for spiritual power springs, remember not to aim too high. Everyone knows that Shizhang Spring has the greatest potential, but few people dare to try it. Do you know why? Because once you dig it If the spring fails, it will cause great damage to the physical body! If it fails once, the Dantian Qi sea needs to be warmed and nourished for three full months to resolve the damage caused by the waste spring... If it fails too many times, it will even affect the monk's cultivation. Irreparable trauma will occur along the way!”

He glanced at Chu Chen and Shen Hou with sharp eyes, and the bearded man said word by word: "You must remember that when digging for springs, you must do it according to your ability! At present, most people dig springs one foot deep. A small number of people dig springs one foot deep. Geniuses will try to reach a depth of three feet or even five feet. Every time the spiritual spring is one foot deep, the difficulty of digging increases exponentially... Therefore, you must estimate your own limits!"

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