Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 664 Chu Chen returns to his true form

Even Chu Chen was shocked when he heard the price. He had previously used his spiritual sense to detect that the egg of an ancient ferocious bird was indeed very powerful, but its natural grade was far lower than My own little eagle clone, this is a rank difference originating from the origin of blood.

If his Silver Eagle clone is at the level of a divine beast, then this fierce bird is still far from a divine beast!

And from another aspect, although the egg of this fierce beast is still intact, there are some cracks in the appearance, and it is partially contaminated by the strong evil and demonic energy in the secret world of Yinshan.

This resulted in this vicious bird having some inherent shortcomings if it hatched. It would take a lot of effort to refine the evil energy accumulated in its body. Therefore, it agreed to put this vicious bird up for auction under many conditions, but it did not. I thought it could be auctioned for such a high price.

It can only be said that the Condor Effect is too powerful!

Obviously, the six million middle-grade spiritual stones offered by the Evil Bone Old Man were already the highest price paid for this ancient evil bird egg. Xie Xueyun finally shook his head and quit the fight, and was succeeded by the old man with the goatee.

The second auction item is a red dragon scale about the size of a wheel. It is obviously a real dragon scale. It is as red as fire. At first glance, it seems to be carved from the purest red jade. .

Although this dragon scale has some damage, its real body has not been damaged at all, and its entire body is crystal clear and bright.

The ancient true dragon is a mythical beast as famous as the Phoenix, Qilin, Xuanwu, etc. It is a true "god" level existence.

Even though thousands of years have passed, this true scale of the fire dragon still exudes a powerful wave of spiritual power, and even has a hint of "dragon power".

If such a dragon scale can be refined into shields, weapons and other magical weapons, it is very likely to reach "legendary level"! Therefore, it attracted strong attention from the beginning.

"I'll offer half a million medium-grade spiritual stones." Lan Xuan was the first to bid. The Fire Dragon True Scale is a treasure as famous as the Phoenix True Feather, and is one of the "rare" ones.

The phoenix feather that everyone obtained in the Phoenix Temple was worth one million mid-grade spiritual stones, and this fire dragon scale was obviously more complete and powerful than that phoenix feather.

"I'll give you one million." Xiong Tiangang's interest was also aroused. He focused on cultivating physical strength. If he could comprehend this fire dragon scale, he might be able to understand some of the ancient dragon's body refining rules from it. Huge benefit to him.

"One million and eight hundred thousand." Xie Xueyun's lips curled up slightly.

What she values ​​​​is the protective function of this fire dragon scale. If it is refined into a shield, it can be almost called an iron wall. It can defend against the full bombardment of the powerful people in the Linghe realm, which can greatly enhance her survivability.

In this way, everyone bid several times, and finally Xie Xueyun got the fire dragon scale at a price of 3.2 million mid-grade spiritual stones. As for the evil-bone old man, he did not participate this time because he was protected by ancient flags.

Behind them are a pair of Lingyun Fei boots, a pair of Blood Demon Bracers, a rare piece of ancient dragon-marked black jade, an unknown ancient beast horn, and several "Blood Transformation Demon Pills" contained in several translucent bottles. The ancient secret treasures are almost all semi-legendary magic weapons and elixirs.

A total of more than 40 million mid-grade spiritual stones were sold in various auctions. Even Lan Xuan, whose family was not very wealthy, gritted his teeth and bid for a "Demon-Eating Blood Robe" at a high price of two million mid-grade spiritual stones. .

After the remaining ancient secret treasures were divided up, everyone had a look of satisfaction more or less on their faces. To be honest, after getting these secret treasures, everyone's visit to the secret world of Yinshan Mountain was not in vain.

After all, if these secret treasures were actually auctioned outside, the price would probably be much higher than the current price.

So after resting for a while, everyone walked towards the end of this floating land.

At the end of the suspended earth is a cliff. From the bottom of the cliff, it can be seen that it is more than a thousand feet high from the ground, and below it is an endless grassland.

The grassland in the secret world of Yinshan Mountain is different from the ordinary world. All the grass and trees here show a color intertwined with dark gray and dark red. At first glance, it seems as if it was dyed red by blood and then sprinkled with heavy ash. People feel a heavy sense of depression from the deepest part of their hearts.

This is a Yin grass unique to the underworld. According to legend, it changes due to the gathering of many resentful spirits and evil spirits, and has many strange effects.

There is nothing between the cliff and the ground, and there is no foothold or suspended stone platform, so if you want to go down, you must jump directly.

After everyone discussed for a while, they all used their magical powers to jump off the cliff.

The evil bone old man once again opened his huge ancient flag and carried it behind his back, gliding down like a giant bird.

Xie Xueyun drove her dark cloud magic weapon to spread out, forming a large cloud.

And she herself stepped on it lightly and floated down. From a distance, she looked as charming as a fairy descending from the clouds.

Lan Xuan seemed to be inspired by Xie Xueyun, and the blue flames surrounding him also gathered in front of him to form a huge blue "sea of ​​clouds" and fell down.

As for Xiong Tiangang, it was much simpler. He directly took out his pair of huge meteor hammers, then held the hammer chain and violently rotated it, forming a huge rotating "iron wing" above his head and flying down.

The easiest person among them was Ling Xuan. She jumped onto the back of the silver giant eagle with just one light leap.

As the silver eagle spread its pair of huge wings that covered the sky and the sun, it jumped down from the cliff in a clean and neat manner.

The eagle itself is the darling of the sky. After Chu Chen's silver eagle clone swallowed the Wind Dragon Secret Crystal, it can perfectly merge with the wind. Therefore, although the speed of descent is very fast, it is very smooth. It is very easy to carry Ling Xuan. Then he glided down.

The Yin grass is lush, and each dark red and dark gray Yin grass is as tall as a person. The roots are thick, the grass leaves are dark red and covered with mysterious lines, and they faintly exude a strange, cold and mysterious energy. .

When Chu Chen slowly folded his huge wings and landed on the ground, mysterious ripples suddenly stirred in the air, and the void in front of him rippled violently like a lake with a stone thrown into it.

The whole world shook for a moment, and the next moment, Chu Chen's pupils suddenly widened.

In front of him, the four people Xiong Tiangang, Xie Xueyun, Xiegu Old Man, and Lan Xuan who had jumped down from the cliff earlier disappeared one after another, and even Ling Xuan who was sitting on his back also disappeared.

The originally vast and endless grassland suddenly turned into an endless dark space, and he himself actually returned to his human form from the Silver Eagle clone state!

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