Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1166 Big disaster?


After thinking for a moment, Zhao Shi decisively waved his hand to the Duxu Peak disciple next to him.

"Second order, all disciples of Duxu Peak are strictly prohibited from approaching the top of the mountain without receiving the order from Senior Brother. At the same time, tonight's changes must not be leaked out! If Senior Brother really obtains some good fortune, our future rise will be There will be more hope..."

"Understood, Second Senior Brother, we know what's appropriate."

Several young disciples nodded one after another, their expressions full of solemnity.

The movement on the top of Duxu Peak quickly alarmed the entire ancient peak.

In the ancient peak book tower near the mountainside, Ye Hao, the third senior brother of Duxu Peak, held a simple ancient bronze book in his arms and looked at the top of the mountain through the window.

In his pupils, beams of bright light flickered on and off, tearing the sky apart, bringing a terrifying crisis of alien hysteria.

If you look carefully, you can find that the muscles of this third senior brother are tense and his whole body is trembling, as if he has seen some extremely terrifying scene. He was mumbling even more.

"According to ancient books, tens of thousands of years ago, when Crossing the Xu Peak broke off, there was a beam of light that tore the heaven and the earth apart, splitting open the entire void. Now this light actually appeared again...could it be that I crossed the Xu Peak for the second time? Is a catastrophe coming again?"

His face was a little pale, and he was holding the ancient bronze book tightly in his arms, his lips moving slightly.

"Senior Brother, Senior Brother, what you brought to us across the Xu Peak... is it an opportunity for prosperity, or a disaster of destruction? That unimaginable and powerful light of world destruction reappeared after thousands of years, only I’m afraid it’s a sign of great misfortune…”

Amid the murmurs, the eyes in Ye Hao's pupils gradually dimmed, becoming full of worry and uneasiness.

Unconsciously, the ancient bronze book in his arms was torn apart by him!

The gate of Feng Prison at Duxu Peak.

Feng Qiang stretched his body while pushing open the heavy cell door and walked out.

He held a heavy bag in his palm. Through the cracks in the bag, a dreamlike light could be seen faintly emanating, revealing that the bag was filled with priceless and gorgeous spiritual jade.

"Hehe, I finally squeezed out the spiritual jade of the last prefecture-level senior brother Gu Feng. After so many days of work, I can finally call it a day."

Feng Qiang stretched his energy and blood with excitement on his face.

But when he saw several Duxu Peak disciples around him, he was suddenly startled.

Because everyone was looking in the direction of the top of the mountain in a panic, and everyone's eyes were full of uneasiness and worry.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? Could it be that you saw ghosts? Everyone is in despair..."

Before Feng Qiang could finish his words, an extremely bright beam of light suddenly poured down from the horizon from the top of the mountain, cutting across the entire void.

That beam of light was still more than thirty miles away from here, but the terrifying pressure contained in it made his body tremble suddenly, and his eyes were filled with fear.

"Let me go, what the hell is this? It's so noisy!"

The disciples next to him shook their heads.

"I don't know. There have always been a lot of weird things at the top of Duxu Peak. No one can tell exactly what is inside. Many people say that it is full of unknowns."

"Maybe it's really haunted... maybe it's a ghost!"

Several young disciples looked at each other, with uncontrollable uneasiness in everyone's eyes.

The sudden scene in front of them caught everyone off guard. After all, visions of heaven and earth do not happen at any time. Once they appear, there is no telling what good or bad luck will happen!

"Haunted? What a fart!"

Seeing everyone's panic, Feng Qiang sneered disdainfully and said loudly.

"There is a senior brother sitting on the top of the mountain. Even if there are really some evil spirits and resentful ghosts, I'm afraid they are asking for trouble and will be suppressed directly by the senior brother!"

"But there is a legend that has been circulating on Duxu Peak."

Next to Feng Qiang, a fat little man with a fair face looked at the top of the mountain with a horrified expression.

"When night turns into day, it will be the day Duxu Peak is destroyed!!"

"Haha, legend? Legend has it that there are many beauties on your Duxu Peak waiting for someone to comfort and take care of them. Why haven't I seen any of them since I came?"

Feng Qiang curled his lips disdainfully.

"It's just a broken legend, but you can actually believe it. It's your own fault that you claim to be an elite disciple of the Demonic Way! Besides, even if there is something ominous on the top of the mountain, having Senior Brother sitting on the mountain can reverse the situation, and all the ominous things will turn into auspicious signs."

Feng Qiang waved his hand.

"Isn't there just a brighter light? Why don't you all just go back to bed quickly? Even if the sky falls, there will be someone taller to hold it up. Why are you worrying so much here!"


After hearing Feng Qiang's words, everyone was stunned for a moment, but nodded helplessly.

Feng Qiang's words are reasonable. If there is any ominous sign on the peak and even the senior brother can't solve it, then they will definitely be more dissatisfied.

When they thought of this, everyone felt at ease and returned to the caves where they lived.


Violent roars were accompanied by waves of powerful, sharp, terrifying pressure that seemed to tear everything apart again and again across the void. The strong fluctuations caused the entire world to shake slightly.

Zixi, which is located in the cave on the top of the mountain, is the closest to the top of the mountain, so it has the clearest sense of that kind of fluctuation.

She was half leaning on the bed, looking blankly towards the top of the mountain, and subconsciously touched her cheek, feeling an unprecedented feeling suddenly appear in her heart.

That is a kind of worry, or fear!

She was actually worried that Chu Chen would be hurt...

What's wrong with me, that I'm worried about him?

I would actually worry about a third person besides myself and my master?

The girl felt that her heart was in chaos again!

A thought flashed through my mind, and Zi Xi was suddenly startled. Is my heart in chaos again?

What's wrong with me?

There was a hint of confusion in the girl's soulless eyes.

Such emotions are wrong!

I shouldn't have it. The girl clenched her pale fists hard.

How could I do this?

The girl leaning on the bed took a long breath, trying to calm herself down.

Scenes of her interactions with Chu Chen kept passing through her mind.

Shaking her head heavily, as if to clear away all the thoughts that suddenly appeared in her mind, Zixi pursed her lips hard, and the trace of confusion on her calm face became more conspicuous.

Teacher, I'm confused, I want to cut off my inner demons!


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