Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1208 Baoshan

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With the eyesight of Chu Chen Yinpeng's clone, he could clearly see that there was an expressionless black-armored guard standing on each of the dozens of large ships, and his whole body exuded a strong aura of death and terror.

"Why, with Mr. Duan's methods, are you actually afraid of these soldiers from the Black Blood Auction House?"

The corner of Chu Chen's mouth curled up slightly, and he glanced at the old man in black with feigned surprise.

"I'm not afraid of them, I just don't want to cause trouble."

Duan Ji sneered when he heard this and sighed leisurely.

"The Black Blood Auction House has stood in this deserted lake for thousands of years, and its foundation and heritage are far beyond your imagination. If they really want to make up their mind to deal with someone, it is really a difficult task. It’s a troublesome thing. And I still need to do business with them, and I don’t want to make the relationship so tense, so I’ll just avoid it for the time being.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Duan Ji held the bamboo pen with both hands and pushed hard, and the speed of the boat that had already reached a rapid state surged again.

The surrounding scenery has turned into blurry lights and shadows flying backwards. Between the sky and the earth, only this small boat can be seen riding the wind and waves, speeding away at a speed that is unimaginable to ordinary people.

I have to say that the people at the Black Blood Auction House are really very capable. I don’t know what kind of power the big ship they control is powered by. The speed is extremely fast. From Chu Chen’s eyes, the speed is almost faster than It’s up to me to use the nameless footwork.

However, they are fast, but Duan Ji's speed is even faster.

After several consecutive accelerations at the expense of a large amount of spiritual energy, the boat had completely turned into a beam of light and sailed into the depths of the vast deserted lake.

The water vapor rose, and as the ship got closer to the depths of the lake, the surrounding water vapor gradually increased, forming a white mist that shrouded the sky and the earth.

At a glance, the surroundings are completely vast and endless, with no edges visible at all.

If he hadn't realized that he was in a deserted lake, Chu Chen might have thought that he had arrived in the boundless ocean.

The vastness of this deserted lake is exaggerated...

After running rapidly for about an hour, Duan Ji finally controlled the boat to slow down.

At this moment, the pursuers of the Black Blood Auction House had been thrown to nowhere.

I looked around,

After making sure that no one was following him around, Duan Ji took a long breath and waved his hand to Chu Chen: "Okay, it's safe now, put the net away."

Chu Chen nodded, and with a force of his hand, he immediately lifted up the huge metal mesh and placed it on top of the cabin with a bang.

Suddenly, a dazzling stream of colorful light came out, shining brightly within a radius of ten feet.

Within the huge metal mesh, long swords, war hammers, euphorbias, spears, iron wheels, copper bells and other magical weapons emitted a gleaming precious light, which made those who shined unable to open their eyes.

In addition to weapons, there are also various treasures such as crystal jade bottles, medicine boxes, storage rings, storage bracelets, storage belts, etc. in the net.

After seeing these treasures, Duan Ji finally nodded with satisfaction, his old face completely relaxed, with a pleasant smile on his lips.

It must be said that this is a rare harvest.

Among the more than two hundred demon monks, there are seven invincible strong men at the Spirit River Realm level and thirty-two quasi-invincible strong men at the Shadow River Realm level.

The rest are all super strong men in the Lingxi realm.

Such strong men generally have extremely rich net worth, and the magic weapons, elixirs, magical weapons, etc. they usually store are of extremely high quality, which makes Duan Ji a bargain.

"Hehe... Not bad, not bad. It can be called a great harvest."

Seeing so many treasures shining brightly, the wrinkles on the face of the old man in black doubled as he smiled. He waved his hand towards Chu Chen and indicated with an arrogant look that he would start dividing the spoils.

"I was able to gain so much this time, thanks to you acting as bait to lure them. The treasures here...you and this girl each pick five pieces!"

This old fox is so shameless!

Chu Chen never expected that he would offer such shameless conditions for sharing the spoils?

"Five pieces per person?"

Chu Chen raised his eyebrows and looked at Duan Ji's mouth corners slowly rising.

"Mr. Duan, this is not what we said at the beginning. We agreed that I would be the bait for you to harvest, and we would share the proceeds after the harvest. I'm afraid it's a bit inappropriate for you to do this."

"Hey, there's something wrong."

Duan Ji curled his lips when he heard this, with a sly smile on his face.

"We did agree to share the proceeds, but we didn't specify how much we would share, right? Things like dividing the spoils must be distributed according to work. As long as you run quickly and draw these people over, That’s all. I still have to work hard to kill them all. There is no doubt who has worked harder, right? "

After a slight pause, the old man in black chuckled.

"Besides, you can see that if I hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid your life would have been in danger. I am your savior. This life-saving grace cannot be bought with just a few treasures. Right? ? I'm a hot-hearted man, so I won't let you repay this life-saving favor. You can't repay the favor and come to attack these precious things, right?"


Chu Chen was dumbfounded as he watched the old man in black talking so eloquently. Faced with this old fox, he knew that it would be useless to refute.

I can only curse "old bastard" ten thousand times in my heart!

There was nothing he could do about it. Being with such a cunning old monster, Chu Chen found that he was still a little too young...

"It's not easy for me as an old man. I'm afraid I won't live long, so I just want to save more coffin books. You are a young man and you still have a lot of opportunities. Why bother with me so much?"

The old man in black looked pitiful.

What else could Chu Chen say, he could only helplessly shake his head: "Haha, Mr. Duan, don't worry, I am also a person who knows how to respect my elders, so let's divide it according to the conditions you said."

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and looking at Duan Ji's pitiful appearance, Chu Chen's mind flashed again with the scene of Duan Ji killing many demonic monks.

A series of subtle thoughts passed through my mind like an electric shock...

Old man, now that your cultivation level is high, I can only endure it and let you take advantage of it, just like feeding the dogs.

When my cultivation reaches a certain level someday, today's cause and effect will eventually come to an end...

Old man, you are right, I am still young, we can settle this debt slowly.

"Hehehe... That's right. I've always been the fairest."

Seeing that Chu Chen didn't say anything more, Duan Ji chuckled, waved his hands with satisfaction, and said in a very bold tone, "Okay, each of you has five treasures, you can choose whatever you want." R1148

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