Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1416 Super Dungeon

Chu Chen didn't expect that this dragon city turned out to be a dragon that had been dead for tens of thousands of years, and whose entire body had become a fossil!

This dragon is about hundreds of feet long, and its wide mouth seems to be screaming upwards, forming a natural city gate.

Behind the dragon body that stretches for hundreds of feet is a huge dragon's lair. The lair is a city transformed from ancient ruins. It is one of the largest cities with the largest number of people in the vicinity.

"If you want to enter Leijiao City, you need to pay an immortal crystal."

Just as Chu Chen walked into the huge Longkou city gate, two guards in black at the gate stopped in front of him and said expressionlessly.

The two black-clothed guards had majestic auras, and they exuded a murderous intent all around them all the time.

This is a murderous intent that has truly experienced the horror of life and death, honed from bloody battles, obviously in the Little Immortal Realm, in order to protect the city.

They have fought countless times with ancient beasts.

"This is the site of Thunder God Breaking Formation..."

Chu Chen glanced at the guards, and found that they all had a lightning totem outlined with silver lines on their chests. In the Little Immortal Realm, this was a unique symbol of the Thunder God Breaking Formation.

And this formation-breaking group is also one of the ten most powerful formation-breaking groups in the Little Immortal Realm, with a lot of masters and strong strength.

Leijiao City was originally an underground lair of flood dragons. It was precisely because of the Lei Shen Breaking Formation's garrison and their organization of personnel to renovate the entire dragon lair that it was built as a city suitable for monks to guard for a long time.

Therefore, although the cost of entering the city for this immortal crystal is high, it is worth it.

After all, there is no need to worry about the attacks of those ancient giant beasts in this city, and there are many resources in the city that can be used.

When Chu Chen was leaving, Lu Yan had given him a small bag of fairy crystals, and it worked right now.

After handing over a fairy crystal, he stepped into Leijiao City and took a light breath.

How spectacular is the city transformed by Jiaolong's underground lair?

A monk who has not seen it with his own eyes can never imagine it.

Stepping into the ancient city,

It was as if he had come to an underground kingdom.

At a glance, there are huge karst caves criss-crossing, spreading thousands of acres.

Each cave is like an independent space, and many of them have clean water sources, air chambers, and warm houses.

The karst caves are connected with each other, and those connected boulders are skillfully hewn into stone temples. According to the spar map at the entrance of the city, every stone temple in the city is full of people, very lively.

Since the entire dragon nest is underground, the light is not very sufficient, but there are several fist-sized night pearls inlaid around each cave, and the whole city illuminated by the soft light is like the legendary city that never sleeps. Incomparably brilliant!

"The transformation is very handsome!"

Chu Chen, who had just entered the city entrance, sighed slightly.

It can be seen that those karst caves should have been formed when the ancient dragons were living, and the long passages could just accommodate the bodies of the dragons.

The complex connection between the stone halls and cavity passages between the caves is a place suitable for monks to live after a lot of renovations after the dragons have opened up.

Different from other cities, every cave here is like a bustling street.

After all, compared to the dragons that are often dozens or hundreds of feet long, the human body is too small, so it is not an easy task to transform such a cave.

From this point of view alone, it is indeed worthwhile for the fee charged by the Lei Shen Breaking Formation Group to enter the city for a fairy crystal.

After watching at the entrance of the city for a while, Chu Chen officially entered Leijiao City, and only after actually entering those huge caves did he find that there was a lightning-shaped stele at the entrance of each cave, with road signs and text descriptions engraved on it. They are marked with trading caves, mission caves, recruitment caves, supply caves, etc.

There are even several caves that mark the dangerous area with a very conspicuous bright red lightning mark. Inside the dangerous cave closest to the entrance, it is said that there are remnants of the resentment demon spirit after the death of the ancient dragon. The entrance is completely sealed by overlapping sealing formations. die.

This cave aroused Chu Chen's interest, because his spiritual sense detected a trace of pure dragon energy in the depths of the cave!

It's real dragon spirit!

Maybe it's because of the long-term nourishment of resentment that polluted that trace of dragon energy, but if it can be captured and refined, that trace of dragon energy can definitely be called a rare treasure!

But at this time, on the one hand, this place was sealed by Thunder God's broken formation. Presumably, that trace of dragon energy is already owned by the owner, so it is not easy for him to plan secretly. After sensing it for a while, he directly recruited caves towards his destination. go.

In a large relic city like Leijiao City, there will basically be a special recruitment site to recruit newcomers and replenish new blood for those powerful formation breaking groups.

Exploring ancient ruins has never been an easy task. Casualties often occur. Even the most powerful Miexian Breaking Formation will have someone sacrifice every time it breaks the formation. This kind of thing is unavoidable.

Although from the entrance of the city, the whole city is shoulder to shoulder, and it feels like there are a lot of people, but when you really enter the city, the population density you see is not as much as imagined.

Along the way, even in the supposedly most prosperous trading cave, there are not too many people, which is a strange visual difference.

Maybe it's because the caves are really too big, and the light height of each cave is more than ten feet.

A huge underground city composed of countless karst caves is unimaginable. Monks living in such a city are like ants living in a human house. It looks very empty and even feels deserted.

After walking into the Recruitment Cave, Chu Chen was surprised to find that there were more people here than in the Trading Cave. There were about a thousand people in the bustling cave, and they were divided into about 20 strongholds.

There are a lot of people around the well-known formation-breaking group recruitment strongholds, and the crowd is almost crowded and wants to join.

In contrast, those less well-known broken formations are almost deserted, very deserted.

Looking around, Chu Chen quickly discovered the recruitment base of the Miexian Po Formation, and immediately walked over.

There are very few people stationed in this stronghold, only a man in white clothes who looks about twenty-five or six years old.

When Chu Chen came, the man was packing his things, and he seemed to be going back.

"Senior brother, may I ask if the Miexian Po Formation Group is still recruiting?"

Chu Chen's voice was a little excited. Since coming to Little Immortal Realm, he finally saw the team that Junior Sister was in.

Based on his own strength and background, no matter how strict the conditions for joining the Miexian Po Formation Group are, he is confident that he can meet their requirements!

"It's full, it's full, let's go back."

The voice of the man in white was a little impatient. When he said these words, he was putting jade charms into the storage ring without even lifting his head.

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